insanity is done, know should i do p90x?

i have done the complete 60 days of insanity. i loved it, and i notice some muscular definition. it was dificult and challenging but i never skip a day and i completed the program.

i use to be fat. now i am not fat at all, but i have some troubles about wheight loss and keeping me thin but also love to work out, so it help me a lot keeping me thin. but, my big problem is about: first - fat in the abdominal area (less definition than liked, no six pack at all); second - not a lot of muscle, just in the legs (i would like to bulk up in the arms, chest and back)

i would like to try p90x, because i think it´s gone allow me to win some muscle. my main worry is that starting p90x i lose the good stuff i accomplished with insanity (less body fat and more definition and great conditioning) and starting to add muscle but also fat because, like i said, i have some leaning to gain fat.

should i try p90x, should try, since I want to gain weight? should i continue with insanity, even though I can not gain muscle, but I'll keep slim? should i do a hybrid with the strenght training of p90x and cardio of insanity? should i try anouther home program?

i have finish a week of p90x and start to feel like i am loosing definition. (maybe it's just the fear talking!!!)

please help me, I've read a lot about it in blogs and forums, but can not decide. and sorry my bad english, I tried to write the best possible.

PS: i´m male and i have 24 years old, i have dumbbells and pull up bar and the stuff needed in p90x.


  • catpea33
    catpea33 Posts: 76 Member
    I was going to suggest doing a hybrid of Insanity and P90X and then read it in your post! If you want to keep your cardio conditioning then it's the best option. You could replace the P90X Plyometrics, Yoga and Kenpo workouts with the Max workouts of Insanity. There are loads of schedules for a hybrid workout if you Google.

    As for staying slim, building muscle will help you do that because muscle burns more calories than fat. If you're doing Insanity at the same time as part of a hybrid then even better.

    Team Beachbody coach
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    P90X seems to be on the level. Its diet is even more brutal than Insanity (considering P90X macros are 50/30/20, then moving back down to 40/40/20, then to 20/60/20, unlike Insanity which is a hold at 40/40/20). I'd say, considering what I've seen, that moving on to that sort of program, with enough focus on your nutrition like Insanity, you should get ripped relatively easy.

    I'm on my first round of Insanity, but next year is gonna be nothing but P90X.
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    I would definitely do a hybrid because with me I found after doing Insanity P90X was extremely to slow paced for me. It's a great program, and if you can handle the less intense pace go for it!!
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    Congrats on finishing Insanity, that is great! :)
    I agree with the previous posters, it sounds like a hybrid of the two programs would be a good idea. Good luck!
  • andsalfe
    andsalfe Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the replies. In've noticed that the pace of p90x is much slower than the insanity. I do not know if it's good or bad, but it definitely is very different.

    On one hand, I like to try the original p90x in order to compare with insanity. On the other hand, I realized that the cardio portion is less intense, and I'm afraid that makes me gain fat.

    But definitely need to gain muscle mass and I think with the p90x'll get it. I'll find hybrid solutions on the internet to see if I can find the better way to combine the two programs.

    One question: There is no problem of not doing yoga? I did the first time this week and to be honest found it quite challenging and useful given a good general conditioning. I also think that in terms of the flexibility training p90x is much more complete than the insanity and I think that's very important. Agree?

    Today I did the x-stretch and loved! It is a lot of time focus on flexibility and in recovering. I think it's an important part as well, which can facilitate the recovery and achieving the objectives.

    Is there any program, in your opinion, better than the p90x to gain muscle mass but also complete and encompassing various aspects of physical condition as does the p90x? Apparently the program focuses not only on cardio, like insanity, but also in strength and flexibility.

    If yes, which one?

    Thanks to all
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    You might consider just doing a free weights routine three days a week, and doing the cardio workouts from Insanity or P90x on the days in between. That's what I ended up doing, personally. I love P90x's structure and the way it touches on a lot of different aspects of fitness, from flexibility to strength, but it isn't really designed to build much mass.

    Scooby has some good suggested beginner/intermediate/advanced routines here:

    You can do those with just a simple set of dumbells (buy used from Craigslist) and a pullup bar.

    You might also consider something like Stronglifts-- that could easily fit into the same weekly rotation for strength days. Just a suggestion.
  • andsalfe
    andsalfe Posts: 4 Member
    catatomi99 thanks for the help. I will visit the site and try to decide the best solution.

    I also can not consider myself an expert in strength training. I've done it, but i dont do strength training with free weights for over 2 years.

    You think I should not opt for p90x? even though I'm a beginner in strenght training?

    Just repeating some question i would like to be answered...

    "One question: There is no problem of not doing yoga? I did the first time this week and to be honest found it quite challenging and useful given a good general conditioning. I also think that in terms of the flexibility training p90x is much more complete than the insanity and I think that's very important. Agree?

