What things do you refuse to log?



  • MoniMoni2u
    MoniMoni2u Posts: 211 Member

    When you fail to log alcohol calories, you are not at all being honest with yourself. If that's the case, what's the point of logging at all?

    Kind of a weird comment.

    I used to not log alcohol. The reason is because it is not nutrition therefore I am not counting against my nutrition I need for the day. It's over and above. I understood that no big deal. I still feel very strongly that way. I just don't drink much any more. But when people don't eat so they can drink that night, I think they are idiots. Alcohol is not nutritious. If anything you should eat more to give your body extra nutrition to repair the damage the alcohol does.

    Totally agree. My point was, how can you use the log to figure out what is happening in your journey, if you are leaving out what can be a significant porion of your calorie intake? Obviously, my point wasn't made! LOL
  • lexherrera
    lexherrera Posts: 56 Member
    I log pretty much everything but I guess on the measurements. My goal is 1650 right now and I find myself under most of the time. I'm more focused on hitting my macros than the actual calories since I'm just starting out. Since I joined MFP I've put on a pound of muscle so I'm doing something right!

    EDIT: Regarding the alcohol -- you should log it if you want accuracy. There are 7 calories in every gram of alcohol. It's pretty important. :)
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    Spices (especially if it's a blend or if it's just a dash of something)
    If I have just a bite (like if I snag a single bite of my kid's snack, take a sip of hubby's soda (or beer), or get a sample at the grocery store or farmer's market)
    Sometimes I forget about coffee, even if it has cream and a bit of sugar in it. I'm under most days, so 20 cals is not going to make a huge difference
    Supplements (vitamins/minerals/herbal remedies)
    Medicines/cough drops

    Climbing stairs to my second-floor apartment
    Walking around a store
    Hefting small children
    Playing/dancing with kids

    All of these ^^^ I just consider part of my everyday activity, so I don't count it as working out or exercise, even though it burns more cals than doing nothing.

    Also, this:
    I log pretty much everything but I guess on the measurements. My goal is 1650 right now and I find myself under most of the time. I'm more focused on hitting my macros than the actual calories since I'm just starting out. Since I joined MFP I've put on a pound of muscle so I'm doing something right!

    I'm way more focused on macros than cals, so the "basic gist" of cals is more important to me than the to-the-gram measurements other people take.
  • mjessim
    mjessim Posts: 15 Member
    So far I haven't come across things that I don't log. I probably wouldn't have even thought of logging gum, not that I chew it much anyway. Right now I log everything as a way of keeping myself honest. I don't think since I started using MFP that I have actually eaten any 0 calorie foods. I think I would still log them though just to see how on track I am with my other nutrients. I try to keep under the daily requirements for things like fat and sugars (though I'm still having problems hitting the sugars).
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    I used to think I logged everything.. til hubby pointed out that he got this variety of margarine over another, saying it was only a 20 cal difference. It suddenly occurred to me that I never logged it anyway. I will say though, that we use a low fat/cal margarine, and I use WAY less now than before I found MFP. Instead of a tablespoon, I use less than a teaspoon on most things.
    I used to log when I had my hot tea.. but since it's 2 tea bags, 0 cal and 2 tsp of truvia at 0 cal.. I just count the water instead.
    Like others have said, I don't count the single bite of my son's or husband's food I might get. A single bite of hubby's bagel this morning isn't enough to send me over the deep end of my weight loss. I may have a total of 5 or 6 bites all week long of something. I refuse to obsess over my food. I already know I have some OCD tendencies and I don't want to give into them by making every single bite a possibility for failure.

    As for exercise things that I don't log.. I DO log my daily walking with my FitBit, and I log my DVD workouts (30DS, Yoga, Zumba, etc). But I don't count something like walking up and down the stairs or doing laundry. I have in the past counted cleaning the house as long as it was at least moderate intensity and got my HR up, making me sweat ;)
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    i use to log EVERYTHING... until i asked my friend if painkillers had calories and the reaction i got was a kick up the butt lol now i dont log water .. i know im drinking enough lol it doesnt effect my calories so no point gum and the odd diet coke i have lol
  • kimmytjoy
    kimmytjoy Posts: 16 Member
    I don't log my black coffee, vitamins or my zero calorie Zevia soda's(although I used to). I might not log salsa but always log the tortilla chips I eat with it.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    At the moment, I refuse to log anything. (am doing a muscle-building cycle)
  • Tandrence
    Tandrence Posts: 24 Member
    I don't log spices. I also don't log 'exercise' like cleaning, cooking, or walking around the house carrying my baby. I don't consider those things to be exercise.
  • Morgalla
    Morgalla Posts: 25 Member
    I don't log black coffee, breath mints (if I only have the one), cucumbers, celery, crystal light, or mustard. I also tend to underlog exercise (underestimate minutes spent/intensity) and round up for food. That way I have a bit of a buffer for estimation errors (let's face it, portion amounts are usually way smaller than most of us would guesstimate) and usually come out ahead anyway.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Alcohol. Sounds ridiculous, I know, but if I logged my booze I would never be able to eat ;)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
  • Squidgrok
    Squidgrok Posts: 84 Member
    My omega 3 tablet which is apparently 10 calories
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    I never thought of this as food--communion hosts and wine.
  • 8Sam12
    8Sam12 Posts: 61
    I would always log ketchup because I always thought it was fairly high in sugar?
    I don't log the milk I have in tea because its not as much but if I have coffee I'll log the milk because its a lot more, not the coffee though.
    I also don't always log oil I use for cooking though I admit I probably should even if I use barely any...
    I also don't log spices or salt as I'm not really counting sodium or potassium. I look at the sodium value of all the foods I have without added salt and that's always a lot under so I don't feel bad about occasionally adding salt.
    I don't log any teas as they're essentially 0 calories or sweeteners. I'd go crazy if I did.
  • workinprogress007
    workinprogress007 Posts: 109 Member
    I didn't know that about wine, that's very helpful Thank you! That ought to help in the future!:wink::wink: :heart: :wink: :heart: :wink:
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I don't log my strength training at all. I may start now that I have my HRM...but I don't log every rep of every set of anything. Cardio, I log.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I log alcohol up until I lose count lol oh dear that sounds awful but it is hard to keep count if you are at an event as such.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Whipped cream and vitamins. I refuse to buy into the notion that whipped cream is made of anything other than love, sunshine and unicorn farts. And those are calorie-free.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    I never thought of this as food--communion hosts and wine.

    Earlier this evening I was closing out today's journal and wondered if people do log communion wafers.

    There are, in fact entries.