Please motivate me!!

Emmaj47 Posts: 19 Member
Ever since I finished college and started driving I put on 35 lbs/15kgs. I really need to shift is weight because it is making me so unhappy! But I have no motivation to actually get up and go to the gym or for a run. I start the diet and then a few days later I'm back eating crap! I need help! How can I make me self get up and go?


  • :happy: Hello,

    Firstly don’t think of it has a diet, your just changing your lifestyle. You can still have your treats when you have enough Kcal.
    If you are not getting the motivation to go to the Gym try some little exercise at home. (Bob Harper exercise DVD is good)
    I always find having buddies on here always helps xx
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    You don't have a diet problem, you have a mental problem.

    As all successful dieters know, getting control of your own psychology is 90% of the struggle.

    You need to sit quietly and meditate on your problem on your own. You say that you are UNHAPPY with your weight, and you need to meditate and ruminate HOW unhappy you are.

    A little bit of exercise will not make you lose weight. You HAVE to change your food intake.

    Start by inputting everything that you are currently eating into the online food tracker on here. Make your diary public then people can have a look and see where you can cut back.
  • Don't press yourself to hard in the beginning it will definitely give you the opposite effect. If your first exercise experiences are bad you'll probably not feel motivated for the next time. Start focusing on your diet. Every time you feel like having something unhealthy try to think "what part of my body do I want this to become? My belly? My heart?" It usually helps me. But allow you self to eat unhealthy sometimes. 80% healthy 20% unhealthy, that will help you to keep motivated. When your diet is working you can start to focus on your exercises. Start slow. Take walks and if you feel like running while walking then run as long as you want. If you aren't the runner type then find something else. You must look forward to your training so you feel that you want to put some efforts to it. Never push yourself to hard in the beginning or you'll probably lose motivation :) I hope that help! And good luck with your weight loss
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    What I found most helpful was finding a way of changing my eating habits around to foods I actually enjoyed, and satiated me. I was not getting that from the typical low fat, eat 5x per day diets. So I found a way of eating that works for me, both healthwise and in terms of my own preferences. That means I don't feel deprived or like I am dieting. I'm not dieting--I've simply changed how I eat.

    I've always enjoyed certain types of exercise, so that is what I do. I've always liked lifting weights and doing things where I could be powerful and explosive, so I strength train with barbells and dumbells a few times a week, and on the other days I train with kettlebells. I don't run or use any cardio machines (I don't like them, find them so boring), and I don't do group fitness classes.

    Think about what you really liked to do as a kid on the playground, or during PE classes. I bet you still like that stuff.

    Eat and move in a way that is healthy and makes you the most happy, and you won't struggle with motivation! That's the key.
  • xxanishxx
    xxanishxx Posts: 212
    shut up and squat ;p
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    I know the feeling cause I have been in your shoes. About 14 years ago I was at my lowest weight 165lbs and life was good. I decided to move home and in 6 years I ballooned to 220lbs or more (not sure. By the pictures I would say more possibly), in that time I was in school and got married to a wonderful guy. I am a chef by trade and it is so hard to eat right in this profession so about 3 years ago I realized that I needed to change my lifestyle. On my Dr. advice I went too a dietitian got all the ducks in a row but did not want to put the energy and work into it. The best I lost was about 11lbs. Then January 2012 my husband gave me a really good reason in my mind to start working on myself. Friends of ours were getting married in Vegas and my husband wanted to go. There was no way i was getting on a plane and trying to cram myself into an air plane seat. I managed to loose another 22lbs and had a great vacation. Then when we came back I slowed down the weight loss and only lost a bit more. I then decided to hold off on loosing anymore weight over the Christmas holidays, now I am back at it with another goal in mind. My husband and I are going to start trying to have children this July and due to my health problems weight loss will help in getting pregnant. I started back full on in Feb after my husbands birthday I lost what ever weight I put on over the holidays and now I am down to 188lbs with only 23 more lbs to go by July 2013. You have to have a reason for yourself to want to do this. I you don't you will keep going on that marry-go-round.

    hope this helps
  • Keep it simple!! Make 1 goal at first and stick with it...and make it POSITIVE. Don't concentrate on what you have to 'lose' or 'take away' look at what you can 'ADD'.

    Start with ADDING water to your diet. Don't worry about what you can't have...drink your 1 1/2 -2 L of water every day and not only will it help flush your system out and make you feel will gain control and see how you can ACHIEVE a goal :)

    This was a great trip a friend gave me recently and it really switched my thinking...for the better. Hope that helps.
  • Hellobubs
    Hellobubs Posts: 16 Member
    Definitely start with just the small things at first. If you suddenly feel like you have to make all these changes it may become too much. This is based on preference but I find that writing things down and ticking them off helps me.
    For example beginning with your water intake. Write down you want to drink 4 glasses of water today and tick off each one as you do it. This may not work for you but if you give it a try you may find your own way of keeping that motivation up.
    Since putting my diary public I feel I am doing much better because friends on here can support and motivate you. Theres nothing better than having a good day and someone telling you well done. And you if you happen to not do so well that day, express why you think that was and again we can all support you.
  • wildaaron
    wildaaron Posts: 163 Member
    Ever since I finished college and started driving I put on 35 lbs/15kgs. I really need to shift is weight because it is making me so unhappy! But I have no motivation to actually get up and go to the gym or for a run. I start the diet and then a few days later I'm back eating crap! I need help! How can I make me self get up and go?

    I could send you photos of me without a shirt and/or pants, all my jiggles should scare you. if that doesn't motivate you I don't know what will.
  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    Well it depends on how bad you want this young Lady?!:flowerforyou: