Any Migraine Sufferers?

Growing up I never suffered from headaches, let alone a migraine. Eleven years ago I started getting these debilitating headaches from time to time. I now get migraines one to three months apart and they last three days guaranteed.

I can’t figure out what brings them on, but I have figured out that about one week prior to a migraine coming on I am irritable and I have no patience. Something else that I have figured out is I crave carbs, chocolate and sugar about one to two days prior and I just want to eat and eat.

I have been to medical doctors and they are not concerned as to why, they just write you a prescription, which drives me crazy because I want to know why and I don’t like to take medication. I have been seeing a Naturopath and with her help have been able to figure out what is happening prior, but not what brings them on.

Over the years I have completely eliminated, soda pop, coffee and alcohol. I only drink water, sparkling water, fresh orange juice (I squeeze) and green tea. I am trying to eat healthier and minimize my chocolate intake. I haven’t been able to cut chocolate out completely and I know it can be a migraine trigger.

Does anyone else have these symptoms prior to a migraine?
Does anyone have any suggestions?


  • Kathy535
    Kathy535 Posts: 31 Member
    My migraines seem to be brought on by combinations of things. They go in bouts, I might get two or three a week (each lasting about 18 hours, I'm lucky) for 4-6 weeks and then none for up to three months. In that time when I'm getting lots, I can guarantee that cheese + red wine + chocolate (sometimes I have a bad day!) will bring on a migraine. Citrus + caffeine likewise. However, there are other triggers for me and I can't work out what they are - I think dehydration might be one and the relief of stress another. And also, i think that sometimes there just isn't a reason and your body just does it anyway.
  • jenniferswooten
    jenniferswooten Posts: 137 Member
    I used to get migraines quite often and they seemed to get worse the closer to 40 I got. My doctor suggested taking a Magnesium and Niacin supplement a day. Since I've done that over a year ago, I haven't had any (knock on wood) migraines. There's a lot of research about it on the web. Check it out. Good luck and I hope you get some relief.
  • I have suffered from migraines my entire life and we have tried everything to figure out what causes them. I go to the doctor every 3 months, keep a migraine journal, and even have rescue medication. We have no idea what causes them. I spent a month completely eliminating soda, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, and too much sodium. It still didn't help. Best wishes for you though!
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    I used to get a lot of migraines and very debilitating they were!
    I was in a health food store with my sister and whilst she was buying something I browsed around and saw a book on tissue salts. I eventually bought a very small phial of feverfew essence which I used putting one drop on my tongue first thing every morning until the phial contents were finished. I have never had another migraine since.
    Of course I do still get headaches especially tension headaches but never the terrible migraine ones.
  • sarahlouise7
    sarahlouise7 Posts: 198 Member
    I have had migraines now for about 10 years. They started after I experienced a twin ectopic pregnancy and had one fallopian tube removed :( I know mine are hormonal and fall into the PMT catagory. I get mine the week before my period and the week of my period, so lasts from 1 day to 14 days, no exaggeration :( I am on a whole cocktail of medication which some I have to take every day, several times a day. I used to end up in A&E with them as the only cure was morphine, but being a single mum of 2, it wasnt ideal. Iv had brain scans ect so I know there is no other problem, just hormones :( All I can do now is slowly increase my medication until it reaches a level that stops the pain, but as its a monthly thing, its time consuming.

    My migraines start with the pain behind one eye, which gradually gets worse, i get immense sickness, shaking, irritable ect but i dont get it 'with aura' which im lucky as that would make me even more complex than i already am. I take sumatriptan 50mg or 100mg depending how soon i catch it, which i take with ibuprofen. Or sometimes co codamol. I then take imigran nasal sprays 20mg which does seem to be very effective so i tend to just go straight for this if i have several. If they dont work I have sumatriptan injection which my son does for me which did used to work with in 5 min, but now takes a bit longer. If this fails i have to call a doctor who will advise me how much more sumatriptan to take as you can take much more with medical advice, then if this fails its to hospital where im admitted and placed on morphine :( Which it goes as its being administered but it then means a stay in hospital :( I also take Lyrica and amertrytaline which i take every day as a preventative but yet to really reach a level that works for me.

