Anyone not count veggie calories?

In several Jillian Michaels podcasts, she mentions that you don't need to worry about counting calories for green veggies (or mushrooms, bell peppers, tomatoes). Now, I KNOW veggies have calories, but I also am coming off of Weight Watchers, and weighing cherry tomatoes is just a pain at times. I'd love to go into the kitchen and throw a handful of tomatoes in a container for a snack and be done with it.

On a work day, I typically am burning enough calories to be in the "very active" range according to my Fitbit, and as soon as I get new shoes and recover from this horrible cold I have (as well as getting medically cleared for full activity after this wrist injury I'm recovering from), I want to start the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution.

I'm not too concerned about veggie calories because I already plan on setting my calorie goal to something lower than what I can eat and lose 1 pound per week to give me wiggle room for veggies. I'm actually more concerned about my fiber and carb intake records.


  • sweetdianachka
    sweetdianachka Posts: 318 Member
    Well it sounds like you answered your own question, if you want your nutritional records to be accurate so you can see how much fiber, vitamins, etc you're eating every day then log them. If you're not too concerned but just want to track calories then don't worry, most of the time they're only 10-20 calories.
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: you should always count your veggies. some have more calories than others. the system is set up to count them!
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Depends on the veggies. Sometimes I don't bother counting broccoli/cauliflower/spinach, sometimes I do. Won't really make a difference.

    But for something like garden peas, then yes, you should be tracking them as they are much higher in calories.

    Speaking of counting calories, why do people bother adding black coffee or spices?!
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    I count veggies. Especially Broccoli. I can easily eat 400 calories of broccoli in a day and push myself over my calories intake on veggies. I can make a salad that costs me 500 calories no dressing.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I always count my veggies! While all are healthy, some do have quite a few calories that need to be accounted for. I just had two raw carrots. That's 50 calories. Yep, I counted them. Otherwise I would go 50 over on something that is probably much less healthy than carrots.
  • candiada
    candiada Posts: 11 Member
    I agree with little lilly. If I dont count the few calories i get from veggies I would probably eat something worse thinking "I have 50 left, so I can eat a cookie"

    I was not counting my coffee until this week. I never actually measured my whole milk that I added or the sugar until this week. my point was that I always drink 2 coffees in the morning. I am not going to increase or decrease them so what is the difference? well it is probably 160 calories for those 2 cups everyday IF I only have those 2 cups. As much of a pain that it is I do it. I count everything else so I count that two. I think if I could switch to Black decaf coffee or tea I would not count it. (it would be zero right)
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Depends on the veggies. Sometimes I don't bother counting broccoli/cauliflower/spinach, sometimes I do. Won't really make a difference.

    Broccoli is VERY high in calories.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Depends on the veggies. Sometimes I don't bother counting broccoli/cauliflower/spinach, sometimes I do. Won't really make a difference.

    Broccoli is VERY high in calories.

    The hell you talking about?! 100g has 30 calories.

  • PMarie29
    PMarie29 Posts: 75
    I was not counting my coffee until this week. I never actually measured my whole milk that I added or the sugar until this week. my point was that I always drink 2 coffees in the morning. I am not going to increase or decrease them so what is the difference? well it is probably 160 calories for those 2 cups everyday IF I only have those 2 cups. As much of a pain that it is I do it. I count everything else so I count that two. I think if I could switch to Black decaf coffee or tea I would not count it. (it would be zero right)

    I count my creamer and Stevia that I put in my coffee, but not the actual coffee itself. I also use low-fat and sugar-free creamers, which are only about 15-35 calories a serving. It adds up if you drink a TON, but it's usually fine!

    As for veggies, I count them for the fiber mainly, and to know that I'm actually eating veggies (I am the WORST at eating fruits and veggies!)
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Definitely count your veggies, you never know. I have a friend or two that are vegetarians and I've seen how their vegetables can add up!
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,632 Member
    Personally I would count them.

