Losing weight is hard

Losing weight is hard I never knew how much I loved to eat until going on this blasted diet. I also never knew how bad of a problem I had. I am now realizing that I eat when I was not even hungry. I find myself thinking about what I was going to eat at the next meal almost like rewarding myself for losing a oz. Of course I would gain it back after eating the treat I promise myself for being so good. I am always anxious about my weight but cant stop eating the food on my plate even when full. I have the feeling of shame and guilt after eating to much and find myself as a secret eater. Sneaking in the kitchen when no ones looking. It's hard being on a diet. Real hard


  • WilhelmCF
    WilhelmCF Posts: 96 Member
  • WilhelmCF
    WilhelmCF Posts: 96 Member
    I grew up poor and was always reminded of that. I was admonished to eat everything on my plate because we could never be sure of when there may not be a meal to eat. That sort of stuck with me to the point where I have to make an effort not to fill my p,ate then eat it all. Yeah, dieting is hard, but if you want the weight loss more than you want whatever the food offered is, you grit your teeth and turn away. Hang in there.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    Tip: Eat off smaller plates. Visually if a plate looks full and you finish it all off, then for some they're done and feel no guilt.

    I eat off 9" plate.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mwbulechek
    mwbulechek Posts: 162 Member
    I use massages as a goal reward! I never use food anymore. Also I do not try to look at as a diet. I eat what I want and when I want it and log every bite. I just make sure it all fits in my daily calorie goal!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    The general consensus is to breathe, relax, breathe some more. Changing your eating habits doesn't mean you have to be slavishly rigid, it doesn't mean you can't have sweets or have to give up certain foods or workout 3 hours a day. In fact, for most people, that kind of approach only leads to a spiral of denial, binging, and self-admonishment and hatred (which just fuels the next binge.)

    It is hard, but give yourself some room to adjust. It's a process. It takes time. You'll get there.
  • ashleyrg
    ashleyrg Posts: 85 Member
    Smaller portions, more often !
  • awesomek001
    awesomek001 Posts: 167 Member
    Losing weight is hard I never knew how much I loved to eat until going on this blasted diet. I also never knew how bad of a problem I had. I am now realizing that I eat when I was not even hungry. I find myself thinking about what I was going to eat at the next meal almost like rewarding myself for losing a oz. Of course I would gain it back after eating the treat I promise myself for being so good. I am always anxious about my weight but cant stop eating the food on my plate even when full. I have the feeling of shame and guilt after eating to much and find myself as a secret eater. Sneaking in the kitchen when no ones looking. It's hard being on a diet. Real hard

    You've taken the first step - - signing up here and tracking. You'll find a way to replace that bored eating with different items. You'll find a way to bump up your water intake. You'll find a way to stop constantly thinking about food. Oh yes you will - - because you took this first step. Just remember - you're doing this for your health! You're worth the effort.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    How did you arrive at your calorie goal? It seems very low for a man. It's less than I ate when I was losing.
  • christianivanka
    christianivanka Posts: 52 Member
    you are eating way too low calories for men, you should at least eat 1600+excersise
  • christianivanka
    christianivanka Posts: 52 Member
    i suggest you try this protein shake it tastes delicious:
    8oz ice+water
    1/2 banana
    4 strawberries
    1 scoop vanilla whey protein
    3 tbs oikos fat free yogurt
    1tbs flaxseed
    2 stevias
    its really good and it feels you up!!!
    FASTFUELXXX Posts: 89 Member
  • vkw1
    vkw1 Posts: 88
    I use massages as a goal reward! I never use food anymore. Also I do not try to look at as a diet. I eat what I want and when I want it and log every bite. I just make sure it all fits in my daily calorie goal!
    I do the same and don't feel like I'm on a "diet". I have had a glass of wine with my evening meal some nights too.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Stop sneaking. It's only hurting you. This isn't about what others think.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    The general consensus is to breathe, relax, breathe some more. Changing your eating habits doesn't mean you have to be slavishly rigid, it doesn't mean you can't have sweets or have to give up certain foods or workout 3 hours a day. In fact, for most people, that kind of approach only leads to a spiral of denial, binging, and self-admonishment and hatred (which just fuels the next binge.)

    It is hard, but give yourself some room to adjust. It's a process. It takes time. You'll get there.

    She speaks wisdom.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Someone wise once told me:

    Losing weight is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard.
  • AdrieneJ
    AdrieneJ Posts: 141 Member
    Losing weight is a head game as much as it is physical work. Try to make sure you are fueling your body with enough food as you make changes to your lifestyle. By that, I mean you need to eat enough good, healthy calories to make sure you aren't tired. That means you are eating back the calories you get back through exercise.

    Food = fuel
    Treats = treats, not fuel. You can have them, but don't expect them to get you anywhere.
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    Hi, I had a look at your diary your cal intake is too low, but what your eating is junk, amd nothing else, your on 1200 cals and eating at mcdonalds,wendys, burger king, in every day for the last few days. No wonder your hungry. The quality of the food you eat is important, learn to prepare and cook your own food. Learn to shop and learn to avoid those places. If you cant then I guess you have to go for healthy options Subway salads everyday? Learn to make smoothies, theres heaps of free recipe sites just do a search, I like that your on skim milk well done. My tip stay away from those places, when i started i went to my local library and borrowed books on how to eat clean, theres so many give it ago. Good luck xx
  • bviv89
    bviv89 Posts: 36 Member
    i suggest you try this protein shake it tastes delicious:
    8oz ice+water
    1/2 banana
    4 strawberries
    1 scoop vanilla whey protein
    3 tbs oikos fat free yogurt
    1tbs flaxseed
    2 stevias
    its really good and it feels you up!!!

    I wish every protein shake felt me up. That'd definitely lead to some satisfaction!
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Smaller portions, more often !

    hey that sounds like my philosophy when i go out on the weekends
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Yes, I am agreeing with these posts here, you're not eating enough, that's why it's so hard. :) Instead of focusing so much on the calories, shoot more for eating healthy. Eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full. Put less food on your plate, so you're not inclined to clean your plate, and overeat. You can always go back for more, if you're truly hungry, but give yourself a little time to see if you're full or not. I try to drink a glass of water before and with my meals. Snack, healthy snacks, often, between meals. When you keep your self from getting too hungry, you can make better food choices. Try to include some lean protein and fiber from fruits and veggies with every meal and snack, when possible. Be creative, and find ways to sneak them in. Try to avoid "mindless eating," which is just eating for the sake of eating. In other words, avoid eating out of boredom. Stop eating before bed, I say 2-3 hours before bed, and don't eat a heavy supper. You should really try to keep from having supper being the biggest meal of your day. If you make breakfast your biggest meal, you have the rest of the day to burn it off, but when supper is the biggest meal, you don't have all that time. Really, you should just have 3 -5 small meals, rather than one big one. Try to keep it healthy atleast 80% of the time. If you're going to continue logging calories, you need to increase your intake, unless you lie around all day doing absolutely nothing, then maybe 1,200 cal's might be enough....even then, I'm not sure if it's enough, especially for a man. Also you can, and probably should eat back atleast 1/2 of your exercise calories. :))) Good luck! Feel free to add me!