Overcoming binge eating!

Hi everyone! My name is Anne and I'm a 24-year-old Ph.D. student studying biochemistry. I was stick-thin during high school (thanks to sports teams year-round), but during my junior year in college I gained 30 pounds and was diagnosed with PCOS. I also developed some very unhealthy habits - whenever I'm under a lot of stress (which is constantly, especially now with grad school!), I have insane sugar/carb cravings...and usually give in to them.

I've joined MFP to finally hold myself accountable and work on a healthier lifestyle. My biggest challenges will be motivating myself to exercise 5 times a week (as I am completely out of shape) and fighting some serious nighttime snack cravings. I've started "major lifestyle changes" several times before, but have always sabotaged any real progress by binging in weak moments.

Please feel free to add me if you're looking for some new MFP friends! We can motivate each other =D


  • mlambrix
    mlambrix Posts: 6 Member
    Best of Luck Anne, I am new as well and I am trying hard to fight off the binge eating and drinking. This site gives me hope with all that it has to offer. Add me and we can pull for each other!!! Take Care!!
  • SkippyKay
    SkippyKay Posts: 4 Member
    It's crazy how much of your post relates to me. I'm 23 and also doing a PhD in structural biology. The last few years I've been steadily putting on weight, losing a bit, then putting on more. A few months ago I lost nearly a stone, but over Christmas and the new year I've managed to gain the stone back and extra. I've started a new regime today, so add me if you want some support or someone to talk to about how failed experiments make you want to eat cake!
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    Welcome Anne!

    I am new to MFP and I totally understand eating when stressed. My job is extremely stressful and I find myself wanting sweets. You also stated you wanted to workout five times a week and I can suggest the 30 Day Shred (it is free on Youtube). I have been doing it the last two weeks and it fits my crazy schedule well since it is only twenty minutes long.
  • freertobe
    freertobe Posts: 17
    Hello... I am in the same boat. I'll do well for a few days even a few weeks, then relapse again into binge eating behavior until I can finally turn it around again. Add me if you want some mutual support to beat this together!
  • lhalket
    lhalket Posts: 75 Member
    There is also a group on MFP called LNS Group (Late Night Snackers) - you hold yourself accountable for what you eat and whether or not you snacked or not. You may want to check it out.

    It's a struggle but old habits can be replaced by new ones. :happy:
  • mitchellkd
    mitchellkd Posts: 35 Member
    I am right there with you! My binging happens when I get home from work. It's so bad. Then I feel guilty since I am supposed to be helping people with their nutrition challenges. I guess I am human too, but need to get a handle on it. Add me!
  • jallenjax
    jallenjax Posts: 23 Member
    Good luck. Feel free to add me :)
  • Thisisnotadiet
    Thisisnotadiet Posts: 89 Member

    I have binging problems too.... and I am overcoming them. How? Planning my meals here in MFP and making sure I eat A LOT (My TDEE-15%), especially healthy fats. I saw a tremendous improvement in getting rid of my cravings when I switched to whole foods (not the shop, the type of food, for example whole milk, full fat things). I also try not to buy stuff that I would not want to eat, but I can tell you that lately I resisted to a lot of chocolate and crisps that my husband keeps on buying.

    I also think that the binging has reasons that go beyond the simple cravings. My cravings are associated to my feelings and I started to make the connection of what I want to eat when I feel in a certain way (sad, worried, bored, angry etc..).

    I have been on MFP before and lost and gained the weight back. I was eating below my BMR to reach a goal weight before my wedding day. As soon as my wedding day was over, I started to gain every pound back. I was not eating enough during diet. Now I am not dieting.... I am changing my lifestyle. In doing so, I eat more, I lose weight and I am not hungry, so less likely to binge.
  • Thisisnotadiet
    Thisisnotadiet Posts: 89 Member
    BTW my diary is open, feel free to sneak and friend me as well if you want.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Check out Adrenal Fatigue. It is my biggest health issue and since you're under a lot of stress and you crave the things you do, it sounds fitting. I have done a lot in this department so feel free to ask questions!!
  • rnprincess
    rnprincess Posts: 103 Member
    Hopefully you are able to keep up on some of the latest research concerning food addiction. Here are two very good reads:
    The Hunger Fix: The Three Stage Detox and Recovery Plan for Overeating and Food Addiction byPam Peeke MD
    and Salt, Sugar, Fat released last week by Michael Moss which outlines the steps taken by the food industry to help hook us all. Happy Reading!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    And here's some more reading for you: http://www.foodaddictionsummit.org/index.htm

    The scientists who are working on the problem of "food addiction" have focused repeatedly on sugar (and specifically, the fructose component of sucrose) as having an "anti-satiety" effect. Wheat also appears to be a problem because of the fructans (which are readily converted to fructose by gut bacteria) and the gliadin component of wheat gluten (which appears to have an "addictive" quality). I haven't binged once since I cut sugar and wheat out of my diet three years ago. I would have said that that was impossible based on my history that included LOTS of yo-yo dieting. The physical craving was over in a matter of days--but the psychological craving takes a bit longer, but it does come. I have been so long without either one that I no longer even WANT them. No small victory.
  • okr1ttyo
    okr1ttyo Posts: 1
    I have a similar story with the PCOS and binge eating, Im assuming its all somehow connected with the insulin, and sugar/carb cravings. Metformin on a daily basis helps with some of the physical aspects for me sometimes. But I never stop binging, its hard. =(