
JoyBellz Posts: 108 Member
Lately I have been struggling with LACK of motivation. I have felt so tired, I'm almost sick. I know if I exercise, even if its just a walk, I will feel better but I just can't do it. I work for an eye doctor pretesting patients for their eye exam. I get their medical history/info such as meds they take, illnesses/surgeries, any problems w/ vision or eye irritation, family history, etc. Our eye doctor is very up-to-date on new technology and very aware of diet and nutrition as he is a diet controlled diabetic. Recently, we have gotten some new technology in our office that scans the level of antioxidants that you absorb from vitamins or fruits and veggies. The scanner gives you a level between 10,000 and 50,000+ with 50,000 being good. Antioxidants contribute to our overall health including the health of our eyes and that is why we offer this test. Today I had an 85 year old patient that I was pretesting. I asked this patient if she was interested in doing the new test (antioxidant scan). She proceded to tell me that she was diagnosed as diabetic 6 years ago (age 79). At that time she wore a women's size 22. Her PCP put her on medication for her diabetes but it brought her blood sugar down too low causing her to pass out several times. Her PCP agreed to let her try to control her blood sugar with diet. She started eating 3 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables EVERYDAY. She eats mainly chicken, turkey and fish.....(FRIED fish) for her meat. She says a serving of meat is about the size of the palm of your hand. Since she starting controlling her diabetes w/ diet, her weight fluctuates between 139lbs and 143lbs and when we did her antioxidant scan, her score was 54,000 with her blood sugars in normal range. What an inspiration! If that woman at age 79 (when diagnosed as diabetic) can change her diet that drastically and lose weight and become healthier.....still going strong at 85, why can't I. A lot of people at age 79 or 85 would have the mentality that "its too late" and not even worry about it. She took it seriously and changed her life. Thats awesome.


  • Amanda_Bridges90
    Amanda_Bridges90 Posts: 33 Member
    That's AMAZING! That's truly an inspiration. Thanks for sharing :)
  • jess1430
    jess1430 Posts: 9 Member
    That's amazing...good for her! I love hearing stories like that, it really puts things in perspective.
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    I guess it's all about making a choice. Thanks for sharing.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to . . . do something!
    I have spent time in the same head space like it seems you are. Coming home and barely having the energe to make dinner, then sit on my butt all evening. You get into that rut of just existing and often wish things were different but it just seems like such a long and tedious battle to get the energy to take the steps to change your circumstance.
    You need to realize that you are worth the daily effort . . . every day when you wake up you have the choice to be whoever you want to be . . . it is like you have hit the reset button.

    I "clicked" a short time ago and now live by the following; I create myself with the choices I make every day

    The beauty of it is that I know Im only human, if I make an unhealthy choice I can hit that reset button and start fresh tomorrow. Im now not too hard on myself and living with this attitude actually helps me get off the couch and want to be the person I dream of.

    One of my co workers had her last day at work today and is moving. I took her out for drinks after work and basically had a "liquid" dinner. i chose to consume those calories, so after a number of glasses of water when I got home i grabbed my dogs and went for a run and made a swimming "date" with my dauthter for tomorrow morning. Life is about choices, I choose to take my life back and work EVERY DAY toward a healther and slimmer me. So I screwed up somewhat today . . . I did my best to counteract it and will again make the effort tomorrow because I am going to persist toward the vision of myself that I know I can acheive . . . day by day . . . little by little.

    Every rewarding and amazing thing in life is typically earned by hard work. It is hard to get the ball rolling but SO WORTH IT once it starts!!!

    Be your own amazing inspiration, it is in you!
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    I fight with myself over and over again daily about diet and excercise! Its not easy for some of us thats for sure! Keep your head up, you can do it:)