How to simplify meal planning?

Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
I have so many ideas, but I can't seem to pull things together easily. (I think I make it harder than it should be.) :) General steps?: find recipes/make a list of daily meals for a week, make a grocery list, go shopping, then it should be "easy" to pull each meal together... right?

I was wondering if anyone has any links to share or can recommend an "easy" way to start meal planning, or if you have a meal planned week you can share? Crockpot is great, too! Thank you!


  • dicksboro08
    hi, i think you shouldnt planned meals to far ahead say for the whole week, because then if your unable to make them for whatever reason it will put you off and your more likely to get frustrated and then eat junk food, maybe thats just me :) hope it helps
  • literatelier
    literatelier Posts: 209 Member
    I will usually wander the grocery store looking for different things I want, then will plan one day in advance trying to use those items. Trying to plan more than one day in advance is useless for me because of so many last minute things that come up. I eat a lot of the same things every day though, which helps. Also there are some things I always keep stocked, like greek yogurt, oats, tuna, brown rice, frozen fruit and veggies, egg whites, etc. Things that will keep that I can mix into meals when I feel like.
  • aparis33
    aparis33 Posts: 11 Member
    I have really struggled with meal planning and prep! A couple of things that have helped me: make large batches of a meal & then freeze a few servings. Log the meal as a recipe & you'll have the nutrition info for later. Eating less of a variety of meals has also greatly simplified things for me. For example, I pretty much eat the same breakfasts and the same post-workout snacks. We also have something like "taco Tuesdays" at home. Predictability is helpful during a busy work week! Makes it easier to figure out my calorie "budget" for lunches and dinners.
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    I eat a lot of the same things every day though, which helps. Also there are some things I always keep stocked, like greek yogurt, oats, tuna, brown rice, frozen fruit and veggies, egg whites, etc. Things that will keep that I can mix into meals when I feel like.

  • Gjallarhorn
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    I grill up chicken breast chunks, cook up ground chicken/turkey, boil up eggs. That is how I prepare for food !! I try to keep it quick and easy so that when hungry strikes you are good to go !! I also cut of veggies so that they are ready for snacks!! I don't really plan meals ahead .. I just use what I have available!! Good luck! :)
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    In my ideal week, this is how it goes, for dinner and lunch, at least:

    -Thru the week: gather meal ideas
    -Friday: grocery shop
    -Sat and/or Sunday: cook 4-5 dinners. Refrigerate. Organize and assemble mine and my kids' lunches for the week (fruit in MANY small Tupperware, chips bagged up, sandwiches made, etc)

    I work every other weekend so this schedule is only possible 2x a month. But I seriously thank myself the weeks I do this.

    Also, I love me some Pinterest. Pin recipes at night in bed. Then pull them up on my iPhone at the grocery store for some quick ideas.

  • myriddian
    myriddian Posts: 186 Member
    I have so many ideas, but I can't seem to pull things together easily. (I think I make it harder than it should be.) :) General steps?: find recipes/make a list of daily meals for a week, make a grocery list, go shopping, then it should be "easy" to pull each meal together... right?

    I was wondering if anyone has any links to share or can recommend an "easy" way to start meal planning, or if you have a meal planned week you can share? Crockpot is great, too! Thank you!

    Hi Chelz,
    I use the monthly planner page in my diary to plan meals for the week, I normally 'strictly plan' the first 3-4 days then have 3 'interchangeable meals' So frozen pies, leftover casserole, pasta etc mainly freezer meals. I also allocate leftovers to lunches or make double batches so I can have no cooking days.
    I need to shop midweek for fruit, veg, milk and bread so if I have any Stirling idea's I can add them in at that point. Once that shop is done I am generally set for the next 3-4 days then repeat.
    I try and build my next weeks plan as I go, so If I find an excess of a certain ingredient or the kids are really after a particular meal I can build it in.

    Check out the mealboard app, It's the bee's knees of my organization!
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    In my ideal week, this is how it goes, for dinner and lunch, at least:

    -Thru the week: gather meal ideas
    -Friday: grocery shop
    -Sat and/or Sunday: cook 4-5 dinners. Refrigerate. Organize and assemble mine and my kids' lunches for the week (fruit in MANY small Tupperware, chips bagged up, sandwiches made, etc)

    I work every other weekend so this schedule is only possible 2x a month. But I seriously thank myself the weeks I do this.

    Also, I love me some Pinterest. Pin recipes at night in bed. Then pull them up on my iPhone at the grocery store for some quick ideas.


    I LOVE PINTEREST for ideas, good place to go!
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member

    I love the crockpot, just made a big pot of lean turkey and organic kidney bean chili. I chop all my veggies when I buy them and freeze them. So as I cook for the week,I use my veggies I've prepped,makes things move faster. Chili will last me thought the week and great source of protein and fiber and healthy carbs. I also cut up my lettuce and refrigerate...this way I can quickly throw one together? On Sunday I will cook my meats . Example: chicken breast I bake....I can chop up and use for my salads, low carb quesidilia on George Foreman grill, throw on top of some wheat or Ezekiel pasta. Same for salmon, great in omega 3. I will bake a long filet and use. To top on salad, pasta or alone with roasted asparagus.

    I love making tuna too with little mayo and load up with boiled egg whites, celery, bellPeppers/ green and red and eat as a snack during day with few kashi crackers. Easy to store and eat reheating involved.

    Meal replacement shakes are good too and easy. I grab one out frige from gnc,or mix in my Bullet blender and throw in almonds, flax seed, etc

    Sunday or Saturday are perfect days to cook my meats and prep the sides. I also have several Tupperware bowls that I know my serbing sizes and put each meal in there. In morning,I throw my containers of food in my food cooler with ice packs and hit the road. I'm a Realtor, so always mobile And need quick food. If my lunch is going to be hot, I may heat up and put in a heated food bag, to keep hot,until lunch and eat in my car in some random parking lot somewhere or a clients driveway, lol!

    Even freezing prepared meals is great ! And easy snacks like nuts,protein bars, fruits are easy to throw in purse or cooler.

    I just love variety, so I cook 2 meats a week ahead of time and sometimes for dinner I may throw in a tuna steak or lamb chop for variety. They cook in less than 20 mins and I add a side salad or roast some asparagus. Quick and easy #singlegirlmeals

    Happy journey,Shan ATL
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    I peruse Pinterest looking for recipes that sound good and my husband will eat (he's picky). I've used my crockpot a ton! Once a week I sit down and pick 5 or 6 recipes I want to try or remake for that week, make a list of the ingredients I need, go shopping for them, and decide which days we will have which recipe so I don't have to figure out what to make each day. It makes dinner pretty easy!
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    I am a huge fan of pinterest...I have 3 kids and no time to spend making awesome meals every day :laugh: so, I make freezer meals. I take a day, prep a whole bunch of meals, put them in labeled bags and that's it. I'm good to go, either crock pot or into the oven. The reason I mention pinterest, there is tons, and I mean tons, of healthy easy things you can do, for this reason alone.