Will this feeling go away...

I know I am at the start of a lonnggg weight loss journy and I will not give up on myself this time. But I am curious.. this feelin' I get of doubt and not feeling pretty or good enough or even worth anyones time will it go away once I'm skinny.?? or am I going to feel this way forever.?? I want truthful answers.. please. :/


  • I still have a lot of negative self-talk, but find that recognizing it for what it is helps with not letting it get to me. I have so much weight to lose and am just at the beginning of the journey - can't let my own negativity jack up my progress before I even really get started. So yes, the doubt is there, but I know that as long as I hold myself accountable and stick to it there is no way it won't work.

    Once you start seeing success you WILL feel better about yourself. It's not the weight loss itself that will play the biggest role, though. The game changer in how you feel about yourself will stem from you taking control and getting behind the steering wheel. The sense of empowerment that comes with that will overpower those feelings of shame. Even more amazingly, it will likely flow into other areas of your life as well :) Being skinny won't make those feelings go away - taking control of your life will. Starting with being accountable for your diet is a good start. I wish you all of the best!
  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    I personally believe that that negative self talk is not about what you look like, but about how you feel about yourself. I lost 45 lbs and gained 10 back and while I'm still 35 lbs down I continue to talk negatively to myself. It's not about how much weight you lose and how much nicer you look, but about how much better you feel about yourself. No, it won't be because you're skinny, it will be because you accomplished something and because you are (hopefully) doing good things! Yes, maybe being skinnier will help a little, but if you can't come to accept yourself for who you are and love yourself unconditionally, then no amount of weight loss will change those negative thoughts. Do things day by day to help you feel accomplished and and raise your self-esteem. It's those things that can help you regain your confidence. And I will throw this out there as well, if you need to then get out there and talk to someone, whether it be a family member or a friend, or maybe even a professional. We often times come with much more emotional baggage that made us pack the weight on in the first place! Good luck! :)
  • travelgal59
    travelgal59 Posts: 52 Member
    i agree w the ladies who posted above. You will still be the same person when you lose weight. Ive literally lost 100 lbs TWICE yes i said twice. not the kind where we say "oh ive lost and gained 100 lbs" but truly lost and regained 100 lbs twice. makes me sound pretty stupid to regain it but i have learned that losing the weight only changed my pants size. all those other things in life had to change separately. maybe some help would be in order for you. just someone to talk to and get a direction.Keep up the hard work.
  • Thank you ladies for your eye openin' insight. and I realize I really need to work on myself inside and out.

    Thanks again,