What things do you refuse to log?



  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    Gum, water, tea, small amounts of oil used in cooking, one of anything low calorie (ie. one baby carrot, one grape, etc), spices and everyday activities like housework, grocery shopping and food prep. I use MFP to help me live more healthily, not to help me get obsessed with every calorie I might/might not be consuming or burning.
  • Tammyrph
    Tammyrph Posts: 30 Member
    Coffee - but i add the almond milk i use as a creamer
    SOME spices that i know are 0 cals
    so far i have been pretty diligent about everything else
  • leannekampfe
    leannekampfe Posts: 21 Member
    zero calorie items, like diet soda (I have one per day) and coffee (but I log the creamer); i also don't log gum
  • Michellereducf
    Michellereducf Posts: 168 Member
    I don't log water but I try to log everything else. Guess it makes me feel better when I see something with zero calories like mustard.
  • benflando
    benflando Posts: 193
    Water. Just because I know I'm getting enough in.
  • itsgottago
    itsgottago Posts: 19 Member
    I don't log in tea or coffee that had no creamer and I sweetened with truvia. Otherwise everything gets logged
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I log everything -- except for coffee...I log my first 4 cups...after that it's like air to me. I even log cough drops on the days I have needed them.
  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    Nothing. It all goes in there.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Water (I know I am getting enough), medicine, vitamins (except my calcium chews since I like to make sure I'm hitting my calcium macro).
  • I don't log my coffee either - even with half and half and 1 tsp sugar. My logic is probably false, but it works for me! I know I didn't get fat drinking coffee, and I'm not willing to give up my coffee (ever, ever, not ever) , so if I stall and need to cut calories somewhere, it won't be from my coffee. So, I don't log it. That's pretty much the only thing, though. I try to track everything else, although I'm sure I forget an item or two from time to time.
  • felcandy
    felcandy Posts: 228 Member
    If i know what the calorie count of my dinner is, and know it fits into my daily amount.... I won't log it. That's why sometimes I'm under my amount by 300 or more... It's not that I refuse to log it, sometimes it is just refreshing to eat without logging.
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    It's not that I refuse to log it, sometimes it is just refreshing to eat without logging.

    Yes, I think "refuse" was probably a stronger word than I meant to use!
  • lovelylittlegiggles
    lovelylittlegiggles Posts: 117 Member
    i don't log most vegetables or berries, coffee, tea. but sometimes i am in the mood for logging and i log every item.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    Water. I don't see the point in logging it. It would be impossible for me to remember how much water I drank that day as I always drink heaps.
  • NobodyInParticular
    NobodyInParticular Posts: 352 Member
    Gum, herbs and spices... That's it
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I don't log green tea (I don't put anything in it)
    I don't log herbs and spices unless I'm entering a recipe
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    Whenever possible, I weigh and log everything I eat and everything that I use in recipes. Everything. Then I can get a decent calorie and nutrition count. Anything that has salt in it, I log because I am salt-sensitive, and salt will affect how much water I retain. Retained water=extra pounds. Anything that I can't weigh or measure will be subjected to the best guestimate possible, or just not consumed. MFP has such an incredible database. It is difficult not to find counts to track with.

    Zero calorie items, especially sodas, often have a lot of sodium. You can easily retain water weight due to all that excess sodium. I have hyperparathyroidism, which plays havoc with calcium levels in my body, and I was told by my doctors not to drink any more sodas that contain phosphorus. Most do. Phosphorus will leach calcium from your bones. I switched to water and flavored seltzers without artificial sweeteners. Total win.

    We visited family members during the Labor Day weekend, and I when I came back, I had gained two pounds. I had no scale to weigh, there was too much tempting food, and I learned a big lesson. When we went back to visit them during the Christmas holidays, I brought my kitchen scale. There was still too much tempting food, but I tracked my food, and didn't gain a single pound. I was on a plateau at that time, and tracking has me from gaining until my metabolism stopped shifting.

    That plateau was the hardest thing that I ever went through. Don't get discouraged. I just started losing again, and I feel hopeful. A long time ago, someone told me that if I keep doing what I'm doing, I'll keep getting what I'm getting. I got where I was because I don't eat like normal people. Therefore, I need to do what normal people don't have to do, and realize what a reward that is.

    True confession: I do not log things that I sample at Trader Joe's and Costco, and I take only one sample and chalk it up to discretionary calories.
  • Hairwyz
    Hairwyz Posts: 12
    I will log anything, even if i go off my diet. this way i see my mess up or miss haps. we are not all perfect and we make mistakes. if we see them hopefully we wont do themagain...
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Refuse? That's a bit of a strong word. No-one is forcing me to log anything... I CHOOSE to log everything (within as much accuracy as is reasonable)...

    Maybe, when I attain my holy grail weight... then I may choose NOT to log, and trust that I am capable of guessing what will be my maintainable allowance.

    But I don't feel that I need to rebel against a free app, and an act of free will!
  • I don't log vitamins/supplements or spices used while cooking.
    Regarding exercise, I don't log anything that isn't a dedicated (for lack of a better word) workout (i.e., I won't log walking the dog or carrying laundry up & down stairs :)