What things do you refuse to log?



  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    I'm not logging zero calorie things because why....

    I started here to create awareness of what I eat, and it's helping a lot. Seeing where the extra fat and carbs are coming from is pretty eye opening. Started ordering dressings on the side, limiting portions more, and getting fat free or low fat versions of things (cottage cheese, milk, cheese sticks, etc..)

    In just a couple weeks that's made a big difference for me. Plus tracking cardio makes it easy to see what days I have more calories to play with and when I need to eat less.

    I think if you're aware of what you're eating and when and why, and what the balance of those calories is (fat, carbs and protein balance) that's the goal, not tracking every single calorie.
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    Refuse? That's a bit of a strong word. No-one is forcing me to log anything... I CHOOSE to log everything (within as much accuracy as is reasonable)...

    Maybe, when I attain my holy grail weight... then I may choose NOT to log, and trust that I am capable of guessing what will be my maintainable allowance.

    But I don't feel that I need to rebel against a free app, and an act of free will!

    I addressed the use of the word "refuse" in a previous comment. I posted this early and hadn't consumed any coffee yet. The brain wasn't awake enough at that point to come up with a different word! Give a girl a break! Geez! ;)

    Didn't read earlier post... go have another coffee. And log it... #JustAThought :laugh:

    Had two cups already and only logged the creamer! A third cup is tempting, though!
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    I log everything. Because it's those seemingly insignificant ones that add up.
  • Jdo13
    Jdo13 Posts: 25 Member
    Coffee! It's my one and only vice that will never go away, it will always be a part of me and my 1 cup a day is never going to change. And I'm okay with that :)

    And water. I know I need more and don't need to jog it to remind myself.
  • marand94608
    marand94608 Posts: 67 Member
    I started out not entering the 0 calorie drinks and condiments until I noticed how much potassium is in coffee & green teas and how much sodium is in things like diet sodas, mustard, vinegar, and soy sauce. I have high blood pressure so it's important to keep a higher ratio of potassium to sodium, i.e. my daily quota for potassium is 3500 mg and sodium is 2500 mg. The American Heart Assn. recommends 1500 mg sodium for people with high BP and I'm always over that but do manage to stay under the 2500. Although my potassium numbers are low I find that not all the foods in the database track the potassium because it's not required to be on food labels. In any case, paying attention to these numbers has been a great benefit in getting me to eat more fruits and veggies and avoid salty processed foods or get the low-sodium versions whenever possible.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    I don't log spices or gum. On the days I get tired of this whole process, I don't log anything :laugh:
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I don't log my second (and sometimes third) sugar free energy drink of the day, mints, or gum. I do log any bites my girls insist on feeding me. Also don't log any black coffee or tea (but my morning one with sugar and milk I do)
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 644 Member
    vitamins and small amounts of herbs + spices. Salt.
  • karenc118
    karenc118 Posts: 78 Member
  • water, diet soda, salt, onion powder, garlic salt, occasional coffee (i log the creamer), gum
  • pipsar6
    pipsar6 Posts: 29 Member
    Granulated sweetener (on my cereal)
    My cans of occasional diet energy drink (4 cals)
    Chewing Gum
    Everything else is mostly logged

    On a bad day i log nothing but try and pick up again the next day.
  • SunOfMan
    SunOfMan Posts: 67 Member

    Green/herbal tea (no milk or sugar anyway)

    Small amounts of herbs/spices
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    I started out not entering the 0 calorie drinks and condiments until I noticed how much potassium is in coffee & green teas and how much sodium is in things like diet sodas, mustard, vinegar, and soy sauce. I have high blood pressure so it's important to keep a higher ratio of potassium to sodium, i.e. my daily quota for potassium is 3500 mg and sodium is 2500 mg. The American Heart Assn. recommends 1500 mg sodium for people with high BP and I'm always over that but do manage to stay under the 2500. Although my potassium numbers are low I find that not all the foods in the database track the potassium because it's not required to be on food labels. In any case, paying attention to these numbers has been a great benefit in getting me to eat more fruits and veggies and avoid salty processed foods or get the low-sodium versions whenever possible.

