new to MFP. Hello everyone.

hello, so I just stumbled across this website today. I'm getting ready to start a pretty crucial diet. I gained 80 pounds when I was pregnant with my son and am needing to lose a lot of weight. I'm weighing in at 256 right now. well my son will be 6 this year so it's time for this baby weight to come off. my goal is to lose 106 pounds. I'm giving myself 1,200 calories a day to work with, gives me 200 calorie breakfast, 100 calorie snack, 200 calorie lunch, 100 calorie snack, 500 calorie dinner, 100 calorie snack. I want to keep my metabolism going all throughout the day, my workout schedule is going to be 45 minutes of Zumba a day in between my dinner and last snack of the day. I figured the 45 minutes of zumba will help me burn off my dinner and some of the snacks and other foods I have eaten throughout the day. I have attempted to diet so many times before and have always failed, but since finding out my cholesterol was through the roof at the dr appointment I had, I am extremely serious about this, being a women a lone puts me at risk for heart disease, being an overweight women, well like I said this is crucial. I'm not going to fail at this, I am strong and I can do this. if anyone has any pointers or any ideas, I would greatly appreciate, or any meal ideas to keep in my 1,200 calorie range, any help would be awesome. and again, hello everyone My name is Amanda from Indiana.


  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! This site is awesome and is the support from other members. I will send you a friend request :)
  • Jennystimetolose
    Jennystimetolose Posts: 58 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, I love this site, feel free to add me and anyone else for support :)
  • TotallyNotBillNye
  • amygher
    amygher Posts: 106 Member
    welcome! i'm relatively new as well, but i got hooked & i love being online & tracking everything. you'll see that if you keep track of everything you do, you really will find it easy. i've lost 14lbs since starting in late jan. good luck!
  • debann429
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This is a great site for advice, support, and sharing ideas. Please feel free to add me. Take care and best of luck to you.
  • itsmelynn15
    Welcome along this journey!!! Add me if you'd like. :-)
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Welcome! This is a great site full of motivation! I am from Indiana also!
  • bclever13
    bclever13 Posts: 44
  • youngmommy26
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes! I think this site will help me a lot in my journey, making friends and knowing that i'm not alone. Thanks everyone!
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Hey there! :) Welcome! :)
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Welcome to an amazing site ........feel free to add me ......and wishing you much success in your healthy lifestyle .....:bigsmile:
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Weighing 256lbs, 1200 calories might be a little low. You might be setting yourself up to fail. Might want to begin with more calories and slowly drop them. And make sure you are getting the correct macros. It is possible to lose weight fast with few calories and lots of exercise. However, if you are not eating right and doing strength training you will end up "skinny fat". This happens when the weight you lose is from lean muscle as well. You will be lighter on the scale but still unhappy with your look. Once you lose muscle, it is much harder to build it back. Good luck.
  • misspastiche
    misspastiche Posts: 5 Member
    Hey and Welcome to MFP- Im not New buh I'm Officially BACK from a BREAK anywho ADD ME for support!!!!
  • kknfyd
    kknfyd Posts: 9
    Hello there! I am relatively new to MFP as well. I am glad you found this site because it will help you so much. I too was on cholesterol medicine and have been off it since Sep 2012. My doctor is excited that I changed my eating habits and stuck with exercising regularly.
    What I did was a bit different and you can incorporate what you want from my experience. In August 2011, I ate my last piece of meat. After that, I also eliminated portk, chicken, turkey, eggs, etc. I think you get the picture. After that, I also eliminated dairy products. I now drink rice milk and find when I do have milk or ice cream, I get sick.
    So what is left, you might ask? I have found that as I have incorporated more fruits and veggies into my eating plan I feel much better.
    Well, that is my stuff in a nut shell....
    Keep on, keeping on!
  • scadgirl20
    scadgirl20 Posts: 134 Member
    Welcome & good luck! My advice is to add a lot of people on here and keep your food journal open. Log everything you eat. With a group watching you you'll be more conscious of what you're eating. It's a mental thing and trust me it works. It is what is keeping me on track, knowing I have a group watching everything I do. They encourage me and I expect them to get onto me if they see I'm doing something I shouldn't be. So far I've been in the safe zone and only getting told I'm doing great. It'll help your process, trust me. Feel free to add me :)
  • Nathanandtarasmommy
    I'm new too!! Welcome and add me for support :) I started Jillians 30 Day shred 5 days ago and I'm super determined to lose at least 20 pounds.
  • redbreastedsapsucker
    redbreastedsapsucker Posts: 42 Member
    Well, it seems like you have put together a well though out plan!! And good for you!! My only advise is to take is slowly, and don't beat yourself up when you fall off the band wagon with a day of indulging. Drink lots of water too helps. Also, I trying to "iron out" some of my unhealthy habits myself, but I find talking about them in this forum, and being open with your self helps a great deal. Last, reward your self by doing something special regardless of how insignificant it may seem. We're all in this together, and the more support we give each other, the more chances we have available to win!! Best of luck to you!! -Red
  • redbreastedsapsucker
    redbreastedsapsucker Posts: 42 Member
    hey, I love your gummie bears in your ticker!!
  • xaMErica
    xaMErica Posts: 284 Member
    Weighing 256lbs, 1200 calories might be a little low. You might be setting yourself up to fail. Might want to begin with more calories and slowly drop them. And make sure you are getting the correct macros. It is possible to lose weight fast with few calories and lots of exercise. However, if you are not eating right and doing strength training you will end up "skinny fat". This happens when the weight you lose is from lean muscle as well. You will be lighter on the scale but still unhappy with your look. Once you lose muscle, it is much harder to build it back. Good luck.

    I agree with this! =) You're gonna get a lot of advice about 'BMR' and all of that stuff.. listen to it! It is very helpful. I started out at 216 lbs. I ate 1200, then 1000, and then back to 1200.. As I was losing less and less I upped calories to BMR =) That worked great for me! I'm eating 1500 a day now and exercising a lot more than I used to.. it is coming off! I feel so good too! My mood is better and everything! To find the BMR go to the 'apps' section at the top.
  • IAmFlutterby
    Hello and welcome. I'm new too.. add me if you're looking for support : ) It seems to be a friendly, fun site. Good luck to us all!