needing a bit more support and motivation

Hey guys,
I've been on here for a while and I've got some amazing friends already and have lost a decent amount of weight.
But recently I haven't felt like I've been receiving as much support or motivation and I'm getting into a bit of a rut.
I'll end up sitting around waiting for a comment to get me going even though I know I won't get one.
In a nutshell I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself =P
I would LOVE some more friends to just keep an eye on me, give me a boost and I'm always going to do the same for you.
P.s. I only really accept girls, nothing against you amazing guys out there, it's just nice to relate to another woman and not feeling self conscious about some posts


  • jenniferswooten
    jenniferswooten Posts: 137 Member
    Hi, you can add me. I have a ways to go in getting healthy and am on here every day.
  • vlnalto
    vlnalto Posts: 64 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me. :)
  • Can you add me too?

  • jal16jal
    jal16jal Posts: 20
    Feel free to add me.
  • wowsrz
    wowsrz Posts: 50 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm on daily and we can all use extra motivation and support!!

    Good luck!!
  • npd2007
    npd2007 Posts: 11
    Feel free to add me! We all know support and motivation from others striving for similar goals can be very helpful! And agree on adding the guys.....but I am hubby ain't having that! LOL. Add me if you want :-)
  • l2013k
    l2013k Posts: 18 Member
    You can add me if you like, I'm pretty new so need support too
  • appu1213
    appu1213 Posts: 2
    hi I am new too and would like to be part of your support group. I just started 5 days ago:smile:
  • gerrie28
    gerrie28 Posts: 4 Member
    You can add me also.......I've only been here for a couple months and it would be great to have more friends. :happy:
  • 19Sakura76
    19Sakura76 Posts: 29 Member
    you can add me .I now the feeling no one comments on my food or exercise. Looking for more support.:bigsmile:
  • pegslicer
    pegslicer Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there-I'm new here as well, feel free to add me. Hopefully we can all motivate each other :happy:
  • susanjosss
    susanjosss Posts: 5 Member
    You can add me as a friend if you want. I've just recently joined MFP but I have been losing weight for the last 2 years. In total I've lost about 2.5 stone and currently weigh about 9 stone. My normal weight is 8st 2lb but I've put on weight since December 2012 following the sudden death of my Mother. I've just found that with working full time, having two young kids (under 5), studying for my MBA (with the Open University )and sorting out my Late Mothers estate that I've found it hard to find the time or energy to commit to my usual exercise regime. In addition I stopped being consistent with updating my manual food diary. I am hoping that MFP will set me back on track and engaging with others on teh same journey should make it fun. I'm looking forward to getting to know you and others better
  • bosulli1
    bosulli1 Posts: 33
    Everyone feel free to add :) It's great to have everyone's support, but I agree that I bit a bit more comfortable with other ladies. MFP is a great place!
  • BookofJenny
    BookofJenny Posts: 96 Member
    Hey feel free to add me anyone, everyone needs support and motivation - myself included! And I think it really helps to surround yourself with positive people and support :) I have been on here a while and seeing other people achieve and what they can do motivates me.
  • hmoaz
    hmoaz Posts: 2
    Hey girl! i totally get how you feel! i have spent the last 5 or 6 months using this app on my iphone and tracked everything without realizing i could try and get to know people for motivation! i just started adding friends and replying to posts here! i would love to provide motivation! you can add me:)
    i just lost over 25 pounds in the last 4 months with exercise and tracking food here!! i feel like a whole new person! i have a private motivational group on facebook that i would love to add you or anyone else to! i also have a public facebook page
    i hope you check it out and find it useful! i feel so proud ad happy to have achieved my goals i really feel good helping others get their too. although i would like to lose a little more this is a journey and in my private group a few of us just motivate each other by posting about our workout/diet routines! its fun and makes it easier to stay on track! i hope you will join us too i know you will find it very useful:) you can private message me on facebook if you would like :)
  • MoonGypsyQ67
    MoonGypsyQ67 Posts: 121 Member
    Request sent. I will do what I can to help. I am a work in progress myself. Anyone can add me. :smile:
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Anyone can add me I am on everyday multiple times and some days I need more support than I get also, and we all are in the same boat and need all the support we can get
  • TedaMojo
    TedaMojo Posts: 11 Member
    Hey guys - I'm not new but I haven't been on for a while so having some friends on here would be great to try help motivate me to stick with it this time!! Something like this I think everyone could use all the help they can get!
  • lcyama
    lcyama Posts: 209 Member
    feel free to add me. i am here every day.
  • annharb
    annharb Posts: 2
    I have been dieting and exercising for about two mounths. Ive lost 5 lbs so far .Im looking for friend to help keep me motivated and i will do the same for you.
    thank you and keep up the good work. your all doing awesome.