Over 145lbs TO LOSE, Need TRUE/GENUINE support network!



  • mrsflowers47
    mrsflowers47 Posts: 10 Member
    Alright! I read your post! Congratulations! I just started and I love hearing that it is possible to lose this weight! God Bless you!:flowerforyou:
  • nannybubbles
    hi all... i am an ex couch potato....102lbs gone which i didn't ever feel would be possible, but another ??? not really sure... 60lbs??? to go....today i feel sooooo good that i have realised that anything is possible now... i might even run for prime minister of GB !!

    happy to add anyone and if i can encourage or support that would be brilliant.... good luck to us all...
  • Good_Thyming
    Feel free to add me! I have a lot of weight to lose too and would love to be a part of a mutual support network :-)
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    feel free to add me =D 75lb down and still about 70lb to go x
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I started at 237 I currently weigh 228 ...wanting to be 120-130 ...YOU CAN DO THIS ........feel free to add me :bigsmile:
  • 19Sakura76
    19Sakura76 Posts: 29 Member
    you can do this. feel free to add me always looking to give and get support.:smile:
    My Sw was 220 looking to get to 120.
  • tracygthompson7
    I am in the same boat. I have had a gastric bypass recently and have about 161 pounds to lose. I am new to My fitness pal and my need of a support group or at least someone to talk to about my journey. Lets support each other on this long road.

  • SunOfMan
    SunOfMan Posts: 67 Member
    You can and will do it, I'm sure!

    Sent you a friend request and anyone else is more than welcome to add me.
  • mtartack24
    you can do it. Make your time and be motivated!!!! here for support!
  • pattydi
    pattydi Posts: 55 Member
    I would love to help if you need more support.. I've lost over 100 lbs in a year and am on my way to losing the 60 or 65 more that I have to lose... It's so do-able... It's because of the wonderful support and inspiration that you recieve here on MFP! It also requires a big commitment from you of course... but it's so much easier to do when you have friends to cheer you on!
    Best wishes
  • lynnmariestan1
    lynnmariestan1 Posts: 36 Member
    I also sent you a freind request, so I look forward to seeing your success, and hearing about your challenges. I have about 80 pounds or so to lose. I dont even know, because I have been over 200 lbs for so long, I'm not really sure what I should weigh. I started this January at about 227. I've had some great weeks, and then some foolish days where I ate donuts and chocolate candy and pizza. On those days that I ate like that, I felt really sick. I would wake up many times in the night and need to eat pepto bismal tablets and drink alka seltzer. I use to eat like that all the time, and for some reason, I thought that I enjoyed it so much, I couldnt possibly not eat like that. Just this past month, I have discovered that by going back to that gross way of eating, I realize it is not "fun" or really enjoyable, the way that I thought for so many years that it was. Now that I've been eating mostly organic foods, whole foods rather than processed foods, and tons and tons of vegetables, I feel a million times better. I guess I'm glad that I reverted back to the old, sick food habits last week, because the experience really was an eye opener. THat sugary processed garbage that I associate with pleasurable memories of mindless gorging, isnt enjoyable at all. Now that I know what real food tastes like, a store bought donut or candy bar tastes really fake. It is sweet, which is what I am looking for, but it is really really fake tasting. Like a concoction of chemicals, which is what it really is.
    Be sure to search healthy websites for delicious ways to make vegetables and you will be amazed that they can actually be more enjoyable to eat than a bag of Oreo cookies, or a bag of Hershey kisses. Never thought I'd feel this way. I have found so many low carb websites with awesome recipes, let me know if you would like the links to any of them.
    Just think, this summer we will look and feel so much better!!::
  • as_tech
    as_tech Posts: 5 Member
    Hello from Brazil!:flowerforyou:

    I do tests in this system, about 1 year +/-... This system, realy work fine, if you do your job (eat inside measure/calibrated values by MyFitnesspal, put your calorie burn day / by day, etc)... Enter the data who the system needs and my tip: If the system says to you: your calorie day are 2.400 Kcal... setup to 2.200 per day... it´'s work fione and your body no says/think (need more kcal)...

    Welcome and go to your target!

    Andrey from Brazil
  • keya729
    keya729 Posts: 166 Member
    well you can find all types of support here!! I started using MFP in December to track how I was eating then when Jan 1st rolled around I was used to cutting back. I started working out two days a week ( my job allows us to use a gym tue/thur) and now I've upped it to working out four days a week Mon/Wed I work on my toning and Tue/Thur I work on my cardio. :smile:
  • hannahmellis
    Support is the most important aspect of getting into shape and losing weight ! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress and success! I don't think I could have committed without myfitnesspal and seeing amazing success stories. My tip would be eating clean, and sticking to it. I haven't eaten any junk in the last 2 months and now I don't even crave it (except for 1 square of 70% dark chocolate once a week..hehe). Get over that 1 month slump and those carb, sugar and fat cravings will just disappear. Although it may feel difficult, its super easy once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature. Since January I've lost 15lbs. I'm aiming for 45-55lbs gone by summer. That's 2lbs/week, so far I'm reaching my goal weight by eating clean and exercising daily. I eat 70% fruits and vegetables, 20% lean protein, 1-2 servings of dairy and 1-2 healthy grains excluding wheat (Oh and drink tons of water...as much as physically possible). I don't eat anything processed or sweetened, go back to nature as much as possible and you'll achieve your goal for sure. I've been doing zumba three days a week and every other day I do a Billy Banks Taebo workout dvd. I feel fantastic! My jiggly legs are still a little jiggly but when I flex them I feel muscle for the first time ! I will never go back to eating crap and being lazy ever again and even though I have only achieved 1/3 of my goal weight loss, it makes me so much more motivated to just keep losing and I hope you become the same way !
  • jenniferswooten
    jenniferswooten Posts: 137 Member
    You can add me. I have about 80 pounds to lose. I'm on here every day and love giving and getting support. Just remember set small goals. Looking at the end goal seems overwhelming sometimes. Good luck!
  • jb1164
    jb1164 Posts: 40 Member
    Well, I guess all these replies are the reason there are so many successes on MFP. I started on here 1st Feb. I've got 100 plus pounds to lose, but 13 of them have gone aleady! Feel free to add me. My food diary is open, and I enjoy cooking, so am always looking for creative ways to make healthy food more tasty. I am the most determined I've ever been to get healthy.

    Good luck on your journey. Eat less, move more. It is really that simple!


    Jan :0)
  • LizASterling
    Faith and determination we can do this. I have 75lbs to loose
    Feel free to add me
  • JefferyMartin
    JefferyMartin Posts: 42 Member
    Please add me for support! I am down already 100lbs but I still have some to go!:smile::wink:
  • slingshotsparro
    slingshotsparro Posts: 34 Member
    Oooh! Add me! Add me!
  • xDaniix
    xDaniix Posts: 51
    YOU CAN DO IT! id like to lose approx 90lbs, ive sent you a request :)