
I've been doing so great at keeping my calories under 1200 for several weeks, but it seems like the past week or two I cannot curb these cravings for sweets, salty snacks, and soda! I am kicking myself because I just give in without a fight and I don't know how to make it stop. I've been consistently eating probably 2000 calories a day lately. I snack here and there on little things so probably even more! I need help, I'm so afraid this is the beginning of a backslide :(


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE?

    You look like you're already at a healthy weight. I'd bet money that 1200 calories is too low of a calorie goal for you and that's what's causing you to crave more food.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    You sure you are eating the right amount to begin with? Underveating can lead to binges
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE?

    You look like you're already at a healthy weight. I'd bet money that 1200 calories is too low of a calorie goal for you and that's what's causing you to crave more food.

    ^^most likely.
  • ramieriley
    I'm not sure. I've been doing great for over two months. Someone mentioned it might have something to do with menstruating?
  • ramieriley
    Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE?

    You look like you're already at a healthy weight. I'd bet money that 1200 calories is too low of a calorie goal for you and that's what's causing you to crave more food.

    How do I do that?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE?

    You look like you're already at a healthy weight. I'd bet money that 1200 calories is too low of a calorie goal for you and that's what's causing you to crave more food.

    How do I do that?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE?

    You look like you're already at a healthy weight. I'd bet money that 1200 calories is too low of a calorie goal for you and that's what's causing you to crave more food.

    How do I do that?

    If it's your time of month that can definitely make you crave more food. But it could also be your calorie goal. You can check your BMR/TDEE here. (or you can go to goals. Calories burned daily is your TDEE)

    Generally you want to eat between the two to lose weight. Or you can just go into your goals and change your setting to lose 1 lb per week.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE?

    You look like you're already at a healthy weight. I'd bet money that 1200 calories is too low of a calorie goal for you and that's what's causing you to crave more food.

    How do I do that?

    I take mine back-- this one is better :P
  • ramieriley
    Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE?

    You look like you're already at a healthy weight. I'd bet money that 1200 calories is too low of a calorie goal for you and that's what's causing you to crave more food.

    How do I do that?

    If it's your time of month that can definitely make you crave more food. But it could also be your calorie goal. You can check your BMR/TDEE here. (or you can go to goals. Calories burned daily is your TDEE)

    Generally you want to eat between the two to lose weight. Or you can just go into your goals and change your setting to lose 1 lb per week.

    I thought it was still considered safe to try for 2 pounds per week? I guess since I'm already down ~30 from what I was I can afford to slow down so I don't overdo it and completely fail.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE?

    You look like you're already at a healthy weight. I'd bet money that 1200 calories is too low of a calorie goal for you and that's what's causing you to crave more food.

    How do I do that?

    If it's your time of month that can definitely make you crave more food. But it could also be your calorie goal. You can check your BMR/TDEE here. (or you can go to goals. Calories burned daily is your TDEE)

    Generally you want to eat between the two to lose weight. Or you can just go into your goals and change your setting to lose 1 lb per week.

    I thought it was still considered safe to try for 2 pounds per week? I guess since I'm already down ~30 from what I was I can afford to slow down so I don't overdo it and completely fail.

    It is in the beginning. But you want to increase your goal as you progress because you have less fat reserves. Great job on your loss so far!

    It's also worth mentioning that protein and fats usually give greater satiety, so if you're getting hungry despite a higher goal that's something else to look at.
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
  • ThatScreamerGirl
    Remind yourself why you're trying to lose weight. Try curbing the cravings by drinking more water or finding a sweet alternative without the sugars. I've found sugar free bubblegum has helped me. Best of luck to you though! <3:flowerforyou:
  • uken2
    uken2 Posts: 1 Member
    You seem to eat a lot during the day and evening, but too little at breakfast !
    Try eating low GI ,and a more substantial breakfast .
    Low GI keeps you satisfied longer, and a good breakfast sets you up for the day.
    Good luck:smile:
  • ramieriley
    Thanks you guys for all your help! I'm going to reassess what I've been putting in my body... I know a lot of it is processed and that doesn't help me either. I was not aware of some of the stuff you told me so I'm glad I asked!
  • ramieriley
    You seem to eat a lot during the day and evening, but too little at breakfast !
    Try eating low GI ,and a more substantial breakfast .
    Low GI keeps you satisfied longer, and a good breakfast sets you up for the day.
    Good luck:smile:

    I know, that's one of my major issues. I have it in my mind that if I eat a large breakfast I'm screwed for the day because I won't have enough calories... I know that's definitely the wrong way of thinking.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You seem to eat a lot during the day and evening, but too little at breakfast !
    Try eating low GI ,and a more substantial breakfast .
    Low GI keeps you satisfied longer, and a good breakfast sets you up for the day.
    Good luck:smile:

    I know, that's one of my major issues. I have it in my mind that if I eat a large breakfast I'm screwed for the day because I won't have enough calories... I know that's definitely the wrong way of thinking.

    Eat in a way/frequency that allows better adherence and energy . It's a personal preference.
  • ramieriley

    It's good to see that she had personal experience with 1200 not being enough! That makes me feel a bit better. Going to calculate my BMR and TDEE right now!
  • raesckilsen
    raesckilsen Posts: 1 Member
    Movement brings relief... Never stop and when times are hard as it seem to me now, just remember that just for today you can restart on the road to success once again.. I would look at BMR to make sure that you are not under eating as this can be a trigger that starts you on the road to over eatting.. Keep moving forward you can do it.:happy:
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member

    It's good to see that she had personal experience with 1200 not being enough! That makes me feel a bit better. Going to calculate my BMR and TDEE right now!

    I used to aim for 1250 and felt terrible - weak and hungry. I'm now happy, strong and losing on 1800-1900/day. :)
  • ramieriley
    Movement brings relief... Never stop and when times are hard as it seem to me now, just remember that just for today you can restart on the road to success once again.. I would look at BMR to make sure that you are not under eating as this can be a trigger that starts you on the road to over eatting.. Keep moving forward you can do it.:happy:

    Thank you! I'm pretty sure I am under eating. Sometimes I feel sick during the day and extra hungry which leads me to binge :/ I'm reevaluating myself and my goals as we speak!