1200 calories??

According to the information I entered on my profile, 1200 cal is recommended. Is 1200 enough? I'm sad to say I'm so used to counting "points" that I forgot how to count calories.


  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    Depending on the info you added yes it is. I am around 1300. You can add more calories by doing daily exercise just like on WW. 1200 is the lowest you can do. If it is too few calories you can reduce the amount of pounds you want to lose in a week and you will get more calories. How much a week did you put in that you want to lose?
  • I am on 1200 too. I must say i dont stick to it though. I average approx 4000k -5000k exercise cals a week and instead of eating them back on the days i exercise i eat a little more each day. Not sure if that makes sence but it works for me!
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    I did 1200 for basically for the first 2 months or so.Im 4ft 10in so wasnt to bad I never felt like I wasnt eating enough.I hit a bump and the wieght loss slowed so I upped my cals to 1314 and well another 1.5 lb came off after about 2 weeks yay so 18 lbs since Jan 1st.I dont work out all the time but I do exercise I have 2 daughters 19 months apart and A SaHm so I dont sit on my butt all day they are very active my youngest turns a year old Sat,shes been wallking since the day she turned 11 months which was my bday .Awesome present anyways sorry off topic Im random.But yes 1200 could work but as you get closer to your goal you will need to upp your calories.Not sure if 1200 would be okay for someone much taller than me Im not even close to average hieght.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    MFP gives you 1200 calories a day based on a sedentary lifestyle, which I assume you indicated. The idea is that you exercise every day, and log the exercise, which in turn "earns" you extra calories which you are supposed to eat. It doesn't have to be gym exercise. Walking, hiking, biking are all good too. The exercise is good you your body and mind, and you get to eat more which is good, too. It's important to eat back at least most of your exercise calories so your body gets enough fuel to run properly.
  • capecodder13
    capecodder13 Posts: 9 Member
    I agree about the points! I have been counting the calories for 2 weeks (also 1200) I lost 3 lbs in the first week and nothing this week! I also refer to the calories as points! Figuring out my BMI and waist to height ratio has been motivating for me. I work a sedentary job and am also challenged by lack of a thyroid on synthroid. Good luck to you! Let's keep counting our points.....ummm, calories!
  • billiegirl17
    billiegirl17 Posts: 47 Member
    I am not expert, but no, I don't think 1200 is enough. I started at 1200 also. Originally, I lost 8 lbs but then I hit a brick wall and the scale would not budge. I read a lot of posts and there were some people who had bumped to 1300 or 1400 and started losing weight again. If you are at 1200 calories and you over estimate your food log -ins, you may actually be under and that puts you in starvation mode - not good. Also, on Jillian Michaels app, I logged in the same information that I did on MVP and that app started me at 1500 calories.
  • suzieg55
    suzieg55 Posts: 7
    Oh my, thank you so much for your help. I have to admit it's the first time I can feel myself losing weight. I started a week ago...and its going down...maybe it's the 1200 cal.??? The breakdown of the calories, carbs, sugar, etc is really helping me. It's a visual tool for me I love it.
    For almost three years I wasn't active at all, I had a really bad problem with arrythmia. Couldn't do anything, finally I had an complex ablation done. I have my life back. I started to walk which I couldn't do for a few years. I was passing out everywhere...
    I really want this weight off, I know I can do it with being persistent and with your help. This is exactly what I needed~ Thank you so much~
    I'll see how the first few week go and I'll adjust if I have to like some posters said.