British lads and lasses show yourselves



  • MartineCoppens
    MartineCoppens Posts: 41 Member
    Originally Dutch but I've lived in London for two years now - feel free to add me!
  • sun_ny
    sun_ny Posts: 35
    Hi, i'm from Scotland, no longer living in UK but feel free to add me, on MFP every day, determined to lose another stone and a half
  • Fatguy2Fitguy
    Fatguy2Fitguy Posts: 129 Member
    I'm live in Hertfordshire. Feel free to add me one and all.
  • madderley2305
    madderley2305 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm from Peterborough (Whittlesey) and just started using MyFitnessPal. Need to shift a few pounds ready for holidays in (hopefully) sunny England this year!!

    Feel free to add me and get in touch

    Shell xx
  • shubieca
    shubieca Posts: 15 Member
    I am a Brit from Plymouth but living in Belleville Ontario now... you can add me if that counts lol!!!
  • teshiburu
    teshiburu Posts: 262 Member
    Lookout for Team UK in the groups section, that's where we're all hiding! :laugh:

    We may all be hiding in there but that group seems quiet as well especially during the english day lol
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Right here!
  • WyshIKnew
    WyshIKnew Posts: 75 Member
    Brit here too, hailing from sunny Guernsey.
  • Sam3622
    Sam3622 Posts: 172 Member
    Woohoo, hello chaps!! I'm from Durham :))
  • Northern lass living in Cardiff, via London. Add me folks! I've done my calories count for today and only have 399 cals left. THis is harder than I thought!

    And here's my blog anyone fancies a read.

  • morcal36
    morcal36 Posts: 34 Member
    Hiya, I'm from Scotland, feel free to add me, I need all the help and motivation I can get, lol xx
  • Hellobubs
    Hellobubs Posts: 16 Member
    Originally from NE Lincs but living In Newcastle at the moment!! Add me :))
  • dlegros
    dlegros Posts: 162 Member
    Just outside Birmingham. Started at 104kg last May, now maintaining at mid 70s kg thanks to MFP and Krav Maga :-)

    Feel free to add me
  • Northern lass here - Leeds - welcome
  • HI, just joined :)
    I have a bit of a mountain to climb...but one step at time:)
    Hi Cass... I'm not sure how to post pics here, so I have changed my profile photo, I hope u can see it..... I walk DOWN to the beach (I live on the Isle of Wight) pretty much every morning so, of course it means that my walk home is all UP... I walk up this hill every day now, because I WANT to be healthier (and thinner!!!) but I literally took this photo this morning because it's significance suddenly jumped out at me... and do you know what is at the top of Hope Hill? Hope Road... it gets easier....
    No exaggeration, last May I struggled to get up off the sofa.. now I stomp 2 or 3 miles every morning.... still keeping at it so if I can help or encourage you add me as a friend... I cannot recommend living again, highly enough..
  • cartoonhead
    cartoonhead Posts: 8 Member
    Hey up! Been on MFP for about a month now. Doing really well apart from this weekends overkill on wine!! Keep it up everyone!
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Oh hai! (from Portsmouth :smile: )
  • bigaltif
    bigaltif Posts: 2
    up the brits !! you looking good x
  • Hi! Me too, nice to know there's somebody more local!:smile:
  • bigaltif
    bigaltif Posts: 2
    ive been on a month , lost 12lbs so far, MFP is ace , but i am a billy no mates =( ,

    any brits out there wanna give a 40 + bloke some advice ?? be my fwiend ??