Need breakfast ideas PLEASE



  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    One of my favorite foods is the egg cups and they can be done many different ways depending on what you like.

    I like them this way:

    Per serving ingredients, can x6 or x12 depending on muffin tin used:
    1 large egg or 2 small eggs
    1 thickly sliced turkey breast (lunch meat)
    1-2 tbsp shredded cheese
    pinch salt
    pinch pepper

    Muffin tin (6 or 12 cup)
    Deep Cake pan (can fit the muffin tin)

    Turn on the oven to 400*F

    Fill the deep cake pan 1/3 of the way full with water, warm is best. Place muffin tin in cake pan that is filled with water. Fill each muffin cup with 1 slice of turkey and mold it to the sides the best your can without tearing the meat. Add eggs, sprinkle salt and pepper and top with cheese. Bake in oven about 40 minutes or until the eggs are completely cooked through (toothpick test can be used here, if the toothpick comes out clean of egg then it is cooked).

    These can be cooked in advance and frozen or stored in the fridge, heat in the microwave for 30-45 seconds if you want it warm :)
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    When you have time to make PB&J sandwiches, make a bunch ahead of time and put them in the freezer. That way when it is time to go, you can grab one, pop in microwave for a few seconds to defrost and then head out the door.

    Zone Perfect or Atkins Meal bars are really delicious, have protein and carbs and will get you through the until your next meal.

    Almonds with some fruit are a good choice too.
  • SaLandrum
    SaLandrum Posts: 141 Member
    My morning commute is 45 minutes long (on a good day) and I have found the "smoothie" thing works out best for me.

    1 banana
    2 Tbsp Peanut Butter
    1/3 cup quick oats (uncooked)
    2 cups Almond Milk

    I blend it longer than most people do because I like the oats fine. (my trainer suggested that I sub yogurt for the oats - just have not done that yet!)

    I drink this all the way to work and it keeps me satisfied until about noon. (Then I have my snack!)
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    Overnight oats in mason jars.

    Keep refrigerated.

    Add nuts and/or fruit into each morning's jar.

    Grab, go and eat.

  • Smash323
    Smash323 Posts: 16
    I like one large banana while I commute. I also like the Belvita breakfast crackers.

    Adding onto the egg cups idea, quinoa cups are really filling and you can make them ahead and grab one or two on your way out.
  • skiersteve12345
    skiersteve12345 Posts: 89 Member
    This is kinda weird but this is what I have lol
    400g broccoli
    4 whole eggs
    25g BBQ sauce :)
  • fasterem
    fasterem Posts: 5
    WOWOWOW thanks everybody, gonna have to copy and paste all these to read later when I get home LOL, keep any ideas coming tho ;-)
  • knittingwitch
    knittingwitch Posts: 231 Member
    Four brown rice cakes topped with teaspoon of yogurt with, fresh raspberries, and a glass of juice. I use vanilla fat free yogurt.
    Taste so good.
    Here is a tasty morning shake
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    On mornings where I know I wont have a chance to sit down for breakfast (even toast) I depend on doing a little planning the night before. I got this idea from Alton Brown, the host of Good Eats. The night before I measure and toss my fresh or frozen smoothie ingredients in a blender (I use almond milk, frozen berries, banana) and put the entire container in the fridge. In the morning I just hook up the blender onto the stand, add some protein powder and I have breakfast in about 60 seconds.

    Yeah, mornings that I workout early, I actually make the smoothie the night before and put it in the fridge. I have a magic bullet so it's already made in the cup. In the morning, I just grab it, put it in an insulated bag with an ice pack and drink it when I get to work. I basically use the same ingredients above, except I add plain Greek yogurt, flax meal, and spinach to the fruit, almond milk and protein powder.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I never cook breakfast on work days. I either grab a greek yogurt (Chobani pineapple) and mix in some Kashi cereal (not much, a quarter cup), or a grab a cottage cheese (Knudsen on-the-go 90 calorie packs) and grapefruit. Both have protein, so they last til my mid-morning snack.
  • I didn't have time to read everyone else's responses, so my apologies if I am repeating anything anyone else says.
    My first question would be what is your situation once you get to work as far as having access to a microwave or being able to eat at your desk/work station?

    For myself, I work at a desk, and I generally eat once I am settled in and have checked my emails. If eating in the car is a must, I think my plan could be slightly altered to work for you as well.

    I like to have both protein and carbs in the morning. As much as I love PBJ, I feel like eggs are a much better source of protein in the morning and keep me fuller longer.

    Protein options - Hard boil some eggs on the weekend or one night during the week. These are easy to grab 1 for an anytime snack or 2 in the morning to eat for breakfast.
    Make a 2-egg omelet the night before or in the morning. I have a 5-inch diameter frying pan that works PERFECT for this. For filling I simply use one slice of Sargento Ultra Thin colby cheese. Since it is not super cheesy, and if you become skilled at folding it into a half circle (I used to end up converting to scrambled eggs halfway through omelet making) it would be easy to eat on the go and only requires about 30-90 seconds in the microwave.

    For carbs, I Like to do instant oatmeal or cream of wheat. Cream of wheat original flavor pouches are only 100 calories, and you can even put them in a thermous to drink in the car, or discreetly at your desk. All you need is hot water, which is also a quick fix in the microwave, coffee pot, or if you have a hot water dispenser on a water cooler at work.

    Another suggestion for breakfast on the go is a (Homemade) trail mix consisting of whole grain cereals, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits or blending 1.5 cups of frozen fruit, a scoop of protein powder, and some water in a single serve blender. Although I feel slightly unsatisfied with the protein shakes just because I enjoy the act of eating/chewing.