Calling all people over 45



  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    Don't get discouraged because it's not a race and the slower you take it off, the more you'll learn about what you should and should not be putting in your mouth and the better chance you'll keep it off.

    I am 48 and joined in Jan of 11 at 155. It's been a rollercoaster of counting and then not counting calories. When I slacked and neglected counting, I'd gain 5-7 lbs in 2 months. I then realized I need to count from now on.

    So, in the last 10 months, I've lost 10 lbs. Slow and steady wins the race. I am 5'8" and my goal is 140. I currently weigh 142.

    I didn't really exercise. I knew I had to get my intake under control first and didn't want to tackle too much at once. After all, weight maintenance is 80% diet and only 20% exercise.

    I average 1400 cals per day and have been losing 1 lb. per month.

    Sound advice. It's a life style change not a race. The real question is are you changing your lifestyle.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Yes, the last few pounds seemed like an eternity. I started on MFP in November 2011 but I began losing weight before that at around age 57. I turned 60 a few months ago. Nothing extraordinary about my methods. I just reached a place mentally where I became committed to it, plotted it out on a calendar and did it. No special diets. I don't take supplement of any kind. I started running 5k's and 10k's along the way and lifting weights. I'm down about 50 pounds. I've been on maintenance since May 2012.
  • zimfour
    zimfour Posts: 191 Member
    I will be 59 in May to be exact, the 10th...Have lost 25 pounds since last April just by diet and exercise using MFP.....Am currently looking at getting rid of my fat that covers my ABS, so I can not be self conscious when I take my shirt off..... Just look at all my pics!!! I am curretly at 19 % BF....would like to get down to 12 or so.....
  • mswett2011
    mswett2011 Posts: 1 Member
    Glad you asked before getting too discouraged. I gave up all alcohol, diet soda and regular soda. if you're eating "any" fast food, give it up. Get some rest! Exercise daily even if it's for 15 minutes. Once you get into the habit of this routine, it’ll be like being on autopilot for losing weight. Going back to 1 diet pop a day is not an option…resist the temptation. I'm 51 and have lost 22 lbs. in 6 weeks eating nearly 1300 healthy calories. People in the office are now noticing, which keeps me motivated.:bigsmile:
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    I'm 47, started this on Oct the 1st 2012. I threw my scale away and measure my success by how many belt loops I am DOWN. So far I am down 6 about to be 7 :):)
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    61, no pills, fad diets or surgery. Most of the weight loss so far, has been from counting calories.
    My one year anniversary is coming up on 3/12/13.
    I am 14# away from my initial goal, and am giving myself plenty of time (until December of this year) to reach that goal. These last pounds are coming off slowly. I did not begin exercising until last October. I walk every day and M-F I do 30 minutes on an elliptical. I have just begun 30 minutes on a treadmill this past week in addition to the elliptical. One year ago, my knees were horrible. I took the steps one at at time. Now, I can run up and down them numerous times, no problem. I got a fitbit 4 weeks ago, and really love it. It helps me push myself more.
    Honestly, I am in better shape at 61 than I was 30 years ago. I am not proud of being so out of shape for so long, but I am proud of how far I have come in the past year. I have a very good buddy here, (K I hope you see this) , who inspired me to begin to exercise.
    So, as the saying goes, "if I can do it, anyone can do it."
    MFP is a marvel, and a life saver for many of us!
  • RunningMannn
    I'll be 45 this year...It's been 12 weeks and I've lost 9 pounds. I've cut back on sweets and fast food..But I still drink coke. I'd probably be down another 5 pounds or so if I gave up my 2-3 cans of coke a day..I need to add some weight training into my workouts also. Muscle mass decreases as you get older..If I can get to a 25 pound weight loss after 6 months..I'll be happy.
  • Copelandmom
    I'm 51 and have been on here for 45 days and lost 11 lbs. I'm really happy about that amount but of course would like a bit more. I find if I go over my 1200 calorie limit I don't lose. I'm not super-active (unless you count taking care of 6 children) yet, but I'm not a couch potato. I have a goal to lose 10 lbs a moth for the next 4 months and then re-assess. This site has helped me tremendously.
  • healthfulnow
    healthfulnow Posts: 245 Member
    Hi! I'm 55 (5'4.5") and have lost about 52 lbs. in 5 1/2 months. I began in Sept. of 2012 at 180 lbs. (my heaviest weight ever) and I am currently 128 lbs. I hope to stay this weight - although fluctuate about a pound or two. I started out with Weight Watchers and doing daily free step time with my Wii Fit Plus. I also began walking - longer and more consistently. This was daily. I started losing about 11 to 12 lbs. a month. In November, I started running. Now I am training for my first 5K which is in late April. I run about 3.1 miles in about 30 minutes. Since January I have been on MFP and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I left WW in late January. It has taken me longer to lose these last 10 lbs. - but it was achieved on 2/22. I don't have any before pictures posted yet and my current picture was taken in December. I do need to update as I look a lot leaner now. Please feel free to add me. Hang in there - your weight will continue to go down.
  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    I am 66 years old and I have lost a total of 24 pounds since January, 2012. I have been on MFP since January, 2013 and I have lost 7 pounds. I would like to lose 16 more pounds!!
  • RhodRhod
    RhodRhod Posts: 109
    Okay so here's my work out routine. M, W and F I do 40 minutes of interval cardio at an incline of 4 and starting at 3.7 and ending up with 4.5 mph. I burn somewhere between 340 and 360 calories. On T, Thurs and S I do weight lifting and 30 minutes of interval cardio. I use 5 lb weights and do 3 different kinds of lifts with my arms. I do 3 reps of 15 and on the last rep I use 10 lbs until I can't do it anymore. Haven't been able to reach the full 15 on any yet. I do 3 sets of lunges on each leg holding 5 lb dumb bells. And I do the same on squats but use the 10 lb dumb bells. I then do stomach strengthening. I try and push a little harder each time I do them. I take Sundays off. Is it enough or do I really need to up it to see results? Remember all of this has come from this site somewhere or another because I never in my life exercised like this. Be kind but honest.
  • Jolene8992
    Jolene8992 Posts: 127 Member
    Im 48. Started my journey march 27, 2012. 72lbs down. I am loving the way my muscles are feeling I even walk different. I go at it hard cardio, the stair work has made my thighs and butt fantastic. Lol! Count and measure everything every day. Have only safe foods around. And I now recognize when I want to emotional eat. Remember, its only a temporary high. Feelin fit is not. Just upped my goal. I weight realized my stomach is sllllloooooowwwwlllly disappearing and it might take that extra 10lbs to lose it. Really dont wanna have surgery. Wish I did this sooner
  • jewelsrn55
  • Juliew518
    Juliew518 Posts: 17
    Most sensible post I have read all day!
    Hi, I am Pete. I will be 46 in May.