    Its hard as I dont have a partner to rely on and i dont have a huge circle of friends or family, but my 2 boys are fantastic!! My employed is also great and does their best to work round the issue :( As its hormonal I know exactly what day it will start and try and catch it asap but it usually starts at night so it depends when it wakes me, usually around 2-3AM!! On a Friday!! Iv tried all sorts of hormones ect over the years but nothing works so far :( A hysterectomy may be my next step but at 33, I really dont want to go down that route until iv exhausted everything else :(

    Well, thats my migraine story lol x
  • I have migraines from a TBI from the military. I tootakek topomax for them. Works really well
    I have tried changing my diet ect. But because I have a brain injury that's where they come from for me.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Yes, I get similar symptoms and one of the cluster of things that make it more likely I'll get a migraine is also just before menstruation. So some of the irritability and cravings may be due to that too. I don't get the halo, visual or scent effects that some people get.

    About 15 years ago when I learned that my "awful headaches" were really migraines, I did a lot of research... don't remember all of it. But I've found that as much as possible, if I can get rest and avoid stressing to much about things right just about when those pre-symptoms are due, it really helps. I was getting migraines about monthly. The relaxing part is hard, because one of the side effects is feeling irritable, anxious or stressed. I've also found a supplement -- Fem Premenstrual (that may not be the exact name, but i can check) -- which has Magnesium, Niacin, other B vitamins and Feverfew (some of the ingredients others have mentioned). From what i remember of the research I did (and there may be additional stuff now, there has been quite a bit of newer research) low levels of magnesium, copper and omega oils are all associated with migraines. Chocolate, for instance, has both magnesium and copper, which may explain some of the cravings. I eat more fish now (omega oils) and a generally better diet, but the supplement helps. Recognizing more and more of the pre-symptoms has also really helped me, because I'll do my best to increase those things in my diet, take the supplement (it's only for limited times, not a daily supplement) and do my best to get enough rest and meditate. (By the way, I take the supplement at a much lower amount than the standard, recommended amount. At the recommended amount I get a very anxious feeling.) I still get migraines, but less often, and when I do all the things I know to do know, they are less severe and shorter.

    Edited to add. At the time (15-10 years ago) I found that caffeine also helped -- a semi-flat coke was good. Cold temperatures sometimes help, but make me even "shakier". Excedrine Migraine (or Extra Strength, which seems to be the same thing in different packaging) has a combination of pain killers and caffeine, together with the supplement, that will often help after a migraine had started, but before it gets too strong, especially if I can lie down for an hour or two. And this all works as well or better than the prescription medication I tried for year or two. I haven't tried any of the newer prescription medicines.

    Good luck!
  • appletonirvinea
    appletonirvinea Posts: 100 Member
    Wanna keep an eye on this thread.
    I'm a sufferer from as young as I can remember 1st one I was about 6 and remember crying with pain in my head so bad I got taken to a&e and have intermittentently been under neurology since again more recently in past yr. No cures, no meds work for me, no real patterns or triggers. Longest I've gone without a migraine is 30days. Some last days other 4hrs.
  • JellyButter
    JellyButter Posts: 160 Member
    I used to suffer from frequent migranes from time to time. But they seem to have subsided for the most part. If I eat alot of junky/salty foods then I notice a headache coming on. When I eat healthy and work out I feel just fine. My headaches could come from my diet. When I do get one though, I just drink a cup of tea and get in a light workout. I dont like taking meds, I'd rather do things the natural way.
  • Beachtreasures
    Beachtreasures Posts: 143 Member
    Thank you for your personal stories, some very heart-wrenching.

    A couple of you mentioned feverfew; I also had someone else mention this product this past week. I am not sure what it is, but will check at our local health market tomorrow. I will post my findings.

    Good health to everyone!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,034 Member
    I have always had them they start with me going blind and then I lose the feeling in the right side of my body. Horrible things.

    They used to be food related, I had intolerance/allergy to lactose, MSG, some nuts and red food colouring.

    They became quite infrequent as I grew out of those allerigies/intolerances but have become more frequent of late and now they are stress or tiredness induced.
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    I get a few migraines a year, but that's enough. I'm rendered totally useless from the symptoms- partial paralysis, flashing lights, difficulty speaking- and only time helps them subside. Time, and 1000+ mg ibuprofen I take as soon as I start noticing the lights. Since I've been doing this, it has helped with the headache- it's bad, but not excruciating.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    I e had migraines since I was 16... They are related to stress, lack of sleep and tend to show up when I don't get enough water into my system... Smells are also a huge trigger for me... I take a beta blocker as a preventative as no other mess have worked consistently... Sadly taking anything from the imitrex family once I have an onset makes me beyond sick and I usually end up resorting to cyclic breakers as my migraines can last weeks...

