No more excuses - looking for similar minded people.

Hi there,

I'm a 20-something girl from Brisbane, Australia who has always referred to herself as "a bit on the pudgy side". I can remember being curvy-but-healthy in high school, but it all went downhill from there.

Combine working from home with an unhealthy amount of time playing videogames and a general distaste for the outside world and here I am, just spent 30 minutes bawling my eyes out after weighing myself and taking "before" pictures.

I've dieted before (recently even) but it's always been exactly that, a change of diet and nothing more. I inevitably fail because I mess up for 1 day and completely fall off the bandwagon, or progress isn't fast enough and I say "screw it, why bother?".

This time I decided it will be different. I've set myself up to win with a regular work out schedule (stuff that isn't too hard but still pushes me, because frankly, I've zero stamina), the only food I purchased is stuff it would be perfectly okay for me to break down and binge on (fresh veggies, fruit, proteins, etc) and most importantly I have spent a good few hours sitting down and deciding WHY I want to lose weight, it isn't just some spur-of-the-moment thing.

This isn't going to be some walk in the park. I have at LEAST 65kgs to lose -- 143lbs for you americans out there. That's another PERSON.

What I'm looking for is like minded people who's diaries I can take inspiration from, be supportive of and who in turn will be supportive of me. This kind of support is something I'm really missing in my real life, my partner is a "bigger person" also but has zero interest in bettering himself and so fills the house with overly processed, sugary foods and is unsympathetic to my plights in weight loss, and most other people I'm close to in life are thin and have never had to work for it.

Things to know about me:
- I am far from perfect. I will have bad days and my diary will look terrible. But I will be honest.
- My goal is to eat "low" but not "no" carbs.
- I plan on "working out" if it can be called that at my current physical activity level, 3-5 times a week.
- I'm generally a very active person online so I will troll your profile/diary and be a voice of reason in times of doubt.
- Lastly, I just got a puppy and I'm absolutely in love. If we chat, I'll probably tell you about her. Sorry in advance!

Anyway I'm hoping to hear from you all soon. Today is the first day of the rest of my life, or whatever hippy bullsh!t applies to this situation.

xo. <3


  • Feel free to add me, I am continually looking to help support other people as well as gain support for myself. I've gone through a weight loss struggle. Always was the chunky kid in school, thick into adulthood. But after I had my son, I was officially fat. 60lbs lost two years ago and I've mostly just been maintaining. Now I'm working on living healthier, it's not about the weight number on the scale. Its about the food I eat and the exercise I do.... This is for life!
  • wavy69
    wavy69 Posts: 2
    Feel free to add me.. I got 60 lbs to lose. See my write up on an earlier blog... so looking forward to making this happen.
  • LauritaS767
    LauritaS767 Posts: 71 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been maintaining my weight loss for 5 years. Though i'm still trying to improve my diet. :) Hope to hear from you!
  • Kimaw65
    Kimaw65 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm a bit older than you but have the same philosophy as you on this journey to a healthier me. Feel free to add me as you can never have too much support. Chat away about your new puppy. I am in love with dogs as well so I know how you feel.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    i doubt u have 65kgs to lose , from what i see u dont look like u have 65kgs to lose ? u sure?
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    Hey there! I love your post =-) I also need to lose quite a bit of weight but I reckon sticking on here will make it easier. I am doing the 5:2 diet....have you looked into it?

    I have a dog named elvis that I am also in love with haha

  • skamnorth
    skamnorth Posts: 43
    Added you! Let the good times roll!
  • ElliInJapan
    ElliInJapan Posts: 286 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I also got a puppy a few months ago, and even though I adore her, it did take me several weeks to adjust!
  • NatzC123
    NatzC123 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi ya,
    Fell free to add me, I still have about 40 lbs to loose.
    I also have a puppy who i love to bits, he is my baby!!
    Looking forward to talking to you!
    We can do it!! :smile:
  • JasmineOravec
    JasmineOravec Posts: 88 Member
    Hi! I'd love to support you! I'm new to this so I could use the support as well. My three dogs are my kids so post away. Good Luck this week!
  • everlilly
    everlilly Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Thanks so much for all the great and supportive responses, I've added you all and am looking forward to learning from each and every one of you.. :)
    i doubt u have 65kgs to lose , from what i see u dont look like u have 65kgs to lose ? u sure?

    And Chadomaniac yes, I'm sure. I - like many people on the internet - have mastered the art of taking flattering photos. I have several "before" pictures of me in work out gear that I plan on putting on my profile once I muster up the courage which show me for what I really am.
  • MrsFairycake
    MrsFairycake Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Thanks so much for all the great and supportive responses, I've added you all and am looking forward to learning from each and every one of you.. :)
    i doubt u have 65kgs to lose , from what i see u dont look like u have 65kgs to lose ? u sure?

    And Chadomaniac yes, I'm sure. I - like many people on the internet - have mastered the art of taking flattering photos. I have several "before" pictures of me in work out gear that I plan on putting on my profile once I muster up the courage which show me for what I really am.

    Someone REALLY needs to teach me that art-form - there's a reason there are very few photos of me! ;)

    Feel free to add me, I'm happy to cheer you on. (just don't look to my diary for inspiration at the moment - I've fallen off the wagon with a massive 'crash'!)
  • prudism
    prudism Posts: 149 Member
    feel free to add me I have been there and done that I know exactly how you feel I used to sabotage myself as well if I fell of the wagon but this is my year I will ia loose weight or else
    this time I have had the odd bad day but I am still pushing and will continue pushing at the moment I am doing IF so I eat at 6.30 in the evening through till bed time then fast till the following evening heard alot of people loose weight this way did my first yesterday today is the second I have been told that you get used to the pang after the first week.
    I am hoping to get used to feeling hungry and reset my body and recently I have seen alot about IF and it seems to have alot going for it
  • Feel free to add me I have got about 70lbs to lose and counting xxx
  • brooks1392
    brooks1392 Posts: 3 Member
    You can add me in too - no more excuses. i have to get this weight off. Not today is not an option.
  • kwagganin
    kwagganin Posts: 34
    You can add me if you wanna. I just started loggin today. So, nothing much on my pf yet. I have 15 - 20kg to lose. I'm happy with 15 for now. Today is my day 1 of a whole30 paleo diet/meal plan. O ja, I'm south african btw. :). Really don't care about you talking of your pup. I have two small And I'm 25.
  • 2elaine4
    2elaine4 Posts: 1 Member
    It sounds like you are getting on track for a healthy lifestyle. That's the challenge. Kudos to you. Keep up the good work!
    What kind of puppy did you get?

    Eating healthy is so challenging. It seems everything we do from family get togethers to going out to eat are constant temtations!

    You can do it!!!
