Christian Mom Losing 100+ Pounds



  • Zoeegirl
    Zoeegirl Posts: 100 Member
    Hi there! I am a Christian and a mom of two ages 9 & 11. I am trying to lose about 140lbs.
    Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Not religious at all, but you're more than welcome to friend me and receive advice on weight loss and fitness.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Hi, I am a Christian and would love some support from other believers on this journey.
  • 47feeling60
    47feeling60 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I'm a Christian as well. My goal is to have my weight loss be a testimony for Him. I'm 51 and have been overweight since age 14. I've lost before but I always gave up. I too am on day 22 and going strong. I also need to lose about 100 pounds. This time its different. I've given this problem to Jesus. I know I cant do this alone but with Him all things are possible.

    I understand your wanting to keep your posts to Christian friends for now though. I am not up for people's arguements against God, Jesus or religion in general like you get on social media all the time. Once I've dropped a few pounds - that are noticable - I believe its a better testimony for non-believers because they will be able to SEE the results and God's work in my life.

    I'd be very happy to be your friend and with the Lord's help, we can offer some encouragement to each other, share excercise ideas and maybe some recipes!

    God Bless you all

    Hi, my name is Ruth Ann and I also would like to join this group of ladies. Im with this previous contributer who understands wanting to find Christian friends. Jesus went away from teaching and rested. He too wanted to commune with someone like Him, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Sometimes you want to rest in Him, and being around other believers is refreshing. So AMEN to your request.
  • Prayforya
    Prayforya Posts: 68 Member
    My user name probably gives me away :happy: Anybody can add me if you like! Here's to the journey! :drinker:
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    I'm Christian (though not a mom) and looking to also lose 100+ lbs - I'll send a request your way! :)
    And if anyone else would like to add me, I won't turn away friends! :)

    Wanted to share something I heard in church last night - our minister was reading from the Bible (and I really wish I had paid attention to when he said what verses he was reading but he always says it before he reads them, not after) - but it was a section about denying what we want to obtain our goals and finish our race. While the Bible was clearly referring to our spiritual race with Heaven as the goal, I couldn't help but think how it could very well pertain to ANY goal especially as it was talking about how athletes train themselves and deny what they want to focus on their health goals. It's so true - we might not want to go to the gym or eat healthy, but if we want to reach that final goal of fitting into smaller clothes and feeling healthy, then sometimes we have to forgo a slice of cake even if we really want it. But, when we finally do reach that ultimate weight loss goal (just as when we reach Heaven) all our sacrifices and hard work will be worth it. :)

    And don't forget to pray - I always include my desire to lose weigh in my prayers - I know if I do my part, God will help me.
  • ellasanvictores
    ellasanvictores Posts: 14 Member
    "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."

    1 Cor 9:24
  • ellasanvictores
    ellasanvictores Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a Christian single mom of two girls from Manila, Philippines. Praying to lose almost 100 lbs :( So help me GOD!