
beth363 Posts: 22 Member
Is anyone eating the Paleo way? I've been reading about lots of people having great success with it. I think I'm gonna give it a try....


  • beets_yum
    beets_yum Posts: 36
    Hi. I was just going to reach out and look for more Paleo people.

    I started cutting out grains and sugar a few weeks ago and during that time read a bunch about Paleo. I have read a lot over many years about fat (Gary Taubes, Schwartzbein Principle) and traditional foods (Nourishing Traditions) so it all makes total sense to me. At various times I've eaten this way but haven't given it a name--and i also usually continued eating some grains and beans. So that piece of it is new, but not the idea of eating high quality meat and plenty of fat and veggies. I'm still eating some dairy but I'm planning to cut out dairy and caffeine in April--need to easy myself in a bit I think.

    I'm also interested in getting my family over to this way of eating. As I'm cutting grains out of my diet, I'm realizing my kids basically live on crap carbs and I'd like to change that (within reason).

    Have you checked out Mark's Daily Apple? Lots of good info there.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    If it works for you, great. Find a way to eat that you can stick with forever. Also, Paleo isn't really for weight loss, the way I understand it. I think many people lose whe they start because junk is cut out, so still watch calories and portions. It wouldn't work for me because I am a dairy fanatic, and I couldn't totally give up bread forever. Please do some research before jumping in, and again, it's really about adjusting your diet in a healthy way that you can sustain for the rest of your life.