203lbs with 60 to lose - need some MFP friends!

I'm Steph, I'm 29 and I'm from the UK. I've got about 60lbs to lose and have a long road ahead of me. Would love to have some friends on here, so please feel free to add me! :happy:

If you'd like to know more about me, I've been posting in my blog which you can read here:



  • I started at about 210, so I can definitely identify with you! I'd love to be friends so we can encourage and support each other!
  • Hi, I'm Janet and have about 60-80 pounds to lose... I have been trying to get motivated, but those close to me are busy with their own struggles and don't really want to hear about how fat I feel today!... I have used this program some, and its on my Kindle Fire, so I thought that I would try to find some "friends" that would like to chat about our weight, for motivation and encouragement. Then, one day, those around me will say that I lost weight, and I can be an inspiration to someone else... But right now I need a few online friends that I can identify witl, appreciate what it feels like to have to lose this much weight.
  • Feel free to add me! I have lots left to lose!
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    I would like to find new friends who I can relate to, from the UK and with similar goals. I like motivation (not all the time I appreciate I am not a dog) and for people to be 'friends' who I can chat to about nutrition, struggles and successes.

    I have a small group of friends who I offer support to in return for their support.
  • tuffer2tones
    tuffer2tones Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I also am in the same boat, 200lbs and in desperate need to lose poundage!! My goal is to lose 40lb by the end of the year and 65lbs total. I had lost 35lb last year but with stress gained it all back plus more. My back hurts, my plantar fasciitis has come back and I am starting to develop prediabetes symptoms. A support group would be fantastic. My husband works out of town and he isn't very supportive, and most of my friend don't need to lose weight. Good luck to everyone and I hope we can help each other. :)
  • I added you onto my friends list - I was 270, and am now at 163. Admittedly, I had help (lap band) but I still had to change EVERYTHING about how I saw food, how I ate, what I ate, and I had to recognize that I was self medicating with my food. After a lot of work, I've lost 107 lbs (and a lap band CAN fail - I know lots of people who have had it and lost nothing).

    I'll offer encouragement if you need it :)
  • jsdholland
    jsdholland Posts: 77 Member
    You can add me, I've lost about forty and would love 60 more, know the 2nd half is harder than the first, but seeing others working hard and results every day does help me live the right lifestyle today!
  • I am 7 lbs. away from being out of the 200s. I started at 243. Would love to have you as a friend. I want to get down to about 150-160ish.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Feel free to add me, I have around 4 stones to lose, started at 240 [17st 2lbs] and hope to get back to around 12 1/2 stone [175] sometime in Spring 2013, maybe in time for my 70th birthday?
  • Wow! Thanks everyone for adding me, I really appreciate it and look forward to our weight loss adventures together! :smile:
  • I'll just do one more bump. Feel free to add me - the more, the merrier! :D
  • Just added you !:smile:
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    feel free to add me :) i love supporting active and positive people!
  • miamiink89
    miamiink89 Posts: 103 Member
    I started at 206lbs so know how you feel! Add me if you want
  • karenk79
    karenk79 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Karen, I am 33 years old with 3 kids and I'm currently living in a state where I have no support except my husband. I have a long road ahead and would love to have the extra support as well as give support. I have 100 pounds to lose so it's gonna be a while but I'm willing to give myfitnesspal another go. Feel free to add me if you need a buddy.
  • Feel free to add me, anyone that is dedicated and ready to lend support and get support. All of my friends here seem to have fallen off the wagon, I admit I have a few times as well, but I am always back and ready for action. I am looking at about 60 pounds to lose as well. I have already lost about 40 on my adventure, but need to shed oh so many more. I play roller derby in San Diego and that takes up about all of my life :) Hope to grab some new friends. Keep shining !
  • Snap! I'm 29 too with 69 lbs to loose :)
  • flamencobarbie
    flamencobarbie Posts: 53 Member
    Hello Welcome, you can friend me. We can support eachother.
  • amberlestep
    amberlestep Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 22, 5'8", SW 228 GW 164...please add me! I love receiving (and giving) encouragment and motivation! This applies to all..the more friends the better!
  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    Welcome to all. I want to lose another 18 pounds by June but overall I want to lose no less than 40 pounds....hopefully by the end of the year! May we all have luck in our weight loss journeys.