

  • vkc1978
    vkc1978 Posts: 63 Member
    @pamelalk, i cant speak for everyone but i know that Im most tired in the weeks that i dont work out. Like if i excercise on Sunday, i have more energy on Monday, and so im more active. Maybe just force yourself to go for a walk each night for a week and see if next week you dont feel better. dont give yourself the option of not going, just get up and go
  • This can be a very frustrating journey, that's for sure. But great people like the ones on here can give great support and keep you motivated! Feel free to add me if you'd like =)
  • brihogg
    brihogg Posts: 1
    only being doing this for three weeks so its early days for me but ive lost 10lbs and what i do is give myself something to look forward to as a treat .it may be a night out or a take away .it sounds daft but if your good all week i feel you deserve a treat .it works for me anyway give it a go .
  • kenya5869
    kenya5869 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I have been on again off again for years. I sign up for weight watchers the quit, track my food then stop. I know what I should be doing but lack the motivation to do so. My goal is to lose 50 pounds. I am taking it one day at a time. I am starting Yoga and walking on a treadmill. My goal for March is to track my food everyday and stay within my daily calorie limit and see how much I lose this month from doing that. I would be happy to be friends with anyone - and we could support and motivate one another! Good Luck !:happy:

  • I just started this today. Still learning the ropes.. I am young and looking to lose at least 20-30 pounds. I could use some encouragment and advice!
  • Becoming_Palm
    Becoming_Palm Posts: 30 Member
    Everyone goes through their ups and downs throughout life. It happens, its what you do after those bumps that determines your end result. You just have to pick yourself up, and keep moving. Find something that is dear to your heart/or hurts your heart and use it as motivation, so you can see the finish line of your own race. Control your mind, control your outcome. You MUST have an end goal in mind, including mini goals to keep that fire going. You MUST see it, AND believe it. For those who have faith and believe in God and for those who do not...this message still is the same. Prov 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish..." Without the vision of your goal..maybe its a pair of jeans you want to wear, or an outfit you want to buy. Maybe its going to an amusement park and riding the rides, or going to the beach for the first time. See yourself there, see yourself doing these things. It is not always in the scale or the mirror that you need to see your goals..Visualize it and see it come to pass. Set your mind and your heart to it and and go through the rain and storms and the sunshines. When you need some shoulders to lean on, your MFP friends are there to lend you that helping hand. Beleive me I know. You can succeed and will succeed, just dont give in or give up. You can do this! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • luckyinlove2
    luckyinlove2 Posts: 66 Member
    I am going to approach you a different way. I am guessing that you have posted something similar to this in the past and these are the same answers you got maybe something new....

    You have to want this. You have to want it more than anything else you have ever wanted in your life. If not, then you will fail....-again-. When you wake up, the first thing you have to want is a healthier you. The last thing you think about when you go to sleep at night has to be a healthier you. If those aren't the first and last thoughts in your mind, then you will fail. If all you do is make excuses for yourself instead of getting out and going for a 30 minute walk a day, then you will fail.

    But, if you are willing to sacrifice that cupcake, or that mid-day soap opera, so that the healthier, skinnier you can shine...then you will succeed. If you are willing to wake-up an hour earlier so you can get in that 30 minute bike ride at the gym, then you will succeed.
    Loved this post! Best thing I keep in my mind is that where my thoughts are my attitude and my body go. So we all need to keep telling ourselves that we are able to lost the weight we want to lost. No negative thoughts about being unhealthy or a failure. Only positive thoughts: " I am becoming healthy." "I am succeeding at weight loss."
  • kimmyrn42
    kimmyrn42 Posts: 30
    I completely understand where you are coming from. I agree with short term goals. Mine is to work out for thirty minutes three times this week. When I hit that goal I will create another. Is it gonna be difficult? Oh yes...will it be worth it? Oh yes...