Not me

Madaly320 Posts: 112 Member
So I am sort of new here, haven't posted much. I am 36, a mom of 3. I am 5'4" and at 204lbs now. I look through here and read the success stories and I SEE how hard work and perseverance works for so many people and I am amazed. But as amazed as I am, I can't think of how it could be me. No, not me. I will never be thin. I will never be toned, or have the motivation to do what I know I need to do.

I am hoping to find motivation here. I find I work better when I have a place to go and talk to other people in the same situation. I have been going to the gym for 2 months. I started at 214, and am now 204. I am happy about it. I was sick for 3 weeks recently, so that was 3 weeks of not being at the gym. I am working on eating better, have been tracking it here and have been making better choices. I started incorporating weights in my workouts and have met with a personal trainer for 6 weeks. I couldn't afford more, but she gave me so much help. I am loving spin classes and do that 2 times a week, and go to a Les Mills BodyPump class once a week.

But I feel like I need to do MORE. I wake up early and think I will go for a walk and maybe start to jog in increments, but here in MA, it is still freezing.

I need someone to kick my butt. I hope people here can keep me motivated.



  • KaitDW
    KaitDW Posts: 21 Member
    You totally can do this! One day or even one meal at a time!
  • annemcharles
    annemcharles Posts: 194 Member
    Feel free to add me! Good luck!
  • 2broncosfan
    I hope you find this site helpful! I did it last year with great success, had some down time for a few months, and now back on and sticking with it! Good luck!!
  • bdur76
    bdur76 Posts: 155 Member
    Yes you can... One day, one workout, one meal at a time! Add me if you like!
  • sunforme3
    sunforme3 Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome and feel free to add me!! I bet most of us on here have had the same thoughts, but this is a great place to start with some positive can and you will DO it, just be realistic one day at a time, Now get going girl!!!!!
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Hi!! I said the same thing and decided to just jump into this site and try it out. Slowly but surely I started to see and feel the results that I thought were so hard to come by. I look forward to my workouts and being on this site. People here are really supportive and offer good advice and are willing to help you out. Given your progress already I think you are off to a great start, this site will only help you further. I'll be your cheerleader should you need one, no problem.
  • RhysieAlpha
    Hey! I just signed up myself, I felt the same way for a long time, I'm looking for a good butt kickin too to get myself up and running with this, we can totally do this if we stick together!
  • junekucks
    junekucks Posts: 23
    Yes you! -the fact that you are here, struggling with the rest of us proves that you want what we want- a healthy body and sense of well being. Hang in there , you are on a journey, but not alone.keep going!