How often can I run

Im still new to jogging regularly and have been told I shouldnt run every day. I love the feeling I get when I do run and would like to make it to the point where I can do it more frequently. Right now Im on week 6 of c25k and am doing it Mon-Wed-Fri. When can I increase the number of days I run?


  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    I'm not expert but I don't see why not. Just do it gradually to avoid any stress on your joints.
  • Rev_Collins
    Rev_Collins Posts: 10 Member
    First, listen to your own body. You know when you need to rest.

    Second, build your time/distance GRADUALLY. Do not go from running three days one week to running six the next. You can try adding in an extra day every other week or so. You can also decrease time/distance a couple days on the weeks you add to make the total close to the previous weeks.

    Most experts I have read, recommend one day a week off to allow your body to rest. Once you have built up, there is really no reason you can't run 6 days a week. JU