Looking for support..

Hi :)

I have been a member for over a year, I have used mfp on and off but now I really want to get serious. I have decided to make my diary open for people to see as added motivation to do well.
I think connecting with other mfp members will help me and others greatly :) so feel free to add me as a friend, I wanna hear all your stories.


  • lozla86
    lozla86 Posts: 77
    hi, i too have been a member for a year and have been on and off, committed to losing weight this year, please feel free to add me as a friend i would love to help and support x
  • itsgottago
    itsgottago Posts: 19 Member

    I'm in my 50's and have been dieting for years. Last year I went on a restrictive diet and reached my goal. I felt great. I just couldn't stick with that restrictive diet. Here I am 12 lbs regained and I'm back to the drawing board.

    I am doing my best with calorie counting and when I stick to the plan things work.

    The things that mess me up are the kids coming for dinner and me trying to make their favorites. DH wanting to treat me to dinner out. After 30 yrs of being a homemaker I'm more than happy to eat out. I'm doing my best to make good choices when I do.

    In my mind I still tend to shop as if I have a family of four eating when for the most time it's just me and hubby. Arghh. Then I find myself with all this food that needs to be eaten.

    Can anyone else relate?
  • ch2125k
    ch2125k Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I too left MFP and just returned a week ago. I don't know what happened, I just got frustrated. Now I'm back and ready to give it my all. Feel free to ad me as friend. We all need support. I know I do.
  • SenoraLaura
    SenoraLaura Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! My name is Laura & I really like the support of my current MFP friends but can always use more support. Add me & we can support one another!
  • neffsta
    neffsta Posts: 2
    Hi. I'm in the same situation. Feel free to add me!
  • Hellobubs
    Hellobubs Posts: 16 Member
    Although it's a little different I have a similar situation. I am a student, and for a student I eat extremely well. My problem is that when I cook a meal I find it hard to just do one portion. When I make a chilli I make enough for 4 people! Me and my housemate just started to share meals but I still make ridiculous amounts so I need to work on that! :) I have just got some electric kitchen scales which I use religiously now.
    I have yet to do so but I hear meal planning really helps when food shopping. Only buy what you will need for the week.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    Sending you a request maam!