Reaching out for input/advice

I started on MFP on January 7th of this year. I am asking for advice for the first time because quite honestly I'm a little discouraged with my weight loss to this point. I seem to bounce around losing and gaining the same few pounds and don't seem to be making much progress. I have opened my diary (a little nervous about that) and am asking for some honest, helpful advice as to what I can try to lose weight more efficiently. A few things:

*I have ONLY been worrying about my calories each day, I haven't tried to stick to the carbs, protein, etc...It was my understanding you can still lose weight with only counting that correct?

*My diary is not perfect...especially the weekends. I have found I tend to log honestly all week and then the weekends come and I have a hard time logging...that being said, I can honestly say that I'm not binging or pigging out on the weekends, I have just loosened up some about logging. I realize that may be part of the problem but am being completely truthful when I'm saying I'm not overindulging.

*My profile is set to sedentary and 1 pound weight loss per week. I am a teacher but I rotate through groups at a desk almost all day. Also, I had surgery the beginning of January and have not been cleared for exercise. Therefore, I chose sedentary.

I'm kind of discouraged and at a loss as to why I'm not progressing so I'm reaching out for advice. Thanks for listening.


  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Looking at your diary I would suggest cutting out all the processed foods or at least a decent chunk of them. You consume a lot of sodium which can mask fat loss by water gain. Try to add more fruits and veggies and lean meats (if you eat meat). You seem to eat a lot of processed foods. Personally, I find I don't lose as well if all I'm eating is processed foods.

    Are you properly weighing/measuring all your foods? Don't use measuring cups/spoons for food/solids.. use a kitchen scale. For example, I have oatmeal that lists 1/3 cup as a serving with a grams listed in brackets of what a serving is. If i take that 1/3 cup and weigh it, it is actually more than what the grams listing is. Always go by weight for foods (veggies, fruits, cereals, etc etc) and use measuring spoons/cups for liquids. Never eyeball or guess your portions as we tend to think we are eating less than we actually are.

    Also, try tracking on the weekend to really see where you are. You could potentially undo all your work during the week on the weekends. Otherwise, due to what you are consuming on the weekends could cause you to gain water weight as well depending on when you weight.

    Track your water, lower your processed foods, properly weight/measure everything you consume, and focus on unprocessed foods and you will see results. If you can't exercise that's ok. If you can, try to fit in a short walk or something like that. Any movement you can do without harming yourself will help.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You can't complain about a program not working if you're not really doing the program.

    You need to log everything - including the weekends. You "loosening up" on the logging is probably what's derailing you. We like to think that we do a good job eyeballing amounts and just knowing calorie counts, but the truth is, people really aren't that good at it.

    Log everything, everyday. Do that for 6 weeks. Then see if you're losing or not.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    You have answered your own question really - you need to log at the weekends too. You may not feel like you are overindulging, but believe me it's very easy to misjudge amounts and even forget what you have eaten.

    On a side note, your sodium levels are high (through the roof on some days) and this won't help. I'm not an advocate of 'clean eating', but cutting back on the processed foods will help with your sodium levels.
  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    I agree with now_or_never1. On the weekends you may not think you are eating a lot but the biggest thing that I've learned from doing this is that I was way over estimating my portions. What I thought was a cup of pasta was really more like 2 cups, which is 400 calories as opposed to 200, and that doesn't even include sauce. A few missteps like that and you could easily eat 800-1000 more calories a day than you think.

    I really encourage you to track on the weekends, even if you don't have time to enter it into MFP at least write the food and calories down on paper so you truly know what you are eating. You can then load them into MFP if you have time during the week. And weigh and measure your foods, it's important so you know you are eating the correct portions. I am obsessive about tracking and it really is what is keeping me on program. Sometimes just the thought of having to log something keeps me from eating it!

    If you go out to eat, do a search for nutrition info on that restaurant and plan what you will have ahead of time.

