In 5 weeks you'd weigh....



  • Yeah as long as you are being truthful I find it hard to believe you would lose nothing at all. I've lost about 8 lbs in 3 weeks and I have been sticking to it, I will go over my alotted calories every now and then but I record it on the app. It won't do you any good to lie to yourself... so yeah, maybe you are counting your servings wrong or I don't know. But Good Luck with turning it around. :smile:
  • I actually love that feature! It definitely keeps me optimistic.
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    I actually kind of like it. I keeps me optimistic and makes me more accountable for my choices. I am going to start writing down the estimations on a calendar and see how close it is.
  • AspireMe
    AspireMe Posts: 2
    Lol I'm new here and I saw that and thought, awesome. Lol guess it should be taken with a grain of salt huh
  • Rebekah718
    Rebekah718 Posts: 134 Member
    I kind of like it, it never seem to happen for me but somehow I do find it encouraging
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    I like it now - and it has been pretty accurate after the first couple weeks quick loss. I will come to hate it as it move closer to goal.
  • TaffyMichele
    TaffyMichele Posts: 19 Member
    It's just going by calories, it can't look at what you're eating to get those calories

    100 calories worth of salad is not the same as 100 calories worth of chocolate cookies and neither are the same as 100 calories worth of bread.
  • I come from a family of obese women and their mentaiity is they are eating healthy and can't lose .... until I see what they
    actually do eat and realize how in denial they are. You need perseverance daily until you reach your goal weight and
    then a change in the way you view food: eat to live and not live to eat. May not be easy but when it becomes a life style,
    you've won the battle of the bulge!
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I laugh bc I can relate ..
    i'm also not eating the exact same foods every single day so that's why. Maybe If i wouldnt cheat on weekends and drink three nights a week.... i'd probably weight 170 like it says! but instead i weigh 180 at 6 feet tall.
    oh well......
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    It took me a while, but I have learned to ignore it.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    LOL- I feel exactly the same!!! x
  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    me too just ignore it!
  • sylwheat
    sylwheat Posts: 125
    the longest 5 weeks of my life !!!! Waiting and waiting.......
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Well considering if you ate exactly what you entered, every day for 5 weeks and did the exact exercise. Assuming you didn't lie about your weight, you would way that much lol :)

    What? Maybe i misread this. Are you saying those of us who aren't losing weight are not being honest?
    Its just a simple mathmatical equation. In theory yes...a pound weighs 3500 calories, so if you are set to one pound a week loss AND you stick with the 500 calories a day deficit you would in theory lose a pound a week. MFP uses the calories eaten that day to say what could hypothetically happen if the body was a perfect machine and one managed to never stray from those numbers. I think thats what was intended originally. Now CLEARLY this is not perfect and people are further from perfect so many people find the number to be off or inaccurate...but has far as the science behind it...yeah, in theory that is what is supposed to happen!
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I wish I could test the theory but that would be BORING!
  • kayjaycee9
    kayjaycee9 Posts: 18 Member
    Definitely exercise more than twice a week, if you can, and stay @ your 1500 calories per day. I've stayed at my 1400 calories per day and exercise about 5 times a week (which includes strength training) and have lost 19 lbs in 3 months. It is tough in the beginning but once your clothes start falling off, it is well worth it!!
  • I feel the same way. And going threw the same thing. I haven't lost anymore since the first 2 weeks I started. Today I hit the 4 week mark and if that 5 Week estimate was correct I would be at 10 lbs loss.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I too am one of the ones who like it. It's encouraging to know if I stay the course of keeping my calories in check and my exercise going that I WILL continue to make progress. And when I eat over my calorie intake by what seems "just a little bit", it reminds me that if I keep that up, then I will be right back where I started. So I find it not only motivating, but a good way to keep me in check and reminded of how little each day it took to get me to where I started at on this journey.

    Same here - keeps the little devils and angels on my shoulders busy!
  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
  • jamm2000
    jamm2000 Posts: 79
    For some odd reason I find it hilariously encouraging. I know perfectly well that every day wont be exactly the same but it just gives me hope that if I do my best I'll lose the weight.