Been a 3 weeks and Im losing hope already

I’ve always started diets and exercising and then, after a month or 2, just forgotten to follow through. This time I promised myself come hell or high water I would finish at my goal weigh.
Im losing my willpower though, going to the gym just seems like such an effort and its too much of an uphill battle. Really need motivation


  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    Sometimes you just have to tell yourself, Do i really want this or not!!! :flowerforyou: Sending you a request.
  • JesterJoe
    JesterJoe Posts: 51
    Everything you do in life is a choice. The power in that staement is that is is YOUR CHOICE. What do you really want out of life. I started my journey because I wanted a better quality of life for myself and I saw that I was headed down was not going to get me there. I got ticked off at myself and focused on new life goals. I learn more every day. It is tough sometimes and there are always challenges. It all comes back to choice. I choose to be better, so that is what I focus on. I do this for myself, not anyone else. Why do you want to go on this journey? Add me as a friend if you wish.
  • rrice172
    rrice172 Posts: 14
    Get Your Head Strong. Nothing is stronger than your mind. Once made up and im talking really made up you will let nothing stand in your way. No matter how much sacrifice, how many set backs, or how hard it is you will fight to get it done. I have faith in people may be my downfall one day. I have faith in you also so make up your mind and you will win. I added you.
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    It's very common to lose motivation after a few weeks. When we start we a set goal in mind and feel invincible... but that starts to wain after a while. It's very easy to lose motivation when you're driving in your car to the gym and all you want to do is turn around and go home and watch your fave shows on the DVR... LOL (Ask me how I know.) But there are a few things you can do to help yourself through those times.

    Exercising......... For instance I know that it's easier to motivate myself when I'm already at the gym. Just go. Just start is what I tell myself. Some days I'm totally gung-ho and other days I have to really talk myself into it... and that's normal. So when I'm on the treadmill, I tell myself "Feel how strong you're getting", "Feel your muscles working", "imagine how you'll feel in a month", "If you stop now you'll only have to start all over again in the future". It works!!

    Eating.............. I eat 6 small meals a day including salads, fruits, veggies and overall healthier choices. I eat Lean Cuisine's for lunch a lot because I hate to cook. I know they are not the best choice but it works for me. I try to really taste what I'm eating and enjoy the flavors and just eating!! LOL I love to eat an orange in the afternoon because it's so light and refreshing and leaves my mouth feeling clean.

    Find things that make you happy. Tell yourself that you can do this. If you keep going, where will you be in a month, two months, 1 year? You can be fit and healthy... or you can stop and be heavier and unhealthier than you are right now.

    Look around you and realize that you are worth it. Every second of your hard work belongs to you. It's yours. Go for it!
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    Thats how I was too. I would go on an awesome diet or cutting carbs kick and loose 15-20 lbs then gain it all back and forget about diet and exercise for a few months. Well I recently became pregnant again and I gained 5 lbs in 2 weeks. My Dr told me that if I keep gaining weight the way I was I would deliver at 273. That was a HUGE wake up call for me. The heaviest I had ever been was 220 and that was when I delivered my son at 9 months pregnant. When I went to the Dr at 17 weeks pregnant with baby #2 I was 222.8. I was NOT okay with that. My Dr encouraged me to loose weight (but be healthy about it) so I can heave a healthy ME and a healthy BABY!

    Life is all about choices, you can choose to be unhappy and unhealthy forever. Or choose to do something about it! Good luck hunny!
    Sending a request :)
  • annaldora
    annaldora Posts: 19 Member
    I loved reading all these replys, for I am also 7 weeks into this lifestyle change, but have been down this road so many times, and am also losing motivation. Good reads here to start off our week! We are all here for the same reason.....I wish you all a wonderful "healthy" week!