How can I stop eating so much?

How can I stop eating so much?
So this weekend there were some change of plans of transportation so I was forced to take the trip with my friend and her family. And for 3 days, every single meal we ate at fast food places like Hardee's, Wendy's, McDonald's, deep dish pizza joints! And the car was filled with snacks like Oreos, and I couldn't help but join in.... And I swore when I came back I would go back to my regular eating habits, but it's just so hard now! Any help?

I'm usually very good with my eating, but I feel like reaching for a snack every five minutes.


  • chefbubba1303
    chefbubba1303 Posts: 13 Member
    I try and keep a bottle of water handy. That tends to tide the hunger for me.
  • Daveb1355
    Daveb1355 Posts: 42 Member
    How about trying to separate yourself from the food as much as possible? Go through your house and clean out the junk, get some healthy snacks to have close by for when the urge to snack hits. Schedule in some walks, which will help by burning off some of the fat, plus keeps you away from reaching for something bad to eat!

    Also, try to pre-enter your meals into your tracker. That way if you feel like snacking, you can remind yourself that you are scheduled to eat _____ in ____ more minutes.

    I know that when my willpower is weak, the best way is to make sure I have no junk to grab for. Throw is all out!
  • Kind of hard to just throw everything out! I live with my parents and my little sister that is in the phase where she is learning that ATM she can eat whatever she wants and not gain a pound yet.

    My whole family is pretty passionate about foods.
  • ladyjhia
    ladyjhia Posts: 2
    It may take a few days for your body to readjust to the less processed non-fast foods. Those foods have many, many additives that can mess around with your body chemistry in unpredictable ways. Keep drinking the water, and try to make any snacks you do indulge in healthier choices like fruit, some raw veggies or even some cheese. You will get back on track!
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    It's hard to "detox" sometimes. Your body is craving all the fat, sugar, and sodium, so it's time to break the cycle. I had to do this after Christmas. When you do feel like snacking, go ahead and snack, but pick healthier things. Sometimes, if you want something sugary or salty, you're simply going to have to say NO and be firm with yourself, even if it means going for a walk or distracting yourself.

    Eventually, your body will stop the cravings, and you'll be able to eat like you did before the trip. It always takes me about 2-3 days to get rid of the cravings and get back to normal. It's gotten to the point where I bring my own snacks and pick the healthiest thing on the menu if I'm in a situation like that because I hate feeling like crap and feeling hungry every hour when I get home.
  • I agree with Dave. I plan my entire day (snacks and all) after I wake up and weigh myself. I make sure that I eat six times a day and drink plenty of water. You can flavor your water with zero calorie sweeteners to help with if you have a sweet craving. Another trick I do is to freeze Gogurts and have one for a snack when I feel like ice cream. Having a daily plan is the best route to go! That way you are not just aimlessly eating random foods. Also, get up and get out of the house and get moving when boredom and hunger pangs strike. Good luck to you!!!
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Put the junk food in a place that's hard to get to it but you can still get to it to occasionally treat yourself. Also, measure out your portions before eating and then put the food away to keep from going for seconds.
    A good trick I use is I weigh and measure out whatever the portion is, and I put it on a small plate-That way it visually looks like I'm eating more, when in fact am eating a single portion.
    Thinking I'm eating more (even when I'm not!) keeps the fat girl in me quite happy.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    Chew mint gum...that helps me on Mondays. lol
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    You can flavor your water with zero calorie sweeteners to help with if you have a sweet craving.

    Good point. I forgot about this trick. Any time I crave sugary food, I drink Crystal Light. It gets rid of my sugar craving every single time; plus, it means you're drinking water. It's a win-win. :)
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Hate to break it to you but it's supposed to be hard.

    Exercise self control.

    With time it gets easier.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Ugh breaking the cycle thats some hard stuff there. One meal and it put me back into the cycle. I had to end up going to bed early because thats when I would binge at night.

    Find something to distract, change your mindset. Food "detox" is never fun.
  • RingSize8
    RingSize8 Posts: 175 Member
    Hate to break it to you but it's supposed to be hard.

    Exercise self control.

    With time it gets easier.

    ...exactly. Also, I would say take some personal responsibility about the choices you made. You didn't HAVE to eat all that stuff, and if you continue to think like that, this situation will continue to happen. We all get put into sticky situations, but not all of us give up on what we really want for what's convenient, or what we want right then. If this ever happens again, pack your own healthy snacks to take. Have a conversation with the people you're traveling with about how you don't want to eat crap the whole time. Make your own way. You are going to constantly find yourself in situations where it's way easier to say "I'll go back on my diet on Monday", but why not just consider this a lifestyle change instead of a diet, figure out a way to make it work within your calories/macros, and not have to regret it? I hope this doesn't come off as more critical than constructive, but I'm pretty sure everyone who has tried to lose weight has been where you're at right now, and knows that kind of thinking generally doesn't work, because you end up where you are currently, unable to get back on track. Consistency is key. If throwing away all the junk food in your house is going to get you back on track right now, great, do it - but then start considering how you can stay on track in the future.
  • rougecrayon
    rougecrayon Posts: 100
    I am currently on Prednisone which is a drug that makes me CRAVE food constantly.

    Just eat better foods with less calories and you can eat more of it. Cut out the ranch, and eat 4x the veggies. Things like that.

    You already are counting calories (I assume since you are on here) so you know what you can eat without racking too many calories up. If you want to eat constantly, it can be done with the right foods. Make sure you are getting enough of each macro though!