    This brings me onto this bit though, I don't know where the idea came from originally that certain foods you don't need to count and that you can eat an abundance of.

    Weightwatchers went over the to idea that fruit did not need to be counted, why? It has calories, so why should it not be counted?

    Now this with the veggie via another source, it doesn't make sense to me in the slightest.
  • LadyRoff
    LadyRoff Posts: 56 Member
    i personally count them as i count everything, because if i didnt, then id gradually start counting less and less before im back to where i started lol
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I always count veggies. The vast majority of veggies don't "cost" much in the way of calories, but everything adds up.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Depends on the veggies. Sometimes I don't bother counting broccoli/cauliflower/spinach, sometimes I do. Won't really make a difference.

    Broccoli is VERY high in calories.

  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    I count veggies. Especially Broccoli. I can easily eat 400 calories of broccoli in a day
    hate to be in a locked room with you... :sick:
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    If veggies are a main part of a meal i count them... like if i make a veggie soup, or if i have carrot sticks for a snack... but if its only a minor component i often dont especially if i go to search it and it is too confusing or hard to find an accurate thing i dont bother.... I think veg should be free .... noone ever got fat because they ate too many vegetables...
    the counting points for veg in ww or slimming world or whatever one it is absolutely disgusts me.. iv heard people say if i dont have that lettuce or those tomatoes i can have a chocolate bar later... wheres the logic in that! if you ate that lettuce and those tomatoes chances are you wouldnt want that chocolate bar later... *rolls eyes* hmmph! lol.... Though this kind of suggests to count them so you dont think you have the calories left... :S
    Ha i make no sense... maybe ignore this reply...
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I count veggies. Especially Broccoli. I can easily eat 400 calories of broccoli in a day
    hate to be in a locked room with you... :sick:

    LOL. That's a whole lot of broccoli....1 kilo (2.2 lbs) has 340 calories, so more than that?! :huh:
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    I count veggies. Especially Broccoli. I can easily eat 400 calories of broccoli in a day and push myself over my calories intake on veggies. I can make a salad that costs me 500 calories no dressing.
    Holy crap that's a lot of broccoli.....
  • pinkcloudrising
    I have to count everything including vegetables. I have a severe eating disorder -- I'm anorexic, bulimic and a compulsive eater. I haven't acted on the anorexia or bulimia in many years but it is still there -- waiting, until I take that one extra bite, whether it is vegetables or cake.

    I can play (and have played) all kinds of games with myself saying that this food doesn't count, that food doesn't count, I can have as many vegetables as I want, I can eat all the salad I want, yada yada yada ya.

    As others have said, it adds up. In one meal, I could easily eat 6 cups of Caesar salad (romaine and bottled dressing). I love the taste of it so it is easy for me to do. But the reality is I don't need 6 cups of salad for nutrition. I just don't. There just isn't a real circumstance where I need to eat 6 cups of lettuce.

    So instead of fooling around and trying to 'cheat' I am concentrating on what works for me. That is finding the amounts of food that work for my current body size and the body size I want to be. I have made some adjustments in the month I've been doing this and finding that I don't have to give up anything that I really love, but I do have to learn to limit the amounts I eat of it. That is what I am finding with logging what I eat on this site. It's a revelation as I was so into the limiting and depriving and restricting that I wasn't enjoying eating and that would lead to the inevitable binges and the rollercoaster of guilt and more eating.

    Good luck to you.
  • King22046
    King22046 Posts: 23 Member
    Depends on the veggies. Sometimes I don't bother counting broccoli/cauliflower/spinach, sometimes I do. Won't really make a difference.

    But for something like garden peas, then yes, you should be tracking them as they are much higher in calories.

    Speaking of counting calories, why do people bother adding black coffee or spices?!

    Personally, I add my coffee, creamer and splenda for the accountability. I have a bad habit of forgetting what I ate and going over. By recording everything I ingest, I hope to create "muscle memory" with the habit. I know the 25 calories from my 2 cups will make no difference in my day.