Giving up diet coke - any suggestions on an alternatives?

BLady44 Posts: 50 Member
I am planning on giving up diet coke / pop, and am looking for suggestions for alternatives.. I already drink a lot of water so looking for some other suggestions..

Thanks :)


  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Any reason other than personal? I use it when dieting and so does my fiancee, it won't stop any results from the diet.

    Of course if its just personal preference then I'll shut the hell up! LOL :laugh:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    Coke Zero.

  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    I have a diet coke/pepsi when I go out to a restaurant... when I'm at home I have water, tea, Crystal Lite or milk.
  • mindygeske
    mindygeske Posts: 120 Member
    Next month I'll officially have not had a soda in a year. I gave both that and sweet tea up. The way I stopped is I started drinking water and iced tea a lot more. Like I can live off of just iced tea and water. Maybe find a favorite tea and have it in the fridge cold all the time?
  • texmexmomma
    texmexmomma Posts: 11 Member
    Try adding citrus to your water maybe? Or iced tea? An occasional diet soda doesn't really hurt it mostly has sodium and thats about it
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    I stopped drinking pop and I replaced it with tea (lots of different types), fruit juices and iced tea! :) I only really have it occasionally now and I don't crave it like I used to do. :)
  • Spook_Nuke_Em
    Spook_Nuke_Em Posts: 408 Member
    Water, water or water? It gets easier. Now, I'll only have one when I go out for dinner or something.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Give soda water a try, and some water enhancer to it, to give it flavor or lemon. You'll be ok without it though. I don't really miss drinking it myself. I actually prefer water now... weird.
  • petitegreek
    petitegreek Posts: 144 Member
    I've been trying to give it up, too. I tried to go without any caffeine on Friday and I had the worst headache EVER! Maybe you could drink sparkling flavored water to get the carbonation that pop has, or coffee, tea, and juice.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Save for later.

    I think the objection is to the Sucralose, which is a relatively new artificial sweetener.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I've been trying to give it up, too. I tried to go without any caffeine on Friday and I had the worst headache EVER! Maybe you could drink sparkling flavored water to get the carbonation that pop has, or coffee, tea, and juice.

    I drink it for the caffeine, too. Usually late at night when coffee is not available.
  • Wickedone1973
    I drink water most of the day, then have Diet Rite Cola in the evening. It has 0 Calories, 0 Caffeine, 0 Sodium.
  • Hesperidean
    Hesperidean Posts: 3 Member
    i drink tea without sugar. i'm training myself to get used to not including a sugary flavour in drinks. it is hard not to have sugar, however i have come to the conclusion that it is essential if you want to maintain a good figure and good health.
  • JellyButter
    JellyButter Posts: 160 Member
    Drink tea.
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    Diet coke used to be my lifeline! But it does cause bloating and is full of chemicals so I used low-sugar squash and carbonated water or the water and a squeeze of lemon or lime does the trick!
  • Eddie102005
    I started drinking seltzer. I like the orange or lemon/line favor.
  • nirby644
    nirby644 Posts: 2 Member
    Try some herbal teas. Celestial herbal tea has a lot of good flavors.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Alternatives to what? Are you trying to give up sweeteners? caffeine? carbonation? It would help if you told us why you're giving up diet coke.
  • baja572
    baja572 Posts: 94
    pepsi max diet has less sodium..add any fruit to water for flavoring.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member

    If you like it, then drink it.