Weight Loss Stopped

Please help me. I've been eating to within my calorie goal. I was losing weight daily on average of .6lbs. In a 10 day span I had lost a total of 7lbs. The only exercising I was getting was my Fitbit adjustment. I knew the scales would eventually stop and I just want to see where it would take me. However, I was truly missing the stint on my Elliptical. So, I started again just trying to go easy for a lower calorie burn so I wouldn't lower my "net" to low. Needless to say, this week I am up 1.2 lbs. I know this is nothing to worry about and it will come back off. I'm just not quite sure what went wrong. I've been on MFP since August 2012, I've lost 37lbs. And I have approx 75lbs. More to lose. So it's not like I'm down to those last "few" lbs. There has got to be a balance between the exercise and weight loss. I'm selfish and I want both!!


  • logcabin165
    logcabin165 Posts: 26 Member
    I would first suggest you stop weighing yourself daily. There are always little fluctuations with weight, and the scale can drive you crazy. Like I said to you the other day, you had a huge loss of 7 lbs in 10 days. Your body needs to adjust to that. You may not lose or even gain, which you did, in order for your body to regulate itself. Are you eating mostly the same foods? Try changing things a bit. Don't always eat the same breakfast, have 2-3 different plans and keep alternating them. Eat more veggies! Skip potatoes and starches during the evening meal, have a salad and green beans for instance with your chicken. Stick with your calorie goal, don't eat your exercise calories and you will lose weight. Plateaus happen. You just have to be patient in order to bust through them. Hang in there.....Sara