What do you think about TurboFire?



  • Yetta729
    Yetta729 Posts: 68 Member
    Love TurboFire and I had no inner dancing queen to unleash.
    In the beginning, I hit myself a few times or tripped ... yes, I am that un-coordinated.
    But I loved it and got over myself and got the moves down.
    I lost 40lbs doing it the first time.
    Then I went to Germany and gained 15lbs back.
    Started TurboFire over and I know I will get rid of that poundage again.
    It's just fun
  • azwildcats7
    azwildcats7 Posts: 31 Member
    I love TurboFire! I just recently finished the 90 day program, I only lost about 8 pounds but 14 inches!! Chalean is a great motivator and the workouts are very high energy. I'm currently doing the advanced dvds along and I must say I love them so much more than the regular dvds! Good luck to everyone doing it :)
  • goodfido
    goodfido Posts: 127 Member
    I'm on week 15 and I LOVE IT!!! I have noticed a difference in my other cardio activities as well and I'm attributing that to the Fire workouts. My SIL tried it with me one day and she didn't like it, but she doesn't like the dancing part of it. She's not that coordinated. She is happier with P90x.
  • nikkinz
    nikkinz Posts: 30 Member
    Loved Turbo fire and dropped weight for sure but didn`t really tone up much with it. I now combine it with the P90x strength dvds and get awesome results. Alot of people are having success combing it with chalean. i did insanity also and got great results.
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    I love turbofire as well! Am on week 5 of the prep schedule right now and have lost 9.4 lbs since starting it a few weeks ago! I fully intend to finish the prep schedule, do the 90 day program and then go straight into the advanced dvd's. It is very upbeat and fun...and you definitely get a good workout in every time you show up. However, if you are not a very coordinated person it may not be a good workout for you. Chalean does move quickly from one move to another...which is what makes your muscles confused and makes for such a great workout! If any of you ladies want to add me as a friend feel free. Could use the support!! Remember...YOU ARE NOT TIRED!!!
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Next to running, Turbo Fire is seriously the most fun I've ever had in a workout. If you tried a couple of the dvd's and loved it, then go ahead and get the entire Turbo Fire set because every class is just as good! Chalene is just amazing and really gets you pumped up (as I'm sure you know.) I have nothing negative at all to say about it. It's great, fun cardio!