Just joined

This site was recomended as a place to find out how many calories were in a recipe, only reason I came on here. But once I got on here I decided to try something I've never done before, keep a food diary. The one here seemed so easy to use, better than writing everything down and trying to keep track of the calories myself. Been overweight for about 30 years, have yo-yo dieted a few times and am tired of not being able to take the weight off and keep it off. Hopefully I'll be able to find tips and stories here to keep me motivated.


  • Cathymitz
    Cathymitz Posts: 29 Member
    If you want to add me as a friend I would be more than happy to help support you on your journey.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Welcome. time to promote my last thread : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/911142-my-top-4-tips-for-newbies :laugh: :laugh:
  • Hi ya

    Im new new. Done diets before and lost weight before but put it all back on in a year. Loving this site so far,
  • Thanks for the welcome wagon. :smile:
    I think tip number 2 is what is going to help me the most, learn about nutrition and exercise! I've said for years that I know what I should be doing but am just too lazy to do it. But the truth is I could use some updated nutrition guides. I mean, the last time I really thought anything about it, other than "oh, how many calories does that have" was learning the food pyramid in elementary school. Good nutrition isn't just about how many calories, I've got to start thinking about protein and fiber, portion sizes and so many other things if I'm going to do it right this time.
  • joecolom
    joecolom Posts: 6
    Hello everyone, I'm a 67 year old retired grandpa from Humble, Texas. Just joined a couple of hours ago. Have been attending WW meetings since January. Lost 15 pounds while there (220-205). I went to what I consider to be my last meeting this morning, due to being frustrated with the fact that all I have to show in weight loss for the past two weeks is 1.8 lbs. After all the measuring, point counting, exercising, etc. I have decided that I will continue on my own and count calories instead. It's free and there are no meetings to attend or monthly fee ($42.95) to pay. I'm at 204 lbs. as of this morning and my goal weight is 170 lbs. I'm doing all this (finally) because I would like to be as healthy as possible for the balance of my life so that I can fully enjoy our grandchildren.
  • Hey Joecolom! I did WW at work a few years ago. Wasn't my cup 'o tea. I think for me it was having to attend meetings and everybody lined up for the wigh-in. I'm not comfortable around a large group of people, seems like that should've been a tip-off that particular program wasn't for me. Several people did extremely well and loved going to the meetings. Different things work for different people. I'm hoping the ease of the food diary on here will help me keep track and kick-start my loss.