    Today I did the x-stretch and loved! It is a lot of time focus on flexibility and in recovering. I think it's an important part as well, which can facilitate the recovery and achieving the objectives.

    Is there any program, in your opinion, better than the p90x to gain muscle mass but also complete and encompassing various aspects of physical condition as does the p90x? Apparently the program focuses not only on cardio, like insanity, but also in strength and flexibility. "
  • tacguy
    tacguy Posts: 196
    catatomi99 thanks for the help. I will visit the site and try to decide the best solution.

    I also can not consider myself an expert in strength training. I've done it, but i dont do strength training with free weights for over 2 years.

    You think I should not opt for p90x? even though I'm a beginner in strenght training?

    Just repeating some question i would like to be answered...

    "One question: There is no problem of not doing yoga? I did the first time this week and to be honest found it quite challenging and useful given a good general conditioning. I also think that in terms of the flexibility training p90x is much more complete than the insanity and I think that's very important. Agree?

    Today I did the x-stretch and loved! It is a lot of time focus on flexibility and in recovering. I think it's an important part as well, which can facilitate the recovery and achieving the objectives.

    Is there any program, in your opinion, better than the p90x to gain muscle mass but also complete and encompassing various aspects of physical condition as does the p90x? Apparently the program focuses not only on cardio, like insanity, but also in strength and flexibility. "

    Hi There!
    I have done all of these programs. Insanity, although there are some push-ups involved, is almost pure cardio and not much else, but it is great program and very tough. Congrats on finishing it!!
    P90X is a more well rounded program including muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular and flexibility/mobility. The four components of fitness.
    If you are eating clean, you should not worry about gaining fat. Exercise makes you fit, but good nutrition makes you healthy.
    DO THE YOGA!!! It is a tough workout, but after a while it will get easier and your body will thank you!!

    Best of luck!
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Hey no problem-- happy to help, so far as I can.
    You think I should not opt for p90x? even though I'm a beginner in strenght training?

    If you've never done strength training at all, p90x might not be a bad way to get your feet wet. You will put on some muscle doing it, it's just not designed purely to build strength and mass. And I expect you'd probably want to segue to some other strength routines after one or two passes through the program, as the resistance training isn't really designed to grow with you and build mass/strength in the long term. They're great routines, just not a long term resistance training program.
    One question: There is no problem of not doing yoga? I did the first time this week and to be honest found it quite challenging and useful given a good general conditioning. I also think that in terms of the flexibility training p90x is much more complete than the insanity and I think that's very important. Agree?

    I haven't actually done Insanity myself-- just a couple of the workouts isolated on their own. But from what I've seen of it I'd agree. It seemed very focused on cardio, and not so much strength/flexibility. The p90x yoga kicked my *kitten* for probably six months before I got to where I could get all the way through it without being wiped out. I'd definitely recommend sticking with that one, even if it's just wiping you out. Just do your best and you'll get comfortable with it in time.

    Yoga's a really atypical sort of workout, and I think it compliments just about any routine, personally.
    Is there any program, in your opinion, better than the p90x to gain muscle mass but also complete and encompassing various aspects of physical condition as does the p90x? Apparently the program focuses not only on cardio, like insanity, but also in strength and flexibility. "

    I don't know of any others that focus on everything in the way that P90x does. That's probably it's biggest strength. Your best bets for pure mass building are always going to be free weights, whether it's a traditional bodybuilding routine or something more strength oriented like Stronglifts. But since p90x is already structured as three resistance days with three "other" days (cardio, yoga, etc.), it's easy to just shuffle in a dedicated mass building routine in the place of p90x's resistance days, should you choose to.
  • andsalfe
    andsalfe Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks again for the answers.

    I have a few more questions ... Should I replace the ab ripper x with insane abs? Or should I just go combining these two with cardio abs to have more variety?

    When replacing the Plyometrics with the Max Interval Plyo should I avoid movements that use the chest muscles? I ask this because the day before I did the chest and back and I suppose that should let my muscles rest. Am I correct? Is that Max Interval Plyo has many pushups and can hurt the rest of the muscles I suppose.

    One last question. It is truly important to consume some post workout recovery drink and supplements? The benefits really worth the money spent?

    Thanks again
  • Just my two cents...

    I've done P90X and Insanity (and a hybrid of the two) multiple times. It sounds to me like a hybrid would suit you best. However, I would recommend doing the P90X weight workouts 3 days, yoga 1 day, and Insanity cardio routines 2 days.

    I would use Ab RipperX, because I found it to be the most challenging Ab workout Out of the bunch. If Insane Abs is more challenging, I'd say go for it. You can always swap them out to prevent boredom.

    I would do the Insanity workouts as they are. Maybe try not to do Max Interval Plyo the day after P90X's Chest and Back, but extra pushups shouldn't be a problem.

    I have never done the whole recovery drink/supplements thing. If you don't want to spend the money (like me), the next best thing is skim milk with a little bit of chocolate syrup in it.