Solitary pursuit

I am so excited that I am on the right track for weight loss. And I have told EVERYONE how hard I've been working. The craziest thing is that I feel so alone with it. My husband is supportive (and has weight to lose too) but has kind of petered out with his loss. And I'm a stay at home mom with three small kids.. I go to the YMCA to use the machines, to ZUMBA, and for the child care that's included (ha!), so I've quit seeing my stay at home mom friends as much because while I'm going to exercise class is when they're having playdates. Anyway.. I have my eye on the prize, for sure, but I sure am lonely.. any tips?


  • tjk71
    tjk71 Posts: 167
    I don't have any tips but I'm in the same boat. But honestly I'm kinda lovin my gym time to just veg out and focus on myself. Its like the only 1 1/2- 2 hours I get for just me.....feels good.
  • I wish I had some tips. I'm alone on my weight loss, too. I haven't made any real friends since I moved away from where I grew up in Summer 2011. So I never even get play dates with other kids for my child. I am a stay at home mom so I just cater my weight loss around my 3 year old and alter my dinners to be different from my husband's and his brothers. I try anything. And I'm surprised at how well I like new foods.
  • I am so excited that I am on the right track for weight loss. And I have told EVERYONE how hard I've been working. The craziest thing is that I feel so alone with it. My husband is supportive (and has weight to lose too) but has kind of petered out with his loss. And I'm a stay at home mom with three small kids.. I go to the YMCA to use the machines, to ZUMBA, and for the child care that's included (ha!), so I've quit seeing my stay at home mom friends as much because while I'm going to exercise class is when they're having playdates. Anyway.. I have my eye on the prize, for sure, but I sure am lonely.. any tips?

    You don't have to be alone... that's why we're here! :flowerforyou:
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Be selfish. Women, especially, have a hard time with that. Exercise is YOU-time. What you eat is for YOUR body. Married couples don't share all the same hobbies. Consider this your own thing. Let your husband be whoever he is....and you be you.
  • ThisGirl2013
    ThisGirl2013 Posts: 220 Member
    Maybe try to meet new friends at the gym. Surely there are some other moms and you guys would have the working out/nutrition/kid thing in common!
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    I am so excited that I am on the right track for weight loss. And I have told EVERYONE how hard I've been working. The craziest thing is that I feel so alone with it. My husband is supportive (and has weight to lose too) but has kind of petered out with his loss. And I'm a stay at home mom with three small kids.. I go to the YMCA to use the machines, to ZUMBA, and for the child care that's included (ha!), so I've quit seeing my stay at home mom friends as much because while I'm going to exercise class is when they're having playdates. Anyway.. I have my eye on the prize, for sure, but I sure am lonely.. any tips?

    I think there are very many people in the same boat, hence they find friendship and support here at MFP. Developing networks of friends here on MFP is one of the reasons I believe it is so successful as a weight loss/lifestyle change tool.
    kind regards,
