
Does anyone do some of p90x some days? Just curious if people think you can mix it with gym workouts or if you should just do P90X ? I dont have time to do it everyday. Let me know what you have done.



  • Nefertaria
    Nefertaria Posts: 5 Member
    I do the cardio exercises from P90X in the mornings and only on the afternoons when I don't go to the gym to work with my personal trainer. I alternate workouts one morning Plyo, next morning Kenpo, next Core Syng... and so forth. My personal trainer think it is great that way I still get my cardio in while doing my lifting with her during the week. And it also helps stretch my muscles out. You have to figure out what works for you :smile:
  • nikkinz
    nikkinz Posts: 30 Member
    I've mixed in P90x with other dvd workouts and the gym. I just made sure I never worked the same muscle groups 2 days in a row.
    Had awesome results doing this
  • FiveElevenClimb
    I completed 2 rounds of P90X and now am on my first round of Insanity. Once I complete it I am going to make a hybrid of the two. P90X lift days and Insanity cardio days. I have some friends who have had major success with the hybrid.
  • bebegettingtheweightoff
    Thanks I was thinking that too but I have to find my niche and I havent even figured it out yet. :smile:
  • bebegettingtheweightoff
    Thanks I will definitely try it I go the gym alot but I am itimidated by the men :smile: so I dont use the free weights alot.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm currently doing P90x alone and then am going on to Les Mills Combat. After that I plan to do a hybrid of the two, P90x for the lifting and LMC for the cardio aspect.