My first day

Every day I typically eat the same things for breakfast and lunch, with variations occasionally. I have never had a problem with my cereal in the morning and lean cuisine at lunch, but today since I have started this weight loss journey all I have done is think about food and be so hungry! I know that this is a mental thing, but this is why I never stay on "diets". I am always so hungry. I also haven't been to the store yet (will go this weekend) so I don't have a lot of healthy things to munch on, but what do you all do when you are hungry and you don't have the right kind of food to eat?


  • kk_stephens
    kk_stephens Posts: 129 Member
    Drink a big glass of water. Helps fight it off for a bit. Take a short walk around the office or outside -- helps distract the mind,
  • shawneeb
    shawneeb Posts: 1
    Well, my secret is myfitnesspal. See, when you exercise, you get to eat more. Even other weight management programs give you extra points you can consume. You have to be prepared for weight loss and healthy nutrion for life. Since we are not perfect, we will have days when we are hungrier than others, find the best worst option, ride it out and get back on track. Think small portion when you chose a snack (granola bar)

    I honestly believe that dieting is for overweight people. That's why I have been overweight all my life. Once you come to terms with the fact that poor nutrition and irregular exercise program has caused the excess weight, only the converse will get us where we need to be.
  • BJAdW
    BJAdW Posts: 37 Member
    I tend to stock up on good "snacky" foods and keep them in the drawer of my office, my car, or the pantry at home. One simple food that is healthy for you, and does a fantastic job at "tying you over" until your next meal are sunflower seeds. They are high in fat, but they are your healthy poly and mono fats. You don't need to eat tons of them because just biting off the shells in your mouth takes time and distracts you from your hunger. Plus they are full of protein and fiber which will help you feel less hungry. I know that if I run out of my "healthy foods" at the house, I'll always have some sunflower seeds to chew on to help get me through the hunger pangs....or until my next grocery store visit! Good luck!
  • fightthesunrise
    I make sure I have Diet Snapple Peach Tea in my house at all times for that reason. It's 0 cals, tastes great, and fills you up more than ice water. When I'm hungry, I tend to force myself to exercise a lot more as well. I think to myself, "After busting my butt and sweating, do I want to waste it by stuffing my face?" That helps. Best of luck!