Does the night time eating Saga ever end?

Nighttime eating? I still have this problem. I am working on it but it is a real challenge. Some nights I do great. Tonight is not one of them. I pretty much have resolve myself to I can not stop eating at night. I just make sure I don't exceed calories and that is where exercise calories help a lot. It it had not been for them, I would not be losing as much weight now. I try not to eat more than half of my exercise calories but my nite time eating is making this impossible.

I keep jello cups and pickles and this helps too when I get the munchies. I like pickles but jello is just OK but it does the trick sometimes and it is only 5 calories.

I am really not asking for suggestions, I know them all. I just want to know if any one understands this issue. And have any of you given up on not eating at night and just choose wiser choices at night. I know when I weighed in 500's I would eat fast foods late at night and then go to bed. So I have come a long way, but sometimes I feel I should be able to stop eating after a certain time period. Oh well and life goes on. Thanks for letting me vent.

I don't want to give up the fight but as long as eating very low calorie stuff is working for me, I just don't feel like I should continue to fret. Your thoughts? Please.


    DAKTHREE Posts: 52
    Wow, you have done so well to come this far!!! I do understand the problem with nighttime eating. What I'm doing now is taking my 45 minute walk between 7 and 8 PM. I'm working on the habit of not eating after the walk and only drinking water or tea once I get back. The longer I do this the easier it gets, however, there are nights (like tonight:) that I have to leave the family room and head upstairs because I feel the strong desire to go through the pantry and snack. Lots of times it's just boredom and I go upstairs and log on MFP and gain some strength:):)
    One habit at a time:):)
    You're doing great and look great!! Keep up the good work:)
  • relicsloft
    relicsloft Posts: 18 Member
    how are you sleeping? i dont have this same issue but i do have a friend that has always been a night eater. after dinner the snacks just keep rolling. but maybe you dont ever have to change, if you have your profile set to sedentary (like mine is) then your calorie goal for the day will be low enough to lose wieght even at a resting mode, so then eat at those calories... and ANY moving during the day is just added bonus (and if you want to lose then dont use many of the extra calories). i think making the choice for jello and pickles is fantasticly full of will power... i just cant do that yet, i mean i love a pickle but if i wanted something else i dont like not working it in some how. So i believe if you want to stop eating at night, you have to figure out why you do and then believe in your great will power that you have come so far that your not going to let snacks, which you could just tell you self you are gonna eat during the next day, win this battle... and hun its not worth worrying about, and if you fret and stress your going to hold on to your wieght even if you are perfect. luck is out the window on this one... so i wish you strength and will power, i know you got it, you will be lighter next week!
  • johnwreagan
    I struggle with that one too, in fact nighttime is my weakness. When I am successful at night it is usually because I keep busy until bedtime. Also try drinking water, it serves as good filler. Finally if you must munch, munch healthy!!!
  • itslovelly
    and hun its not worth worrying about, and if you fret and stress your going to hold on to your weight even if you are perfect.

    I think this is so true. I have finally cut myself some slack. If I "mess up" once in a while then so be it. It took me many years of bad habits to get where I am, and I'm not going to change that all over night. I'm noticing that if I don't stress about it, I don't eat as much, but if I stress about how much I do or don't eat, then I tend to eat more because I'm an emotional eater, and I'll eat over the worry. My new mantra is to give it my best shot everyday.
  • looserlori
    You are amazing! I just looked at your pictures. Just think how far you have come. Think about how good you feel now compared to then. You can do it. I get the muchies too. carrots and sliced peppers works for me. Otherwise i am a potato chip junkie, I like and need the crunch, not big on sweets thank goodness.