Looking for friends that run/any kind of vegetarian/nice!:)

Hi! I'm new to this kind of thing but I've tried mfp before but it didn't work out very well.ive always had severe eating issues even though I'm quite young.even though I've been obsessed with reading these forums for a long time, I just made my new account and ive never posted before! I'd love to make some friends here.i am going to start training for my half marathon soon, which will be in may.i used to run a lot but silly emotions about my weight got in the way and I'd love to become an avid runner again.my weight isn't too bad, but since I'm pretty short (5'3.75- the three quarters makes a difference!:))all my extra weight definitely shows! Hahaha:) I'm currently a pescetarian, and I care deeply about the reasons why I am.ive tried going vegan twice before, but while trying to lose weight at the same time it didn't leave me being healthy (hair falling out and shaking) and it was very hard to juggle both, so once I get to my goal weight my health and moral goal is to make the transition! I am also pretty young and I haven't noticed many active college/high school age members on here, so if you're out there I'd love to say hi! So anyways, that is my nervous introduction. Good luck to everyone on their life transformations! I know that's why I'm here:)


  • Willkathmum
    Willkathmum Posts: 62 Member
    Hi, I'm not young I'm afraid...nearly 40 but I am 5ft 3.5 and do run, although less than I used to. Currently run about 3x a week, twice for about 3 miles and perhaps about 5 at the weekend. I now also do weights 3x a week and zumba once so exercise a reasonable amount. I have done several half marathons but due to injury had to reduce training.
    Been using MFP properly since Jan 1st and very slowly lost 7pm so far although do find it a struggle at times. Feel free to add me : )
  • 73Freckles
    73Freckles Posts: 201 Member
    Hi there! I too am not a young thing anymore. I'll be 40 this year. I am a novice runner. Just started last year. I did (4) 5K races and I love it! My goal is to do a 10K by the end of this year. I'm a big girl and have a lot of weight to lose but I still get out there and run. My first race this year is in May in Indianapolis for the Indy 500. I'm so excited! Glad you came back to MFP.
  • rushikareddy
    rushikareddy Posts: 604 Member
    Hey there! :) I am 23, 5'4 , and I LOVE to run and I am a vegetarian! Lol I started MFP almost over a month ago! My starting weight being 150 lbs and now it is 136.2 ! I need to lose 15 lbs more! I would love to be of any help and help motivate and get motivated! :) Feel free to add me up! :)
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    Hey welcome! Feel free to add me! I'm a new vegan (and a passionate one) and love discussing meatless meals with anyone who is curious and I'm also just started back running. I used to run 5K 3 times/week (I know not much... but that's a big deal for me!) and then fell out of the routine when I started seeing my ex. I'm re-training for 5K and then hope to progress from there :)
  • All of you-Wow your weight loss so far is amazing! Your story sounds so motivating and we have a lot in common!:) congratulations! :)
  • Hi there! I too am not a young thing anymore. I'll be 40 this year. I am a novice runner. Just started last year. I did (4) 5K races and I love it! My goal is to do a 10K by the end of this year. I'm a big girl and have a lot of weight to lose but I still get out there and run. My first race this year is in May in Indianapolis for the Indy 500. I'm so excited! Glad you came back to MFP.
    Hi! Your race sounds so fun and it's the same month as mine! I'm doing mine on mothers day with my mum.:) and you look very young!haha anywas, thankyou everyone for being so welcoming:)
  • Hi, I am 42 and just started c25k (couch to 5k) yesterday, I have never been a runner but have always wanted to be. 8 weeks and I should be doing 5k. My first race is in July, something to motivate me. I have struggled with my weight since I can remember, hoping running can help me manage it better, I have about 40 pds to lose (goal of 150pds)
  • Hi! I'm a pescitarian too :) I've been for a year and some months and it's cool! I'm 14 and i'd like to make new friends on here since I'm new too. I run track and I was 10something before I moved to a new school Dec. 2011. Idk what happened but I just started gaining weight. My highest was 131 and then I realized I wanted to get back to the old me. I'm now 121 and ready to lose 16 more lbs. :)
  • npathak294
    npathak294 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! I'm a short vegetarian runner too (5'2, lacto-ovo, half marathon is my favorite distance). Not super duper young (I'll be 30 soon), but I'm a grad student, so I'm still on a college campus most of the time. I'm currently trying to lose weight for my wedding in July.

    Training for a half marathon is awesome! Good luck, and have fun! Feel free to add me if you like!