    I started my JOURNEY on Dec 11, 2011 at 250 pounds.
    Joined MFP on Jan 7, 2012.
    I lost 88 pounds by October 1, 2012.
    Been maintaining between 162-165 since October 1.

    Here is how I did it.
    Only step onthe scale once a week. Same time, same day, every week. NO MORE than that, EVER.
    Did nothing but cardio until I hit 190. Then slowly introduced weights. I am at the point where I do alternating days of weights and cardio. Nothing major in either department.

    I refuse to give up ANY food.
    From the very beginning, I WEIGH or MEASURE just about every single food item that goes in my mouth. Still to this day.
    From the very beginning, I go out to dinner, real restaurants, not fast food, every Saturday night with my lovely bride. I simply order ANYTHING I want to eat. Apps, dinner and dessert. I promptly cut the portion in half, move it to another dish. Give it to the waiter to pack up TO GO. then I eat the half on my dish.
    My lovely bride and I also go out for pizza EVERY Friday night.
    For snacks, you name it, I eat it. Ice cream, chips, chocolate, etc, etc.....
    I eat ALL times of the day or night, in bed, in the bath, on the couch. I don't care where I eat or when I eat. 2am or 2 pm. I just stay within my calories. NEVER once counted a MACRO, MICRO, MINI, SUGAR, SALT, PROTIEN or anything but CALORIES.

