I just want to eat and NOT CARE



  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Often, especially as the honeymoon phase of all this has long since worn off. I try to practice damage control during those days. Good meals amongst the junk food, extra water, that sort of thing. Keeps me from falling off entirely.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Nope, I guess it's called willpower. Not once in over a year have I ever not worked out or ever pigged out. I know what I wanted to look & feel like an I know that I'm the only one who gives a damn & will do the job.
    There is never a reason for giving up.
    ^^ Good for you! Not very helpful though...

    You may find that occasionally you do get The Hunger, it happens to 99.9% of us (the post above is the 0.01%), I think that you will find they become less frequent if you stay on MFP, I certainly have. When I DO succumb I log everything, EVERYTHING, and at least then you can refer back to the less than perfect days and learn from them. Try to not have many high calorie or unhealthy stuff in easy reach if possible, if you have trigger foods that you can't help yourself with (mine are dry roasted peanuts) buy only a small packet, and if you do feel the urge to eat make yourself as busy as possible preferable away from food or doing something that prevents you from eating like cleaning the loo :laugh:

    Above all, log it, acknowledge it, learn from it, move on. As Alexander Pope wrote, to err is human; to forgive, divine. :flowerforyou:
  • girlsheddingit
    Its bloody hard! I'm two days in on here and yesterday was a complete write off. I'm thinking of having a designated day of food splurging, otherwise I'll end up whipping my back and putting a cream cake in my mouth in despair and I'll get no where!

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Sometimes I feel that way, so sometimes I eat that way.

    After I lost 20 pounds, I decided to give myself one weekend day a week to not log my food. Not even so much to eat a lot or eat junk, but just to be able to eat "normally." Like just grab a handful of chips or pretzels without measuring an exact portion, or go out to dinner without googling their nutritional information, or having a glass or two of wine. Logging everything, every day, makes me feel too obsessive.

    When I reached my goal weight, I took both weekend days off from logging, as well as holidays, birthdays, vacation. Since I've been maintaining for a year and 8 months, I'd say that's been a plan that's worked very well for me.

    I've learned that as long as I stay a little below my TDEE during the week, I can't eat enough on the other days - even Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween and my brother's pig roast - to undo all the good I've done.

    I had two cupcakes for breakfast today. They were delicious. :heart:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Since no one asked, how many calories are you eating per day?

    This^^ If your goal is too low it can lead to this type of day.

    Also hormones play a big role. I've been in maintenance for awhile but I still have those days. Yesterday was one of them. One thing that helps me is to eat a lot of little stuff throughout the course of the day. 90 calories of cottage cheese here, a container of Greek yogurt there. It works better for me than having a huge meal because it makes me feel like I'm eating a lot more.

    If you do mess up and have a bad day then you just pick up and move on. One day is just one day. So I blew my macros yesterday and didn't eat a lot of vegetables. Today will be better. I'm convinced that one thing that separates those who are successful from those who are not is the ability to pick up and move on without looking back. Don't let it derail your progress.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    PMS will do that to a woman.

    Other things that make me want to lose my face in the fridge:

    Seasonal Affected Disorder
    Being with people
    Being alone
    Waking up early
    Staying up late
    Recovering from illness
    Sitting on the sofa
    Christmas (all of December, really)
    Rainy days


    LMAO :laugh:

    OP, I think we all have days like that. I think the key is just to recognize that you did it, log it so you're accountable for it, then move on to the next day as if you had a clean slate, and do better. It's really a matter of how you decide to look at it: as a crushing, guilt-worthy defeat (which is more likely to send you into a spiral of more bad eating and self-deprecation), or as a small (probably enjoyable) slip-up that will have no effect on your progress in the long term (which is more likely to allow you to move past it quickly with a positive attitude).
  • 73Freckles
    73Freckles Posts: 201 Member
    I know exactly how you feel!! But you do care.....unfortunately it's always after the fact.....at least for me anyway. OMG why did I just do that is what comes out of my mouth each and every time. I'm just sick and tired of saying it. You can do it!! Stay strong!

    And when I do make that mistake, I tell someone immediately and own up to it. Usually it's my hubby or my best friend. They are super supportive and they don't judge and they help me get through it and get right back on track.
  • vannahcometrue
    I wanted to do that yesterday but instead of buying candy, I bought Shape magazine. Reading through it and looking at the healthy people who have met their goals helped me to not binge. As soon as I got home I hit the gym and pushed myself! I felt better than I ever would have after a binge episode. I usually give in, but yesterday I didn't. I know you can do it! BE STRONG! Talk to yourself.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    Nice to see you find commitment boring..... carry on.

    It's not the commitment I find boring.....
  • balancedbrunette
    balancedbrunette Posts: 530 Member
    I think everyone will have those days its only human nature and those that say they don't well fair play to them, important thing is not to beat yourself up about it. Yesterday I happened to be out with some friends and ended up snacking on crisps and the likes that night and I actually really enjoyed it because I've got to that stage now where I've learned what is good for me and what I need to do to stay on track so in the essence of an "off" day I take it as that...back on the wagon the next day, enjoy these foods in moderation and have a positive mindset and you will get there! Don't let one bad day knock you, its when it turns into a series of bad binging you need to reconsider what you really want, moderation is key....best of luck with you weight loss journey!...And believe me i know exactly what it feels to be like i just want to eat what i want today without worrying about calories, nutritional, macro needs...the lot, sometimes we need days like that!..After all it is a lifestyle change, can't restrict ourselves all our lives! :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Today I didn't work out, and instead all I wanted was food. I ate my meals in like 2 hour intervals, and threw in some junk in between... Ever have those days where you just want to eat anything and everything in sight and not care? :( And when you do, how do you deal with it?