    There was a study done that found women who suffer migraines have a greater tendency to be overweight because they will self medicate with food during the migraine...

    What you are deeming as before the migraine is the pre-migraine and has its own set of symptoms the same with the post-migraine... It's a tough life but the better health we get in hopefully we will improve more... I have not given up coffee or chocolate as in small amounts my specialist says they can actually help a bit... Just not to eat/drink them excessively...

    Good luck to you!
  • I started having migraines at the age of 5. They began to become more frequent when I hit 14. It got so bad my dad had to take me to the ER fir demerol and toredal shots every day for a month. I was put on heavy meds that would make me have mood swings, worse than I already was having being a teenage girl. I also tried imetrex, which sometimes worked, and also a waffer I put under my tongue. It got the point my mom started to elimate foods from my diet, and we figured out chocolate was my trigger. I haven't had 1 migrane for 14 years until I had my daughter. Now I am suffering again. My doctor wants to put me a a low grade antidepressant which helps with that. I am not sure if I should go that route.
  • nikki_dw
    nikki_dw Posts: 126 Member
    I've had migraines since I was in the 7th grade. I'm 23 years old now.

    I was on Topomax as a preventative until a year ago when it stopped working. The doctors had gradually increased my dosage without ever re-testing me. I went to a new neurologist about 6 months ago who performed an MRI. They found out that another one of my problems -- a stutter -- is caused by a mild nuerological tic (it's like tourettes but manifests as a stutter). They think these are related.

    I'm now on anti-depressants to prevent migraines. I take 37.5 miligrams of Effexor every night. I still get migraines but it's down to one a month or so. Sometimes I see an aura before. Sometimes it comes on with no warning.

    The only triggers I've found are caffeine and my menstrual cycle but not all of my migraines are related to these. I can have one when I haven't had sodas, coffee, teas or chocolate in months or in the middle of my cycle.

    It sucks to have migraines but it's something, like you said, no one is really interested in finding out why they happen. My neuro suggested keeping a migraine diary to help narrow down my triggers. It hasn't helped me yet, but maybe you could give it a whirl?
  • nikki_dw
    nikki_dw Posts: 126 Member
    My doctor wants to put me a a low grade antidepressant which helps with that. I am not sure if I should go that route.

    I've been taking a low grade anti-depressant for a few months and it's working with little side effects. However, I am worried that my body will build resistance to it like it did with an anti-seizure medicine I was on for the same thing for almost 10 years.
  • Beachtreasures
    Beachtreasures Posts: 143 Member
    Not sure if this is related, but has anyone experienced phantom smells. I am not sure if it is related to migraines, but sometime I get this "smokey/dusty" smell that can last a couple of hours to a couple of days -- very irritating if nothing else. No one else smells it so I no longer ask anyone if they smell what I am smelling. Just curious!
  • dowesney
    dowesney Posts: 26 Member
    I suffered from debilitating migraines for over 20 years. Often they would be 2 times a week or more! My main triggers were T.O.M., alcohol, weather conditions, and stress. A little over a year ago I discovered a cure to the migraines - MAGNESIUM! Turns out I was deficient, which is apparently common with migraine sufferers. Interestingly enough, all my triggers were things that are known to deplete the magnesium in our bodies, too.

    Anyway, I started taking a magnesium supplement every day and no I have not had a migraine since January 2012 - over a year ago. I do still get headaches, but they are manageable with Excedrin and are not debilitating or actual migraines. Google magnesium and migraines and you will find a lot of information. All migraines are different for different people, but if it helps you then great!
  • sarahlouise7
    sarahlouise7 Posts: 198 Member
    QUOTE Not sure if this is related, but has anyone experienced phantom smells. I am not sure if it is related to migraines, but sometime I get this "smokey/dusty" smell that can last a couple of hours to a couple of days -- very irritating if nothing else. No one else smells it so I no longer ask anyone if they smell what I am smelling. Just curious!
    [/quote] QUOTE

    Yes i get this!!! The ]same smell too!!! OMG i thought it was just me lol Iv no idea if this is linked to migraine, or my medication but its definately only been noticed since i started imigran nasal sprays and not even when iv got the migraine, it can be any time and any where!!!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Mine were caused by weather, the barometer drops, I have a migraine. I could predict a storm coming better than the weatherman! The good news is that with menopause they've pretty much stopped.