    Eat like a human and get off the couch and move your body. The weight WILL come off. Maybe not at the rate that you would like, but it WILL come off.

    My food diary is open for ALL to see. No SECRET, MAGIC formula or pill. Just hard work and dedication.
    I went from a beer belly to SIX PACK ABS.

    And please notice, I did not use the word DIET once. It is a LIFESTYLE change, not a diet.

    Good luck to you. If I can do it, ANYONE can.

    EDIT: I have not missed a day of logging my food or exercise for 370 days.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'll be 60 in May and lost 58 pounds in about 9 months in 2011. That included a big whoosh of water weight in the first couple of weeks, while I was doing South Beach phase I, then the rest came off at about a pound/week with just calorie counting and a balanced diet. While I was losing the weight I did about a 50/50 mix of strength training and cardio, doing at least 30 minutes of each 3 times a week on alternating days. Things got out of balance for a while after I entered maintenance - too much cardio and not enough strength training - and I began to get a little bit flabby even though I didn't regain any weight. I think I'm back on track now. I found out that thou mayest run half marathons, even at age 59. But if thou wantest to avoid face plants then thou shalt lift weights.

    Forgot to add: I'm 5'7" and weigh 123 pounds, which is about what I weighed when I graduated from high school and 10 pounds or so less than I weighed through my 30s. I had more muscle then and wouldn't mind getting back to that weight if I can do it and still look reasonably well toned. Or at least not fat.
  • patty1138
    patty1138 Posts: 196 Member
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    Most sensible post I have read all day!
    Hi, I am Pete. I will be 46 in May.

    I started my JOURNEY on Dec 11, 2011 at 250 pounds.
    Joined MFP on Jan 7, 2012.
    I lost 88 pounds by October 1, 2012.
    Been maintaining between 162-165 since October 1.

    Here is how I did it.
    Only step onthe scale once a week. Same time, same day, every week. NO MORE than that, EVER.
    Did nothing but cardio until I hit 190. Then slowly introduced weights. I am at the point where I do alternating days of weights and cardio. Nothing major in either department.

    I refuse to give up ANY food.
    From the very beginning, I WEIGH or MEASURE just about every single food item that goes in my mouth. Still to this day.
    From the very beginning, I go out to dinner, real restaurants, not fast food, every Saturday night with my lovely bride. I simply order ANYTHING I want to eat. Apps, dinner and dessert. I promptly cut the portion in half, move it to another dish. Give it to the waiter to pack up TO GO. then I eat the half on my dish.
    My lovely bride and I also go out for pizza EVERY Friday night.
    For snacks, you name it, I eat it. Ice cream, chips, chocolate, etc, etc.....
    I eat ALL times of the day or night, in bed, in the bath, on the couch. I don't care where I eat or when I eat. 2am or 2 pm. I just stay within my calories. NEVER once counted a MACRO, MICRO, MINI, SUGAR, SALT, PROTIEN or anything but CALORIES.

    Eat like a human and get off the couch and move your body. The weight WILL come off. Maybe not at the rate that you would like, but it WILL come off.

    My food diary is open for ALL to see. No SECRET, MAGIC formula or pill. Just hard work and dedication.
    I went from a beer belly to SIX PACK ABS.

    And please notice, I did not use the word DIET once. It is a LIFESTYLE change, not a diet.

    Good luck to you. If I can do it, ANYONE can.

    EDIT: I have not missed a day of logging my food or exercise for 370 days.

  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Not quite to my goal weight yet but pretty close; most think that I should stop now but I would like to trim off a few fat lbs while maintaining my lean mass... That being said, I am 53YO male... have been at this 14 months and am down 122 lbs. My method was the age old, eat a balanced diet with a few snacks along the way... maintaining a calorie deficit while increasing exercise and dropping my calorie intake to 500-1000 below maintenance... No rocket science, gimmicks or special products... Just simply trying to eat right and exercise.
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    GREAT JOB everyone!!!!!!! I am 35 .. be at this for about 13 months and down almost 100 lbs. Heading for about 40 or so more. It's a life long change no quick fixes here!!! Keep on trudging!! :) x
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