    Remember, it's ok to put yourself first sometimes and if that means sitting the kids in front of the TV for 10 minutes while you log, then do it without feeling guilty.

    You can do this! Good luck!
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I agree with the others. Log your food so you can judge better how you're doing, eat more veggies to help you fill full. Also, consider adding food to your meals, and you might be less hungry in the evening. I know a bagel for dinner wouldn't be enough for me, and on several days that you have logged you were well under your calorie goal. Eat your full allotment, especially with some fresh veggies to bulk it up, and you may not need so many snacks.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Ditto on the logging. You might be surprised at just how much you're eating!

    If you don't want to bother with getting on the computer every time you eat somethihg, at least write it down somewhere... That's what I used to do before I upgraded phones. I'd do a draft text and jot down everything I ate and then Monday morning when I logged onto my computer at work, I'd enter everything in. Now that can be a bit chancy if you're not aware of how many calories you're taking in as you go but that can also work for you if you think "hm, maybe I should have that extra snack, I might not have enough calories left". It can also teach you to be more aware of the calories in the foods you have at home so that you can keep track as you go.

    I'm totally an advocate of eating what you like as long as you meet your daily goal but I have to agree wtih some of the above who advised to clean up your diet a bit. I don't think you need to go 100% but at least add in some more fruits and veggies and getting all your water in can help a lot with all that sodium.
  • stacey_mntx
    stacey_mntx Posts: 36 Member
    Briefly looking through your diary I can see that there is an excess of sodium (one of my main issues too!!). Also, I have a really bad habit of underestimating how much I'm eating. I started measuring everything for a few weeks so I could get a good idea of what a serving really looks like. Once I seriously got my portions in check I stopped gaining and now I'm maintaining my weight. Since January I've been working with a fitness/health coach through my husband's insurance. They suggest small changes... Pick two or three attainable goals (mine are to do 15 minutes of exercise 3 days per week and to overeat no more than 3 times per week). With choosing smaller, more attainable goals I've been more encouraged and haven't felt like such a failure. After one month I will increase the amount of exercise I'm doing and will decreasing the days I'm overeating. Be sure to track what you are eating every day. It really will make a difference... You would be amazed how easy it is to consume in one day all the calories you cut out all week!

    Another great resource is right here on MyFitnessPal. There are tons of encouragement boards and people you can 'friend' that will post positive things on your page for you when you reach goals. Feel free to 'friend' me so I can send positive thoughts your way. Being recognized for your achievements will keep the negative feelings (which aren't helping you at all) at bay.

    Best wishes!!
  • mick8703
    mick8703 Posts: 18 Member
    Just glancing through your diary, you are really high in sodium, and I dont see any water intake. I dont log my water so maybe you dont either. I have my coffee in the AM, then water, water, water. I see alot of nuts as snacks, typically a serving size is about 16-17 whole cashews, are you really sticking with just 8 or so? You're pretty high with the prepackaged processed food. Deli sliced meats are generally lower in sodium and cheaper (on sale) than the packaged stuff. I dont weigh and measure everything, pretty much eyeball it, but I try to be aware of what a serving looks like. Try to get some exercise in. I understand the surgery, but every little bit helps. Park a bit further out from the building, take the stairs, at lunch eat then go for a stroll, take the kids to the park on the weekend and move around rather than sit on a bench, let them ride thier bikes while you walk with them. Finally get in the habit of logging, EVERYTHING, EVERYDAY! Feel free to add me. We're all in this together. None of us a perfect, with each others help, we'll get to where we want to be.
  • wormy80
    wormy80 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. I think all of the advice was accurate...looks like I have some changes to make. Just out of you follow the MFP recommended calories or the TDEE amount? I'm reading more and more on the TDEE info and am wondering if I should be doing that instead of the calories MFP gives me.

    I know the first step is I need to just commit wholeheartedly to doing this and not let those weekends become too haphazard. I appreciate your input and thanks for taking the time to give me some insight!