Wine substitute



  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Kombucha is excellent as a wine substitute. Also hits the spot for a soda craving. I have read, and have been told by others, that kombucha actually helps someone who drinks more than they should (they think) or are acually alcoholic.
  • Rachshuv
    Rachshuv Posts: 21 Member
    1 shot of vodka, sparkly water and a squeeze of fresh lime in a large wine glass.
    I agree with the rest, done cut it out completely but 1 glass a day, down to every other day, down to just on weekends will do you well. Good luck!
  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    If it's red wine the only plausable combination is La Casera and make it into a Tinto Verano. Otherwise add soda water to white or rose wine.
    I'll never give up my wine, I count it in with my allowance.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I drink lower calorie versions of wine now for the most part.

    Skinny Grape and Skinny Girl are both pretty good options. They are only 80-85 calories per serving. About 400 calories for the whole bottle.

    How does it taste?

    I find them both really good. I prefer Skinny Grape over Skinny Girl however both are really good.

    For the OP, I forgot to mention... you could also make a wine spritzer to lower the amount of wine you are drinking without realizing it. Have half a glass of wine with half a glass of sparkling water.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    If you leave wine out, it will be one of the factors that sabotage your long term goals like most diets that deprive people of what they like. If possible enjoy a glass of wine, just understand there are limits to consumption just like everything else.

    I know why you're saying that, and I kind of agree, but .... personally, I've stuck much longer with this diet when I've cut the wine-drinking right down, compared to previous times when I've kept drinking a glass or two most days. I know for a fact that drinking wine increases my appetite, and I've talked to other people who've found the same thing (and I've read about a study which found the same thing!). It makes dieting harder, basically.

    Some people might be absolutely fine just including alcohol in their daily calorie goal. But the OP has identified that it's a problem for him, as it was for me. I've found that now I've largely cut it out, I don't feel the "need" for it any more, and usually don't even think about it. It doesn't feel like I'm depriving myself any more, and I'm able to eat more of other things that I like.
  • tiny_clanger
    tiny_clanger Posts: 301 Member
    Tonic water works for me as a nice substitute, not sweet and very adult-tasting, especially with a small dash of Bitters or a slice. Served in a proper glass with ice, too. But then V&T's are my personal diet downfall!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Wine substitute? That is blaspheme in the highest form!!

    I know what you mean though. My husband and I imbibe nightly however I typically make sure it fits into my calories. If I overindulge (like on the weekends) I don't really worry too much about it.

    While it probably is counterproductive to my results I enjoy a glass or two a night and I'm not going to completely cut something out of my diet because then when I add it back in guess what? There goes the results that I worked on so if I can balance it in my menu then I do.