Spinning Question - for the ladies!

I took my first spinning class last night and loved it! My gym is having another class tomorrow morning and I'm not sure if I should go to it or not. I really want to, but I'm also very sore ... ya, know ... down there. From what I hear/read it takes a few classes to get used to the seat. I'm wondering if I should go tomorrow morning, even if I'm still sore, and just push through it or if it would be better to wait until my gyms Monday evening class. Anyone with some experience or have advice?


  • katimama
    katimama Posts: 191 Member
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    I went to my first class yesterday. The instructor said to get a seat cover (~$15) at Walmart if it continues to be an issue. So that's an option for you.
  • chrissymegan
    What is spinning? Please explain
  • haley255
    haley255 Posts: 117 Member
    I would wait... I've had bad seats on bikes before and it'll actually bruise your butt so when you go to sit on it before it's healed it's HORRENDOUSLY painful.

    But if you don't feel like it's that bad and tomorrow morning you're doing fine, you're good to go.

    Make sure you go back soon though to keep up with it! Spin classes are the best.
  • aminer31
    aminer31 Posts: 54 Member
    It will get better but it hurts like hell at first
  • ChristineH1001
    I can assure you it goes away but I can't remember how long I waited between classes, I think a few days just to let the discomfort ease up a bit.......Spinning is great isn't it. :happy:
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    My wife and I do RPM (its spinning gone wild).
    We both wear padded lycra bike pants. It should give your sensitive area a bit more protection.
    kind regards,

  • ChristineH1001
    What is spinning? Please explain
    Spinning is an indoor cycling class at the gym, the bikes are different from the typical exercise bike.The classes that I go to are in a special room and the ride is in the dark or with the black lights and loud music to keep you going. It's a lot of work but also a lot of fun!!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    It only takes me a class or two until the ouch goes away.

    To be honest - you're probably fine to go again so quickly. Just be mindful of the lady parts!
  • SeattleScrambler
    SeattleScrambler Posts: 8 Member
    Padded cycling shorts are the only way to go!
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    You'll get used to it after another class or two and then the seat won't bother you anymore.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    LOVE my bike shorts!! I spent the extra money and bought a good pair.

    I say go again and push through it!
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    If I get out of the biking/spinning habit, I have to take 1 or 2 Advil for the first week to take the edge off. Works for me and I can keep on keepin on. :-). Cheers!
  • Scudder76
    Scudder76 Posts: 108 Member
    The other argument for wearing padded bike shorts it that they are deigned with no seams in the wrong placing. A lot of what people think is impact soreness is, in fact, a chafing.
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    Another vote for padded cycling shorts. I've heard that after a few classes it doesn't hurt anymore but I've never tried without the shorts.
  • EmilyBullough
    EmilyBullough Posts: 30 Member
    Oh jeez I remember my first spin class. I expected my butt to hurt, not between my legs, so I was in for quite the surprise. The second class was a nightmare (it was two days after the first), and then by the third class the following week it still hurt enough that I asked the instructor if I was doing something wrong. She said it just hurt everyone that was new, and I would get used to it after a couple weeks. She was right. I just got back into it again after a year off, and I was fine after about two classes. You still get a little sore, and it helps if you stand up through part of the class, but it's not actually painful like how you feel now. I know people buy padded seats and padded shorts, but personally I feel like I'm fine without those things. It will get better!
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    It's worse for guys... it goes away after a bit.
  • rockstarwife518
    I absolutely LOVE spin class! If you are super sore, just add some resistance and stand for a bit. Your body will get used to it! Good luck and have FUN!!!!!
  • NewMilf08
    NewMilf08 Posts: 10
    I want to try Spinning but Im not sure if i can get through a whole class..
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    It took me forever to finally venture into the spin room because I was afraid of the pain. Someone gave me two pieces of advice and luckily I never had any pain, hopefully it can work for you too.

    1. Tuck your pelvis slightly under before sitting.
    2. Ensure your resistance is high enough that you are not bouncing around on your seat when the speed picks up.

    Good luck!