Those last 10 pounds!

I've been doing great with my eating and fitness. I have a realistic weight goal that I know is achievable. I can hear the last 10 pounds taunting me though!! My goal date is near the end of March when we're going to Las Vegas so I definitely have enough time to do it and to do it right. I have started running again and that can definitely cause weight fluctuations so I'm trying not to panic about the "almighty number". Anyone else in the same boat??


  • Momto32010
    Momto32010 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm right there with you, the last 10 pounds is coming off painfully slow. Ive started running more too, training for a 10K that I'm running in May. I'm definity toning up, but would still love to see at least 5 pounds more come off. Feel free to add me if you need a friend!
  • I too am working on my last 10 lbs! I lost a great amount of weight thus far... 105 lbs in 12mos but have been stuck at this same weight for 6 weeks now! granted my eating habits could be better but I rarely go over in calories & still exercise!! I also started running again... not that I was running before, more like face pace walking & feeling like Im dying... yesterday I ran 15mins 5mph & did great ! please let me know if you have any tips
  • You will face FIERCE biological resistance. Look into Dr. Liebel and the metabolic consequences to weight loss. Metabolsim DROPS by 25 %

    This is huge. Your body FIGHTS everything you do for weight loss. It does NOT sit there and take it. People do not understand this.

    The body itself controls energy balance.
  • theglencoegirl
    theglencoegirl Posts: 69 Member
    i'm sure they WILL come off--but i agree--its painful!!! i have seen my goal wt. twice--but seem to sit about 5lbs away from hit for the most part!! i have also added more running to my routine-- half marathon in may!! i also do yoga twice a week. i am thinking i have for sure added some muscle --and trying to to sweat the last couple pounds!!
    i suggest adding longer runs or a high cardio class to shock the system
    have a great day everyone!!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    It will come off just much much slower than if you had more to lose.

    Drop your deficit to 0.5lbs per week as your weight loss goal. The less you have to lose the more you should be eating as your body doesn't want to let go of those pounds.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    You will face FIERCE biological resistance. Look into Dr. Liebel and the metabolic consequences to weight loss. Metabolsim DROPS by 25 %

    This is huge. Your body FIGHTS everything you do for weight loss. It does NOT sit there and take it. People do not understand this.

    The body itself controls energy balance.

    Your metabolism drops when you lose muscle mass. Which does happen with weight loss if you don't do it correctly.
  • kmborgy
    kmborgy Posts: 11 Member
    It will come off just much much slower than if you had more to lose.

    Drop your deficit to 0.5lbs per week as your weight loss goal. The less you have to lose the more you should be eating as your body doesn't want to let go of those pounds.

    I'm a little dense right now as a result of a crazy day of work. My weight loss goal is 135...what to I need to do to figure out my correct calories? Maybe I am too low on the calories. I definitely need to change it up a little bit with my workouts. I have started my 8k training (starting over from scratch) so all I'm doing is running or walking. I'd love to find some cardio classes in my area!!
  • kellyraesmik
    kellyraesmik Posts: 34 Member
    I am right there with you trying to get these last pounds off! I just read today about TDEE and BMR and if you calculate those then you shouldn't eat more calories than your TDEE or less than your BMR. So, I am starting that today. I raised my calorie allowance and see what happens.
    Calculate your BMR from a calculator under "Apps" tab above. And I just googled for a TDEE calculator.
    And here is a whole post about this subject from the MFP message boards:
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Your intake should be about 250 calories below what's your TDEE since you don't have much fat mass left to lose to reach your goal.
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    Same here, starting running, seeing myself toning up, or least the legs and bum are getting nicer, belly getting tighter, still a little sticking out. I've up my cal to maintenance mode, at 1400 ( I'm short, 5ft 3), up my exercise to include 3 strength training, that includes intermittent cardio (check out Nike Training Club app on iphone or android) and also yoga 3 times a week, and the running/cardio which is usually 1 hour. Also trying out to do strength followed by cardio, whih some claims may burn more. Seems to be working, saw the scale. moved a little down then came back up, but I think something s working here, so, I'm sticking to this regime for awhile.
  • kellyraesmik
    kellyraesmik Posts: 34 Member
    Your intake should be about 250 calories below what's your TDEE since you don't have much fat mass left to lose to reach your goal.

    Thanks for mentioning this... I didn't see that part .... so much information out there, good to have help like you.
  • Glad I found this thread. I have 4 more pounds I want to lose and have been struggling the last couple weeks after 7 months of pretty smooth sailing in losing weight. I think I'm going to eat more and eat at least half my exercise calories back. I may have been undereating when taking exercise into account (net calories after exercise was 900-1100 a lot). I looked up my TDEE and it's 1835 which is a relief since I thought I may fit into the 'sedentary' category according to MFP, which would mean my calories for *maintenance only* would be 1650 -- yikes!
  • No, it DROPS FAR MORE- DRAMATICALLY more than would be expected for the weight loss.

    25 % reduction in energy expenditure.

    Stop reading idiots like Lyle McDonald. They are NOT experts. They are salesmen.

    I am in direct communication with TOP obesity research scientists. I also communicate with TOP physicists.

    Further , I would like to say the human body is an OPEN SYSTEM and NON equilibrium.This area of science is NOT ANYWHERE near as established as classical closed system equilibrium thermodynamics . This area is a work in progress. We are one of the most complex open systems. Add to that we are NON equilibrium. This makes the situation hellishly complex.

    ANY attempt to apply the conservation of energy law would require the equation to be EXTREMELY complex- much, much, much , much more so than for closed systems in equilibrium.

    The conservation of energy law does NOT apply to open systems where UNKNOWN amounts of energy can be gained or lost from it.

    McDonald's equation is ABSOLUTELY WRONG. it is LAUGHABLY SIMPLSITIC. He has no idea of the details . He is scamming people.

    My sources are OXFORD scientists I talked with.