Underweight with tummy fat, help! (pics)



  • Heitor71
    Heitor71 Posts: 224
    I have started doing pilates ab exercises several times a week. Should I stick with this? I'm worried this will only make me grow muscle underneath the fat. Is lifting weights necessary? I don't have the time/money for the gym, but i do have dumbbells at home.

    Lifting is important and will be important for you. Find a program that you like and work on body building. Be patient and you will begin to see the changes that you want.
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    You will gain weight if you start eating at TDEE - 20% if you've been eating less than 1000 calories a day. This is perfectly normal, because your body is not used to it, and it will probably last a few weeks. There is more information on this here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/238282-700-calories-a-day-and-not-losing-redux?hl=700+calories

    But! Eating more and working out will help you to build muscle, which will help change your body fat composition, which is frankly more important than your BMI. Having more muscle increases your TDEE, which means that your body will burn more fat. Plus, because you're eating more, your body will not be cannibalizing muscle for energy. And doing strength training helps preserve muscle mass during weight loss.
  • 1LeeR
    1LeeR Posts: 3
    I, too, have the same problem. I'm 5 foot (153cm), and weigh 43.2 kg (95 pounds) and have this belly. I know that I have 29.5% body fat, and it's all in my belly, hips and bottom. I figure that if I lose some more weight (I've lost 1.5kg in a fortnight - I was 45kg), I'll lose some of the body fat and then I can work on the toning and muscle gain. It seems totally irrational wanting to lose the weight, but I don't know of/see any other way of getting rid of the body fat and toning up. I'm glad you started this post, Sarahlove43, as I'm sure there's more of us wanting to do the 'right' thing by ourselves, without sabotaging our health (both physical and mental).
    Lee x
  • dokme
    dokme Posts: 31
    dang you look great. You put in alot of hard work. Like the rest have said there is nothing wrong with your tummy. hell wish my looked that good. I'm so sick of the dune lap. lol!!!!!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    First world problems. I wish my gut looked like that. Fortunately though I am grateful that I don't have a boyfriend like yours.
    So thinking about it, I'll keep my stomach. I know it will diminish in time.
  • cocolicious2
    cocolicious2 Posts: 72 Member
    You look really good, but I can relate to feeling self conscous about tummy bulge. You might consider your hip flexors. Some times when we have tight hip flexors the muscles when tight can kind of pull your your lower back forward (Not sure if I explained that well) but anyways if you stretch out your hip flexors regularly it can decrease your "pooch" A lot of yoga moves can help with this and just various hip flexor stretches. Hope this helps and you look Great just the way you are!
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    You look AMAZING!
    Sadly, I never appreciated how fabulous my stomach looked in my 20s until I'd had 3 children.
    Keep striving for fitness, but try to enjoy how awesome you look!
  • sarahlove43
    sarahlove43 Posts: 26 Member
    Its been almost 2 months and I completed 30 day shred, and have continued to do cardio and pilates. I haven't exactly been happy with my progress as I have stayed pretty much the same weight. But i took pictures the other day, and i actually notice somewhat a difference!

    I may be the same weight, but my stomach has noticeably gotten smaller and firmer. I have lost maybe a total of 1-1.25" off my waist. however there is still quite a bit of fat on it. I am now moving on to heavy lifting. Hopefully that can give me better results faster!

  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Good for you! I do see a difference!

    I was unhappy with my body and felt I had a lot of flabbiness at 100 pounds and 5'4" and eating 1000 calories a day or so. Then I educated myself about the importance of strength training and eating!! I gained 12 pounds over the last 3 years and my body has never been better at 36 years old...I have ab definition even after having 2 kids, and I feel fantastic in a bikini.

    I thought the answer was being "skinnier" - but I found out the hard way it isn't. I don't think you look bad, but you're undermuscled, and that's only going to change if you eat more and lift heavier. You can definitely do a lot with 25 pound dumbbells...walking lunges, squats, deadlifts, shoulder press, rows, etc..
  • sarahlove43
    sarahlove43 Posts: 26 Member
    Good for you! I do see a difference!

    I was unhappy with my body and felt I had a lot of flabbiness at 100 pounds and 5'4" and eating 1000 calories a day or so. Then I educated myself about the importance of strength training and eating!! I gained 12 pounds over the last 3 years and my body has never been better at 36 years old...I have ab definition even after having 2 kids, and I feel fantastic in a bikini.