    My advice is to get naked and look in a full length mirror. That always helps to motivate me when I have days like that.
  • brittrose33
    PMS will do that to a woman.

    Other things that make me want to lose my face in the fridge:

    Seasonal Affected Disorder
    Being with people
    Being alone
    Waking up early
    Staying up late
    Recovering from illness
    Sitting on the sofa
    Christmas (all of December, really)
    Rainy days


    SO true. Add liquor to that list and that sums me up pretty efficiently.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I snack on healthy stuff and go to the gym, remembering to focus on my end goal because eating for right now won't get me where I want to be. It's hard to do and more times than not I have to drag myself to the gym, but at the end of my workout I can feel that I made the right choice. Not trying to get down on you, but you asked, and that's what works for me.


    I'll take some of each, TYVM! A little oil to fry up that chicken and some mashed potatoes, green beans and carrots. YUM!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I find that counting calories can get me to a point of not wanting to care any longer. not that i want to eat bad fattening things. I'm just tired of having to think about food all day long. So, what i do now is i eat healthy all day..and log if i feel like it. Often i just log it at the end of the day. It makes it easier to make the lifestyle change to just eating right.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I also check my log for the preceding days: was this just a bad day, or have I been owing something different lately?

    Undereating for a couple of days can make my body rebel.

    Eating junk for a few days can suddenly make me want huge quantities of food.
  • mlewis7962
    The fact that you asked for advice tells me that you do care...I think what you want is to not have the feeling of wanting to eat everything in sight. I have those days too, and it's usually because I'm bored or stressed. I tend to want to eat for entertainment, or when I'm having a stressful time, chewing food seems to release stress. Here's what I would do...if you start having the feeling of wanting to eat everything in sight, find an activity that you like to do, and do that instead. Sometime, I will just go shopping, take the dog for a walk...anything to get out of the kitchen. Next, don't let yourself get too hungry. Those are the times when I eat the most...I havent' managed my hunger well, and I overeat because I am so hungry and I eat really fast. So, don't get too hungry and eat your meals slow. I had to establish a rule that I had to be sitting to eat...no more standing in front of the refrigerator, in the pantry etc...I have to be sitting and the food has to be in/on a dish. Finally, don't beat yourself up if you have a setback. Know that you arn't going to be perfect and allow yourself a "free" day now and then. Don't be ridiculous, but allow yourself to have a day 2x a month where you indulge in a few things that you don't normally have...it will give you something to earn and look forward to! Good luck!!!
  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    I remember the days when I could eat n not care and stayed fit. Now I'm here on mfp trying to lose weight lol. Everyday is hard and frustrating for me. Everyday I want to just quit n pig out like I've done in the past. Everyday. But I want to see results and most importantly I want to be healthy again and get my old body back. So in order to do that I stick to my calories and continue to eat as healthy as I possibly can. It's HARD I'd be lying if I said any part if this is easy but I'm keeping hope alive and sticking to my lifestyle change this time.
  • andreagreen1974
    andreagreen1974 Posts: 64 Member
    I just did that yesterday! And as a result, I suffered on my run today! Food is fuel. Try to remember that. That's what I'll be remembering next time I try to do this.
  • Flintbeats810
    Flintbeats810 Posts: 84 Member
    Something else i belive that plays a HUGE part in everything is where are you getting your calories from when you are "eating good" I'm so mad at the desktop for not having the % pie chart like the apps for ipad and iphone (not sure about android) All the time people see that they are under there calorie goal and under on other things but then when they see there diary on one of these devices and see while they are under in alot of areas they see things like most of what they are consuming is fat and carbs and very little protien, I think seeing were your calories calories actually come from would help people more.....seeing that chart say 50% of what u ate today was fat might make people rethink things
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    Yep. Everyone gets like that sometimes (some people just don't like to admit it! :wink: ) Calorie counting, macros, BMR, TDEE, deficits, calorie burn, meal planning..... the science of weightloss is exhausting!! And that's before you even think about doing a workout!!

    And some days, yes, I think OMG enough!!! I want cake and cheese and wine and chocolate and I don't want to care about the SCIENCE part today!!!!

    And there are days like this where I can be disciplined and say 'No, I've got this, I can drag myself through this' and other days I just cant. so, I don't. I switch off the science part, and trust my mind and body to have learned enough over the last couple of years to not completely overdo it and still subconsciously make healthy choices because that's now what I'm used to. I think I'm now in a place where I can take the odd day of from it and not worry. I don't think you're in that place yet. So one day could easily turn into 2 days, 3 days, a week, a month....you know where I'm going with this.

    As other people have said, you DO care. why else would you even give it a second thought let alone come on here for advice? It's not easy, sometimes it feels overwhelming and it would be so easy to give up, but you've got to try and remember why you're doing it in the first place. Think about where you want to be in a years time. 10 years time. If you've had a bad couple of days, put it behind you and think about how better you'll feel tomorrow if you got back on it today, right now.