Breakfast help!



  • pattycake44
    pattycake44 Posts: 24 Member
    On Sundays I make either breakfast sandwhichs or breakfast burritos that I freeze and microwave in the morning. For the Sandwichs I use a slice of canadian bacon, scrambled eggs and a english muffin. For the burritos I use scrambled eggs turkey sausage crumbles, salsa and wrap it in a small soft shell tortilla wrap. Once they are cool wrap them in foil individually and put them in the freezer until you are ready to use them. Each of those two items come in between 150-180 calories depending on how much egg or type of meat you put in them.

    Use this link for the burritos. I omit the cheese because it adds too many extra calories and I use turkey sausage to save on calories as well.
  • SprinkledWithEmotion
    SprinkledWithEmotion Posts: 67 Member
    Make your breakfast the night before. I always eat on the run so I'll make up some hard boiled eggs and eat that with some crackers and a piece of fruit. Or even throwing some dried cereal and nuts in a bag with a piece of fresh fruit is good too.
  • Personally I always skip breakfast anyways. Ill have a protein shake but my dont have any solid food until noon or so. Contrary to popular belief there is nothing wrong with this. It wont "slow down" your metabolism. Cereal companies have been marketing the "most important meal of the day" as dogma for decades. For me personallly it doesnt affect my performance in any way, either physicaly or mentally.

    The reason I do it is because I only eat 1700 cals or so a day. If I can make it until noon to have my first meals, I can more or les eat normally the rest of the day. Whereas if I eat at 8 am, Im hungry again by 10 and so the time 6 pm rolls around, Ive eaten myalllotment of cals for the day and Im starving all night and have a hars time sleeping.
  • XRavenhood
    XRavenhood Posts: 102
    My four favorite tasty, quick and wholesome breakfasts are:

    -greek yogurt with granola on top
    -oatmeal with dried fruit and seeds
    -whatever-vegetable omelette/frittata I prepare the night before that can last several days in the fridge and just needs heating up.
    -smoothie - banana, frozen berries, milk or yogurt, greens and ground flax seeds and oats an option, and you can bring it with you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    skip it and then eat later...thats what I do ...

    breakfast = evil
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    Personally I always skip breakfast anyways. Ill have a protein shake but my dont have any solid food until noon or so. Contrary to popular belief there is nothing wrong with this. It wont "slow down" your metabolism. Cereal companies have been marketing the "most important meal of the day" as dogma for decades. For me personallly it doesnt affect my performance in any way, either physicaly or mentally.

    The reason I do it is because I only eat 1700 cals or so a day. If I can make it until noon to have my first meals, I can more or les eat normally the rest of the day. Whereas if I eat at 8 am, Im hungry again by 10 and so the time 6 pm rolls around, Ive eaten myalllotment of cals for the day and Im starving all night and have a hars time sleeping.

    There is a measured correlation between breakfast and weight. This means that the type of person who eats breakfast tends to be the type of person who isn't overweight and vice versa. This is the only science behind the whole, "Eat breakfast" thing. The study doesn't control for anything, though. It just looks at data and sees a correlation. For the study to be at all meaningful to this question, they should do a study where they randomly have some people eat breakfast and others not.

    The effect that breakfast has on has the effect on me, too. And there is a study that found it has this effect on people.

    Looks like, when we eat breakfast, we eat more. Sooooo, yeah, I skip breakfast, too.
  • I usually take hummus and put it a little container and pack carrot sticks and cucumber sticks the night before. This is my FAV.
    I also just take whole fruits bananas, apples, oranges (already pealed), grapes, Dry granola cereal.
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    Fruit which you can prepare the night before like berries and a yoghurt.
  • SprinkledWithEmotion
    SprinkledWithEmotion Posts: 67 Member
    Please don't skip breakfast. I don't know why people give such bad advice.
  • Loulousq
    Loulousq Posts: 38 Member
    i enjoy simple truth instant oatmeal orginial flavor with 1 packet of splenda. i keep the packets at my desk at work so i dont have to worry about making any meals at home. while everyone else is filling up with coffee and tea, i fill up with oatmeal that has no sugar, 2g fat, and only 110 calories per packet. i have raw almonds at my desk as well and snack on those or chop them up to put in the oatmeal.