sugar goals.

i just learned you could add your sugar goal and totals to your column. i have been going great with the other goals, but the sugar goals seem almost unreasonably low. its almost like you have to cut out fruits and even cut back on things that are otherwise very healthy for you like whole wheat bread and v8 juice. if you are doing fine on calories, fats, carbs and proteins, why is a little sugar so bad?


  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    My understanding is that sugar goal that MFP sets you at is basically for refined sugars. Many (me as well) don't count the sugars in fruit
  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    I agree. I'm always over on my sugar and have had a hard time losing any weight. I always wonder if that's why but like you said it cuts out fruit and all if you really watch or limit the sugar and this time of the year I love my fruit!
  • Bratkins
    Bratkins Posts: 47
    Process sugars are terrible for you. Google could tell you lots of good info (Sorry, I am a Search Engine Optimzation rep, so I use the search engines for a lot of info) but it is something I wrestle with. I LOVE sugar but no it is an evil I need to keep fighting off.

    Here is a good article.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    I have a sugar colum on my food log, but I changed my sugar goal to 75g to account for naturally occurring sugars in milk, yogurt and fruit. It is extremely rare that I exceed that, in fact most days I'm between 45-55g. (also, my cals are set to 1600 + exercise, and I avg about a 1# loss per week.)
  • jasonweinberg
    i mean, even v8 which is obviously very good for you adds up in sugar. hardly any of the sugar i am consuming is processed sugar. maybe in my special k cereal and high protein bars.
  • jasonweinberg
    okay. i've depleted the fruit supplies i have on hand and i am going to try cutting back on the fruits to keep my sugars down and see how my body responds. i have been blowing all my other numbers our of the water. i just had baked haddock for dinner. what a perfect food low on calories and loaded with protein.