    I thought the answer was being "skinnier" - but I found out the hard way it isn't. I don't think you look bad, but you're undermuscled, and that's only going to change if you eat more and lift heavier. You can definitely do a lot with 25 pound dumbbells...walking lunges, squats, deadlifts, shoulder press, rows, etc..

    Thanks! And that is very inspiring! I have been so frustrated lately because I have been working hard, eating well, and still see hardly any results. I have started lifting heavier, so I'm hoping that will finally give me the change I've always wanted
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    Honestly, looking at your pics, it looks more like muscle than fat to me. You can almost see a pack. Looks awesome to me.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Its been almost 2 months and I completed 30 day shred, and have continued to do cardio and pilates. I haven't exactly been happy with my progress as I have stayed pretty much the same weight. But i took pictures the other day, and i actually notice somewhat a difference!

    I may be the same weight, but my stomach has noticeably gotten smaller and firmer. I have lost maybe a total of 1-1.25" off my waist. however there is still quite a bit of fat on it. I am now moving on to heavy lifting. Hopefully that can give me better results faster!


    I can't see the pictures- but I assume you looked great to begin with due to all the comments- but congrats on the progress-

    but throw out the god damn scale.

    The weight is just a number. I really REALLY REALLY wish women would stop caring about it. How much you weigh is completely irrelevant to your general health and fitness.

    Keep eating properly: clean and ENOUGH and balanced (fat/carb/protein%%s) and keep working out doing things you love to do as well as trying new things.

    Keep up the pilates- keep up the shred stuff- start looking into weight lifting- or rock climbing or mud runs- whatever it is that sparks your fancy. You'll be more concerned with can I do XXXX thing rather than I weigh XX amount.

    :) I promise you- you'll feel better about yourself knowing you can DO stuff. It's more important to me to be able to push my car from a ditch or change the tire- or move my own grocieres than say I hit some magical number on the scale.

    Besides? who said how much you are supposed to weigh? what does that mean anyway? and who CARES!!!! LIVING and DOING are way better than just being something. besides being kick *kitten* and awesome ;)
  • sarahlove43
    sarahlove43 Posts: 26 Member
    I can't see the pictures- but I assume you looked great to begin with due to all the comments- but congrats on the progress-

    but throw out the god damn scale.

    The weight is just a number. I really REALLY REALLY wish women would stop caring about it. How much you weigh is completely irrelevant to your general health and fitness.

    Keep eating properly: clean and ENOUGH and balanced (fat/carb/protein%%s) and keep working out doing things you love to do as well as trying new things.

    Keep up the pilates- keep up the shred stuff- start looking into weight lifting- or rock climbing or mud runs- whatever it is that sparks your fancy. You'll be more concerned with can I do XXXX thing rather than I weigh XX amount.

    :) I promise you- you'll feel better about yourself knowing you can DO stuff. It's more important to me to be able to push my car from a ditch or change the tire- or move my own grocieres than say I hit some magical number on the scale.

    Besides? who said how much you are supposed to weigh? what does that mean anyway? and who CARES!!!! LIVING and DOING are way better than just being something. besides being kick *kitten* and awesome ;)

    Thanks for the encouraging words! I do agree that the scale is just a number! I have to keep telling myself that. As long as I feel good about myself and can see a difference I shouldnt care what that number is.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    You look amazing, I wish my tummy bulge was like yours

  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    That bulge is also your muscle sticking up...

    Try working out your lower back more. Help pull those abs back a lil.

    Looking amazing though!
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    You're pretty much an ideal candidate to lift weights. You could probably do an amazing recomposition with just 2-3 months of lifting.
  • deepdiya
    deepdiya Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am pretty much same case. I run, do cardio stuff. Weigh in normal rang- 48 kgwith bf% 21-22 as per tanita scale. Height 157 cm.Age 29, female. Though not unhappy with my body but i won't mind gaining muscles and dropping bf%. I need advice on if i star strength training now continue for am year or so and then leave, will the body bulk up? Once i start i don't want leave but baby planning is on card in another one year so need advice on lifting or leaving and consequences in sach cases.