    I agree that logging high-sodium foods (even if they are very low calorie) is a good idea, though I eat such negligent amounts of condiments like ketchup and mustard that it hardly seems worth it, so I often avoid logging them. However, I do log them when I know I'll have a sodium-heavy day (going to a restaurant, unhealthy day, etc.).
  • bethanykf
    bethanykf Posts: 68
    I don't refuse to log anything... I would log everything if there was a good reason for it. :)

    But I don't currently log: diet soda, water, vitamins, tums, medicine, salt & pepper for seasoning at the table, I can't believe it's not butter spray (most of the time) and single bites (like if I'm tasting something while cooking or a small bite of my son's sandwich or banana - if it extends beyond a single bite then I'm logging it).
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I log everything that goes in my mouth/body, even if there are zero calories, keeps me accountable, feel like some people can log certain things but others it starts a bad habit like a splash of this, or a dab of that.. it adds up..
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    I usually forget to log my water, but I chug it considering I breast feed.
    mustard (most of the time)
    unsweetened tea
    truvia (usually forget)
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    When I first started on MFP, I logged EVERYTHING. I was so afraid I would miss something and completely ruin the progress I was making. When I reached 20 pounds lost, I decided to change things up and made the switch from obsessing over everything I ate to a mindful eating approach (similar to IIFYM) ...

    Here are some examples of things I don't log:

    * Coffee (but I do log creamer)
    * Gum
    * Most things that contain 0 calories
    * Ketchup (I log this sometimes, but not usually)

    What foods and beverages do you refuse to log?

    Pepper and salt. Sometimes, my homemade dressings (unconsciously). And of course - my vegetable crisps, like beets.
  • MoniMoni2u
    MoniMoni2u Posts: 211 Member

    When you fail to log alcohol calories, you are not at all being honest with yourself. If that's the case, what's the point of logging at all?

    Kind of a weird comment.

    I used to not log alcohol. The reason is because it is not nutrition therefore I am not counting against my nutrition I need for the day. It's over and above. I understood that no big deal. I still feel very strongly that way. I just don't drink much any more. But when people don't eat so they can drink that night, I think they are idiots. Alcohol is not nutritious. If anything you should eat more to give your body extra nutrition to repair the damage the alcohol does.

    Totally agree. My point was, how can you use the log to figure out what is happening in your journey, if you are leaving out what can be a significant porion of your calorie intake? Obviously, my point wasn't made! LOL
  • lexherrera
    lexherrera Posts: 56 Member
    I log pretty much everything but I guess on the measurements. My goal is 1650 right now and I find myself under most of the time. I'm more focused on hitting my macros than the actual calories since I'm just starting out. Since I joined MFP I've put on a pound of muscle so I'm doing something right!

    EDIT: Regarding the alcohol -- you should log it if you want accuracy. There are 7 calories in every gram of alcohol. It's pretty important. :)
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    Spices (especially if it's a blend or if it's just a dash of something)
    If I have just a bite (like if I snag a single bite of my kid's snack, take a sip of hubby's soda (or beer), or get a sample at the grocery store or farmer's market)
    Sometimes I forget about coffee, even if it has cream and a bit of sugar in it. I'm under most days, so 20 cals is not going to make a huge difference
    Supplements (vitamins/minerals/herbal remedies)
    Medicines/cough drops

    Climbing stairs to my second-floor apartment
    Walking around a store
    Hefting small children
    Playing/dancing with kids

    All of these ^^^ I just consider part of my everyday activity, so I don't count it as working out or exercise, even though it burns more cals than doing nothing.

    Also, this:
    I log pretty much everything but I guess on the measurements. My goal is 1650 right now and I find myself under most of the time. I'm more focused on hitting my macros than the actual calories since I'm just starting out. Since I joined MFP I've put on a pound of muscle so I'm doing something right!

    I'm way more focused on macros than cals, so the "basic gist" of cals is more important to me than the to-the-gram measurements other people take.