How the heck do you know what your burning?

I cant afford any fitness equipment. Like i'm seriously broke. I just have my running shoes and water. So how would i know how much i'm burning for say.......

5.36 miles distance
9.45 mile/hour pace
53 minutes
and i weigh 107lb


  • AngelaSchilling
    I think you can do that on here. Under the excercise tab. If not because I know not all excerecises are listed on here, you can do a google search for "calories burned" and find a calculator that way. Hope that helps :>
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    yeah just put it in the excercise tab. it's an estimate so don't take it as gospel, but close enough
  • wildaaron
    wildaaron Posts: 163 Member
    Honestly it doesn't really matter how many calories you're burning, that's not the point of exercise. You do it to keep your body running well. What matters is regular exercise. Keep up the good work though
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    I think your pace is closer to 6 mph, than 9+ mph (based on your time/mileage). There's an entry in MFP for 6 mph. Compare it against other results found on internet for your weight and then I'd probably take 10-20% off if you are always running and used to it. When your bod gets more efficient at doing something, you'll burn less calories.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    runningahead has a training log that will calculate your pace and calories burned if you input your weight. BTW, running 5.36 miles in 53 min is 9:54/mile not per hour. I calculated it at 434 calories.
  • Brokecoffeeaddict
    Brokecoffeeaddict Posts: 21 Member
  • Brokecoffeeaddict
    Brokecoffeeaddict Posts: 21 Member
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    You don't know. That's why you should focus on calorie reduction through eating. Any calories burned through exercise are a bonus.

    If you keep scrupulous track of your ingested calories, your gross weight and body fat percentage, over time you might get a sense of your true calorie burn.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I use MFP's calculator and also the Calorie Burn calculator: I stick closer to the other calculator. MFP gives a really high estimate (especially for running) and I don't think it's correct.
  • danielleburwell97060
    Have little experience with it but personally I like runtastic's website. The elliptical tells me 600 cals burned, MFP tells me 1200 cals burned, runtastic tells me 900 cals burned. Right in the middle. Better than grossly under or overestimating.
  • danielleburwell97060
    I use MFP's calculator and also the Calorie Burn calculator: I stick closer to the other calculator. MFP gives a really high estimate (especially for running) and I don't think it's correct.

    Btw, this calculator gave me a 1630 cals burned for my hour on the eliptical. MFP doesn't even estimate that high! Gave me same number for areobics though as runtastic.