New article on "running empty" --exercising before eating



  • Rick311
    Rick311 Posts: 5
    Like many of the previous replies, I wake up early, before the Wife and kids, for my workouts, so I don't have time to eat and digest. I haven't noticed any problems getting the energy to complete the workouts. (Always under 45 min.)

    I really don't know if the 'fasting' state helps or hurts my weight loss efforts, but I've been doing pretty well so far. (Lost 26lbs and within 5lbs of my goal.)

    The one thing that I have noticed is that after more intense workouts, I'm often not very hungry for breakfast. (Usually make myself eat a bowl of cereal and no-fat cottage cheese) but about two hours later I'm STARVING! (I usually have a snack of peanuts, yogurt covered raisins, and lowfat string cheese with a decaf coffee.)

    Again, I don't know if this is a good strategy for eating, but it's been successful so far. (better than two donuts and the snooze alarm!)